RIP Kimbo

RIP Kimbo


Rip muhamad

I actually will never forget the day I came home from high school and literally watched him punch someone's eye out. Fucking classic. He might have been black but he was entertaining.

Not politics

rip priness

RIP Debo


will kimbo go to heaven or hell?

RIP Harambe


I guess I'm going to get raped in the afterlife.


Yeah right

RIP in slices.


Nigger Hell, which is different from regular Hell.


>nigger family goes to zoo
>neglect child
>child falls into pit with expensive endangered animal
>gorilla doesn't chimp out and acts better than many niggers
>gets shot at the expense of the zoo
niggers causing property damage
what a surprise


isn't that basically a job fair?

Been a back week for apes


ikr the monkey kills it for me every time x]

Damn, he died of heart failure at 42? He wasnt an addict was he? Or was it just because he is a giant and human hearts can only maintain so much.


Really? YES. I wont look it up, i'll just believe you and assume it is true thanks.

