What percentage of Berniefags do you think will come around to vote Trump? Or will they all just commit seppuku?
What percentage of Berniefags do you think will come around to vote Trump? Or will they all just commit seppuku?
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They'll come.
Depends on how much money they have for weed after all the donations.
a minimal amount.
trump is going to lose the election and anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves.
triggered my mcdonalds addiction thx op (not thx)
If you don't count votes by illegal aliens and the dead Trump will win by a landslide.
I'll vote for him. I want to see it all go to Hell. Trump could speed things up.
A great destruction is exactly what the US needs. A bit like how a fire benefits a forest,
I really wanted to make every spoiled little child on pol and the_donald angry so even though i think trump is better out of hillary and him i would vote hillary 10000 times just to see pol get BTFO
>What percentage of Berniefags do you think will come around to vote Trump?
Why would someone support a socialist and than support a racist fascist.
It may surprise you but a lot of Berniefags hate Hilary waaaay more than Trump
>It may surprise you but a lot of Berniefags hate Hilary waaaay more than Trump
Real talk now
You know that Trump is going to loose, do you?
Here it seems that Bernie/Hillary have a lot of suport
Do you get some kind of pleasure through shitposting? Do you go back to where ever you came from and gloat about it? I just dont get it...
Fascism is socialist, and Trump is neither.
Lets be honest, less than 10%. Hyping up Jill Stein to take his place is the answer.
>Fascism is socialist, and Trump is neither.
Trump doesn't believe in climate change, Sanders said it's the world's biggest threat.
Your move faglord.
that wasnt a shitpost. do you get some kind of pleasure from being stupid? I just dont get it....
You're clueless about politics.
>Hyping up Jill Stein to take his place is the answer.
10% of the vote will go to Gary Johnson from Republicans who don't view Trump as a fiscal conservative.
>You're clueless about politics.
Anthropogenic global warming is a psuedoscientific religious cult.
>Anthropogenic global warming is a psuedoscientific religious cult.
Hahaha your a fucking Exxon shill and religious freak,
You are an idiot if you think things are so black and white. Trump is neither a fascist nor a racist. People with half a brain realize this. Many Sanders supporters would rather vote Trump over Hilary.
>Trump is neither a fascist nor a racist.
Bernie supporters shouldn't vote at all if Their golden boy drops out.
But they will vote, and they will vote hillary. Thus showing the world what spineless pussies they really are.
It's called science. Try learning it sometime.
>Many Sanders supporters would rather vote Trump over Hilary.
Literally there are none and you are retarded if you think this way.
I am not even a Trump supporter but there is nothing about Trump that is racist or fascist. Prove me wrong. Go on. How is he either?
>It's called science.
Is that why 97% of the world's scientists believe in the science of climate change?
When you pollute the air, green house gases go up and heats the planet you uneducated homo faggot.
>but there is nothing about Trump that is racist or fascist.
Firstly, that "97%" is complete horseshit.
Secondly, humans have no effect on climate.
Oy vei good goyim keep believing pushed agendas, cherry picked research and meticulously construed data sets
>Is that why 97% of the world's scientists believe in the science of climate change?
Ignorant pleb spotted
That 97% meme came from a study where most scientists didn't conclude. Of the small amount that did, 97% said yes. Besides that 90% of the surveys were thrown out. It's cherry picked garbage.
>Firstly, that "97%" is complete horseshit.
Where is your source to back up that 97% of the world's scientists don't believe in climate change?
>Avoiding the question
FYI I am Arabic and although I don't like Trump, nothing he has said or done is racist or fascist.
>Secondly, humans have no effect on climate.
I didn't know you were a scientists user. Where is your peer reviewed evidence to back this up? I'm waiting....
getting rekt by a fucking leaf. Truly you are a sad person.
don't forget the 97%
>he has said or done is racist or fascist.
Attacked a judge for being Mexican. Said he support concentration camps, banning Muslims, kill family members of ISIS, invade a shit ton of countries.
If he isn't a racist or fascist, I don't know what is.
And please spare me the shooting the messenger logical fallacy.
Trump =nationalist
This guy is going all out.
They won't. Clinton will choose Elizabeth Warren as vp and they will all snap their fingers applauding how progressive they are.
The largest group will abstain altogether.
Some (hardly any) will go third party.
Where the rest go depends on how effectively each party can make their candidate look like the lesser of two evils.
>And please spare me the shooting the messenger logical fallacy.
Most will go back to not giving a shit and not vote at all, a sizeable portion will vote "not Clinton" out of spite.
Most of these things are taken out of context. For instance.
>Banning Muslims
Bullshit. He does not want to ban Muslims. He wants to put a temporary hold on Muslims immigrating into the USA until he can find out who they are. Because of the prevalence of Islamic terrorism in the last few years it is completely justifiable. Secondly Muslims are not a race, they are a religion, fucking idiot.
>Kill family members of Isis
Good. I as I said, I am Arabic and I would totally support this. It is not racist, it is an eye for an eye.
>Invade shit ton of countries
Never heard about this. Direct links to video saying he will invade said countries please
>Concentration camps
Links? I have never heard about this.
You seem like a total fucking moron.
>Let me post extreme far right wing websites that have been proven to be bullshit and pretend like it backs up my claim
The second question is what chance is there of getting Bernie to run third party?
Is that within Kek's power?
And independent Bernie would be a stake through Clinton's evil heart.
>Just posting bait images and greentexting
But isn't your existence a shitpost?
>Well, you might have an article that proves me wrong, but if its so, Why is this same article not on Salon.com?
>Haha, guess i win again
I have some news for you. 'Extreme right-wing' websites are the only people writing the objective truth these days.
Research and polling was done by ABC and Washington News. Take 6 seconds to scan the article, fag.
>Makes a statement without facts to back it up
>Claims the burden of proof is on others
Nignog, what?
>Most of these things are taken out of context.
Guess there are two Donald Trump's than you fucking faggot.
>Bullshit. He does not want to ban Muslims. He wants to put a temporary hold on Muslims immigrating into the USA until he can find out who they are. Because of the prevalence of Islamic terrorism in the last few years it is completely justifiable. Secondly Muslims are not a race, they are a religion, fucking idiot.
He's talking about a specific group of people from a specific area. And that ban is on ALL muslims. It's racist.
>Good. I as I said, I am Arabic and I would totally support this. It is not racist, it is an eye for an eye.
>Never heard about this.
Google Trump US troops Iraq / Syria. Threats to invade Iran over Saudi Arabia.
>Links? I have never heard about this.
Back to salon.com
>'Extreme right-wing' websites are the only people writing the objective truth these days.
I bet you listen to Alex Jones and Glenn Beck all day as well. This is why right-wingers are so brainwashed. They only get their news in their conservative bubble.
Hes taking your job straya... YOUR JOB...
>Paid shill detected
>Attacked a judge for being mexican
A judge with connections to La Raza isn't biased?
>Concentration camps for muslims
When did he say that? I know Trump said Muslims should be put in a database, but never in concentration camps.
>Kill the family of ISIS
Aiding and abetting a criminal is a crime.
>Invades a shit ton of countries.
No, that would be Hillary.
He is no friend of liberty at all! Distance yourself from backing him! He is an agent of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers! He is controlled opposition!
Amerikkka, Trump is not your great white hope!
>It's racist
Repeating it doesn't make it true. It's good sense, is what it is.
If it's over 15% Trump has already won the race.
Totally thinking about it. I don't like Trump, and his voters are annoying but if the other option is Hillary I might have to go with him.
>A judge with connections to La Raza isn't biased?
No it's literally because he's a Mexican. He's a Mexican so he's bias. He flat out says he's a racist, and so does the GOP leadership, but they will still vote for an outright George Wallace racist like Drumpf.
The buttblast is tangible
>What percentage of Berniefags do you think will come around to vote Trump?
Or will they all just commit seppuku?
No, but I figure at least 30% of them will refrain from voting.
He's a Mexican with connection to Mexican-supremacist organizations. He IS biased.
And yes, we will vote for Trump. He's not a criminal like Hillary Clinton, and unlike Bernie "Bread Lines" Sanders, he didn't get his teeth smashed out by the American public.
Are you mad that this is so open-shut for everyone who isn't a retard? Trump is the only candidate.
>racist fascist
>Implying these things are mutually-exclusive
>Huffpo lost a columnist.
"he's over heeeere..."
>That ban is on all Muslims
No it isn't. It's only temporarily on incoming immigrants.
ISIS have raped, murdered and tortured innocent families. It is perfectly acceptable for them to be given a taste of their own medicine. International law is irrelevant because "internal law" is created by globalists.
Talk is cheap. Putin would never allow him to invade Iran.
>“I would have had to be there at the time to tell you, to give you a proper answer,”
>It's a tough thing
This is pretty justifiable. Why are you getting your panties in a bunch? Rounding up the enemy is totally understandable. Stop being such a fucking fairy
>He's a Mexican with connection to Mexican-supremacist organizations. He IS biased.
You seriously have to fuck off back to Rush Limbaugh or stormfront. He was appointed by a REPUBLICAN governor. You sound like a ragging faggot who is trying to justify your candidates overt racism and white nationalism.
The fact all you faggots on Sup Forums support him proves he's a hardcore racist.
Trump poorly versed himself when explaining but he gets the whole idea out there. Don't just stop at "he's Mexican".
He accuses the judge of having a conflict of interest seeing as he is associated with an ethnic nationalist group that is very much against what he's running for.
If a mexican judge in La Raza isn't biased. Then a white judge in the Aryan Nation isn't biased either. You can't have it both ways.
LOL sure.
He said he was too biased because he was a Mexican with connection to La Raza. It's called having a conflict of interest.
>Stop being such a fucking fairy
>He was appointed by a REPUBLICAN governor.
What's your point?
Republicans are incapable of assigning biased judges?
You fucking retard.
>If a mexican judge in La Raza isn't biased.
I cant understand what you're saying with George Soros' dick in your mouth.
>captchca: Pasta
You are so arrogant. America is already a police state. And like I said, I am not a Trump supporter. I am an Arab who leans more to the left. I just objectively observe the media and the retards like you who cry until they get their way. The new lib left is a joke.
There are no facts in politifact. It's a commie propaganda site.
>I cant understand what you're saying with George Soros' dick in your mouth.
And what does Sheldon Adelson's cock taste like you little shit?
>There are no facts in politifact. It's a commie propaganda site.
>The LRLA has absolutely nothing at all in common with the NCLR
You're brainwashed. Just what the hell do you think the goals of the LRLA is, you ginormous faggot?
>America is already a police state.
Clinton cheated in California.
You tell me, you "ragging faggot".
I think most of them will stay home or vote 3rd party. I have seen one post on my wife's facebook from a faggot berniebot telling people trump and cunt are terrible and that they should vote 3rd party.
yes, berniefucks, please do.
You respond so fast, lol. I can just imagine yo sweating and getting all worked up over internet politics. christ you are a joke.
You're either a troll or a retard.
Thank you for contributing to this thread user, my sides are fucking crippled, ive never seen autism this strong in the wild