97% of Chinese say "no" to refugees


1. Country?
2. Is China correct?

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Nazis, nazis

Fucking heartless bastards. We and the Swedish homies will be taking even more if they don't want to be real humans and do their part.

absolutely inhuman

but seriously they have no obligation and have absolutely nothing to do with any of the geopolitics in the area.

Jokes aside, who the fuck are western liberals trying to impress? The rest of the world is laughing at them.

What the fuck is that source

Anyway of course they're right. Liberal democracy was a mistake.

Yes, they are correct.

the country that made it a law that families could only have one child to keep population levels down, doesn't want to take in more people.

Really made me think...

Fake news. Those are just Sicilians riding a ferry

One child policy has been phased out



>Some 97 per cent of respondents in an online poll involving 150,000 mainlanders said “no” to refugees

A decent source.

Actually, the CCP is pro-refugee relative to the Chinese citizenry.

>Chinese government doing what is best for the Chinese people

Woah, what a novel concept. I wish Western governments could do this.

>North Koreans are sometimes repatriated to their country of origin.

Topkek the chinks really are subhuman. May god have mercy on our souls if these animals become a superpower.

Why do they always hate southern italians?

Here is source.
>do you want China to accept refugees

Asians are heartless, but generally very smart.

Maybe they have a point.

Western countries have the best ideals and values.

Why shouldn't we accept refugees?

I don't want pol tier low iQ arguments.

No set of morals can be thought superior which leads to the voluntary self destruction of its followers.

Refugees have low IQs.

Your post suggest westerners also have low iQ

they savages
short heda
culture of kill

Real talk though, most of the refugees are not even fleeing active warzones. They come from places like Bangladesh and Nigeria under the false impression that they will live like kings in Europe. We are under no obligation to allow these people in; what's more, their presence is harmful to the morale of the native working class and even their children do not properly integrate. These alien ethnic elements will become a fifth column in short order considering their fecundity: just look at the way Kurds are outbreeding Turks in Turkey, or the way Han Chinese are displacing Tibetans demographically. And all of this is to say nothing of undesirable gene flow into the native population from foreign elements.

haha yeah no actually it doesn't sweetie xx

Yes such as being pretentious and smug scumbags

Not being able to see why I said it. I specifically asked for no pol tier arguments and he mentions iQ...

You guys really are daft.

If you refuse to even entertain certain claims out of your sensitivity to their content, why should we engage with you in good faith?

My post was a blunder. Apologies my friends. You too Mr Germany.

Back to your shitty board Sup Forumstard stupid americrap

basically, east asians assume the middle east conflicts are the west's fault

t. oppressor of Americanos centrales

Why the fuck mods dont ban Sup Forumstards threads like this? They are ruining Sup Forums

this cant be a decent poll/survey

im sure more than 90% of those are chink alt-rights aka 憤青

1. Mods don't give a fuck

2. Blow me, I am the Sup Forums now

they lower the HDI of any country they enter thats not an african shithole

>le Sup Forums amiright
haha ebin XD

>why wouldnt you want unskilled workers in a country where there is unemployment

gee i dont know let me think

>who the fuck are western liberals trying to impress?
Their own little echo chamber.

>The rest of the world is laughing at them.
I don't know about your lefties, but ours consider the rest of the world to be little more than children, incapable of independent thought or even surviving without our help. They certainly don't care what the unfortunate primitives think. Furthermore, they are convinced that once a foreigner is introduced to the gospel, they will immediately cast off their own barbaric ways and adopt the one true faith of progressive feminist leftism as it is impossible for any informed person who is not literally Hitler to think any other way.

A lot of Nation aren't though because they have the same issue but much much worse despite European bitching and moaning.

>. And all of this is to say nothing of undesirable gene flow into the native population from foreign elements.

You honest to God think they'll turn white countries non-white? I bet you honestly think Hawaii/The Americas instances would actually happen in this day and age lol

>his country got tricked into taking ""refugees""
my sides

It's already happening. The majority of newborns in the Paris canton of France are of non-European descent, for example.

Most refugees are darkies. Darkies have low IQ.

China isn't plagued by political correctness. And are therefore able to make rational decisions.

I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords.

*Have at least one immigrant parent which doesn't equals non-european as there are many European immigrants in Paris.

Holy shit a retard as big as you is a rare experience

Yes and all of their diaspora should also go back.

do you have any substance for your claim other than the obvious fact that he is american

it's don't

How does it feel knowing you have no power over this?

All intellectuals and elites support refugees and the poor are too apathetic and fatigued to do anything about it.

in the end it got 180k people to participate, and 97.5% of them voted no.

On top of that, it is common for those who voted yes to have a mentality of "muslime rapefugees are gonna royally fuck this country up, this is superb since i hate this country so much"

Verily I say unto you, if you wish to see white birthrates return to sustainable levels, you must submit to the will of Allah

Is this your source? Lol
Less than 10 years of political correctness and he wants to become China's little slave as if he thinks China cares about anyone but themselves

Like Italians, Portuguese, Spanish etc.
Also Paris doesn't gather stats like a lot of places that don't because gathering stats by RACE is not the norm (America it's a mix kinda). Most do it by language or ethnic origin and the big factor why people pushing for race stats may have it backfired if it doesn't tell any new alarmist info (immigrants go to cities big woop) or their point they try to seek out is not what the data shows.

They rarely assimilate and create hives of their culture (that is usually the problem to begin with). Many lack the skills/education to achieve more than poverty which leads to them being financial burdens (probably furthering being seen as outsiders). It would be easier if they just went to countries with similar cultures or you know maybe fought if they had such a problem.

Also, they never go back whenever said shit fest ends. In WW1 Britain took in a lot of Belgian refugees and at the end if the war sent them all home. I think refugees would be more acceptable if that was the deal and countries that accepted them tried to end the wars or dictatorships as fast as possible. However, that will never happen.

Also, if you want examples of refugees fucking up the country that took them in Lebanon is a good example. For a more ancient example I'd point to Rome and the Goths.

>I specifically asked for no pol tier arguments and he mentions iQ...
Sup Forums uses it for their view but it doesn't make it false. You can't ignore facts backed up by data because you don't like what they could imply. If you do you're just as bad as Sup Forumstards.

>You honest to God think they'll turn white countries non-white? I bet you honestly think Hawaii/The Americas instances would actually happen in this day and age lol
Not him and I don't agree with all of his points but look at the U.S. and Canada of all countries.

>Also, they never go back whenever said shit fest ends. In WW1 Britain took in a lot of Belgian refugees and at the end if the war sent them all home. I think refugees would be more acceptable if that was the deal and countries that accepted them tried to end the wars or dictatorships as fast as possible. However, that will never happen.

Because that war was short you dumb nigger. Many people who come as refuge's and settle in the new nation when the long war DOES end they can't go back so easily because they set down roots and many have kids who are were born in the new land that never saw their parents home. This isn't mentioning the people who have nothing left to return to or married a local. I'm pretty sure Jews who escaped to South Africa in WW2 would put "return home" very low in their list of their priorities.

Rome didn't even fucking fall because of refugees at all who do you even reach that leap of logic?

the overwhelming majority of migrants are not actual refugees. The places they come from are mostly safe. Those coming from africa for instance are not coming from active warzones at all and are instead coming entirely for economic reasons. It is not any countries responsibility to take in millions of unskilled people of which the vast majority will stay on welfare for their entire lives. If they were in true danger back in their home countries things would be different but for the overwhelming majority this simply isnt the case.

Not saying that I probably wouldn't do the same thing in their situation but that isnt a good enough justification to harm your own countries wellbeing so much

Good for China. I cant wait for the Asian century to get into full swing. With the west done for good, and no hooe in sight, only places like China and Japan will be safe.

>Because that war was short you dumb nigger. Many people who come as refuge's and settle in the new nation when the long war DOES end they can't go back so easily because they set down roots and many have kids who are were born in the new land that never saw their parents home. This isn't mentioning the people who have nothing left to return to or married a local.
Gee I wonder why the world wars were short and now they drag on? It may have to do with the west half assing everything. We literally instead if dropping the hammer and finishing a war quickly dick around and it drags on and on.

>I'm pretty sure Jews who escaped to South Africa in WW2 would put "return home" very low in their list of their priorities.
No they came to places like here (I know one) or to Israel

>Rome didn't even fucking fall because of refugees at all who do you even reach that leap of logic?
Where did I say that genius? I'm referring to this
where refugees of the Huns started a war and killed a Roman Emperor. Even after peace the fallout led to
So tell me how these refugees benefited Rome.

Actually the way sickle cell testing works in France is they test the newborns if they have at least one parent from an area considered 'at risk' (i.e. the ME and Africa). Non-French yuros, Asians, Indians, etc newborns are not tested.

Yes, it's pretty sad when the "free world" is more brainwashed than a totalitarian commie country but such is the world rn.