Is America even a first world country? This shithole is so disgusting it's looks more like India. They can barely speak English they are dumb, fat, and the average IQ is 65 just like Africa's average IQ.
Is America even a first world country? This shithole is so disgusting it's looks more like India...
lol who are you?
99% of our population has never even thought of your country
every time I mention a foreign country awkward silence ensues as just the mentioning of your nation has degraded the conversation
there is a good chance your culture revolves around american movies, music, and tv, while we couldn't give a shit about anything you put out
when a foreigner is present everyone treats him like the cute little animal he is for being so awkward and generally inferior
>aww what a cute little guy, mumbling something about how america needs to "join the rest of the world" on some stupid policy
residents of non-america amass to awkwardly squeal about how inferior america is, desperately trying to get its attention
it frankly doesn't give a shit and they all just keep jacking eachother off to how shit america is to them
their countries are burned to the ground by muslims but hey lol america sucks
60% you fat burger clapper
Good stay way Kraut cuck or tanned german. Stay in Germanistan and stay irrelevant.
but muh eternal Anglo
wow is that some fresh maymay from 9gag?
wow this thread is pretty damn dead, I think we bullied kraut chan to death
>lol who are you?
>99% of our population has never even thought of your country
>every time I mention a foreign country awkward silence ensues as just the mentioning of your nation has degraded the conversation
that's because you dumb yanks don't know where said country is, the long silence comes from you idiots having to actually think and that's a massive problem for burger brains
Sage irrelevant Europoor's opinion on America threads
Please stop I'm jealous of your great great country :^)
in the near future white yanks will become more and more like the dindus
>we wuz white n sheiiiit
>losing a world war twice
Daily reminder the only good and relevant German country is the US
Remember white 5 years olds are already a minority but "muuh weapons will defend us against a invasion"
Nope burgerland is a Mexican country
wait until Hillary becomes president and takes their "freedoms" away. a once great nation, fallen to dindus
Realtalk and all memes aside
How long until you're in the same spot? It's taken us 150 years to get here, and this is with Niggers we have been trying to domesticate for 300 years, but both of your countries are the path to complete suicide
We're a minority to niggers that grow up in America and have lived in America for hundreds of years, you both are going to be a minority to millions of fresh off the boat or first generation Muslim Arabs
In all honesty we should all be weeping instead of trying to laugh at eachother to make ourselves feel better, or be angry at the genocide committed against us
I see what you are trying to do but you are using the wrong denotation. First word country means that the country was aligned with america in NATO against communism. Second world nations were the communist ones. Third world nation was everyone else including Sweden because we were neutral and refused to join NATO despite being anti communist.
Get your facts right German-bro.
>99% of our population has never even thought of your country
Bullshit. Americans are infatuated with WWII, and the Germans. What do you think the majority of the topics on Sup Forums are about. In your dream you wish you can suck a German dick.
I know but the Cold War is over man
I honestly haven't seen any refugees here, fair enough poles, and other east Europeans came a few years ago, at least they can pass for whites and their kids integrate, and a majority of the adults
there's fuck all nigs and I could probably count the number of sand people I've seen in the last 5 years on one hand
Right wing is rising all over Europe we will get a change in the future. Your country on the other hand is fallen, trump will never win and Hillary will import more shitskins so you will never have a chance again to get a republican president
>highest prison population
highest 1st world country population
>for-profit prisons
are responsible for 5% of prisoners
>highest obesity rate in le world meme
except it isnt, and resource abundance isnt bad
>shitty architecture
arent you living in brick houses like its the god damn dark ages?
>some americans are christians
woah no way
>death penalty :(((((((((
why spent thousands keeping worthless criminals alive
>highest wealth pay inequality in the developed world
except it isnt
>growing pay gap and stagnant worker wages
are a myth, been disproved for a long time
not even gonnna finish this retard kraut list of stupid shit, if success breeds envy, then we must be very VERY successful to produce this garbage
What i mean is by definition they will always be a first world country. On the other I agree with your overall sentiment. America is an under developed hole of degeneracy. Then again most of Europe is speeding in the same direction.
At least we have the memes to brighten our day.
So you're both in complete delusion to your situation
I see. Okay.
>trump will never win
>Trump won run for presidency
>Trump cant beat the other candidates
>Trump wont win a state
>Trump cant get to 1237 delegates
>Trump cant beat cruz and kasich
>Trump cant beat the GOP
>Trump can't unite the party
>Trump will never win
>iz habbening here so must be habbening everywhere becuz we heard it and who'd tell lies to make our bitterness easier to swallow
>america 2050 we wuz white and sheiiit
I agree he's surpassed our wildest odds, but I am 100% expecting a Clinton 2 term presidency.
Am I just cynical and bitter?
Can the God Emperor truly pull through?
that's right everything is fine. nothing bad is happening in your Utopian Irish paradise.
here you burger clap friend, if trump wins I will an hero live on cam, streaming live for you Sup Forumstards
when he loses, you know he will, you must an hero on cam for us, do it in blackface to show your support for nigs taking over
You're a shithole get over it. And now go and suck your Jewish masters cock.
lol you criticize us when your obesity levels are as close as ours as can be
as for barely speaking English? Maybe, but at least we won't be learning Turkish anytime soon
for the rest you better check your facts and fuck off back to 9gag Eurotrash
>americans are so lazy they copy paste posts, eg this
is copied from here
>EU flag like it's a good thing
oh and WE'RE the Jews. Okay. Sure. Truly the EU is a paragon of right wing nationalism and will save all of Europe from a dark future of white genocide.
it's good copypasta to get some fresh asspain going
I don't have a doubt in my mind that he will win.
Solid blue states are already polling and showing that trump is either catching up or tied with Hillary, and once she starts losing in the polls, she cant get back up. Even liberal news outlets and Hillary herself are playing the defensive game of 'Trump will win if we dont do this...!'
I honestly was worried Trump wouldn't get the nomination or that he would have to go up against the gibsmedat king, but now that the Trump vs Hillary general is solid, its going to be smooth sailing to the white house.
You should have just killed yourself already for being irish
Europa (700 million) is dying because of 5 million illegals but burger clappers (320 million) are doing fine with over 10 million undocumented people + all your millions and millions of legal niggers and mexishits :^)
ITT jealous because we don't have 1000 Muslim rape gangs prowling around bus stations :-)
>You should have just killed yourself already
That would be a wise thing to do as being American
For real? >as for barely speaking English? Maybe
Wie gehts
Literally known for good internet connection and that's it. Funny thing too is I only know that because of that one twitter post from bernie.
most Americans have German ancestors, contrary to what people think
he's just you grandpa
respect him, you filthy mouth
Shut up germ, the EU is crumbling, Swexit please. This opinion is backed by several major parties in Sweden.
but then your great great great great great great great great grandfather would have been sad to see another Irish passing
hell you'd probably be mourning too once your "Irish heritage" kicked in
If they keep coming at the current rate you'll have a lot more soon senpai
and Mexicans are a far different breed than Muslim Arabs/Africans
Not even saying we're doing amazing, but trying to act like because your ship is sinking slower you're superior is damn stupid
hey we do have feelings you know
For food
Alles gut bei mir und wie geht es dir?
>Right wing is rising all over Europe we will get a change in the future
No you won't
Why do any of you fuckers have any hope for the future? Can't you see that the world is doomed? Yet we all still get on this piece of shit website and pretend our country's not so bad because others have it worse? It's fucking stupid and pathetic
I get why you're butthurt, you live in an infested Muslim country with a deteriorating social construct. If your poor attempt at bashing the US gets you hard then go for it pencil dick.
Fact is, my country is wealthier and more successful than yours, get over it.
EU is shit sure man but Europa is great. Gexit in some years with the AFD... I can't wait for it.
I'm in Texas and all of this reads like propaganda. Is the rest of the country really this awful or are jealous yurops making shit up again?
Mir geht's gut danke
>my country is wealthier
Maybe if food was worth the same as gold
If they keep coming we will get a lot of hitlers all over Europe in the future.
You have a much higher chance of dying from obesity than getting raped by a muslim you dumb burger.
Lol look up the definition of wealth. That is, if your dial-up connection let's you Europoor
Minnesota here. Everybody is either overweight or a sandnigger.
Lol american is too stupid to know we have the fastest internet in the word
Even Justin Trudeau is bashing the fat fucks
Godspeed german-bro!
Chill out. I didn't even eat a burger today.
We have gun laws they don't.
You ate 5. Dumb spic
But tomorrow right?
You have shit in your streets, shut up you disgusting curry shitskin
I hope that trump will win and at least america will take it's first step in getting white again, if not then you should probably move, your'e welcomed here greatest ally!
Hopefully. If I'm not too tired to get out of bed. Unfortunately they don't deliver burgers here.
The only reason Germans don't have have shit of their streets is because Germans assholes are already clogged because of nigger and sandnigger cocks stucked in them.
I always find difficulty in distinguishing a public loo from Romania as both of them are equally shitty and disgusting.
Do you looks like this?
>jealous yurops
t. potato nigger
That must be 100% not a google image! If you could crawl back to your tent gypsy, people from prominent nations are speaking.
Don't talk to me again you filthy UNTERMENSCH
mad kraut detected
dont start these shit threads if you cant handle the bantz
No, but he looks like he's having a lot of fun :-)
We Indians can literally bathe in shit and we will be still looking a lot prettier than an average German.
>Sup Forums is 99% of america's population
oh, yeah, that makes sense
That's highly problematic how you talk to me. I like it.
thx will save pic^^
No matter hiw shitty my country is, or rather speaking, no matter how much American "study" says about how shitty india is, we dont have this rotting society where everyone solves the problem by guns.