Whats so wrong about liking a girl like this?

whats so wrong about liking a girl like this?

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>like this



Nothing, if someone is pretty to you go for it.


This is why I'll always know ours is the best continent.

> whats so wrong about liking a girl like this?
about half a pound of scrotum if you ask me

>Captain Winky



He has a dick, this is not a girl

>that stereotypical pedo on the left



>"Hey user-kun. When I tear-ass my feminine ballsack jiggles tee-hee"



Literally more gay and degenerate than just having an erotic relationship with cute boys (no homo)


Yeah but you see, what is the point of a male youth adapting the grotesque form of womanhood? It is not only contrary to purpose, but also a nonsensical adaption of an inferior, less beautiful aesthetic.

>the grotesque form of womanhood
>an inferior, less beautiful aesthetic.
who is the gay one again?


Doesn't necessarily have anything to do with eroticism, the male form is just objectively more beautiful (that is aesthetic) than a woman's.

thats not a girl, ausfriend

isn't she?

what a retard, holding up two contradicting things like that
trump shills who understand trump is an authoritarian are usually understandable and fairly reasonable, but the trump shills that pretend he isnt are just annoying as fuck

Found the problem.

Loving the baby rattle toy at the top there.

Learn to reply correctly fat piece of shit

>whats so wrong about liking a girl like this?
Nothing. She also has a super cute dick.

Nope, you can see a penis in the OP

is it problematic for you?

do you need some alone time in a space safe from such triggering traumatic imagery?

shhhhh kiwi

it's not a girl and no amount of you crying will change that

Well, I am 50 and I rather spend a night with this thing than any women in my age range.

> her

come on lad step up your game

Man, real hot trannies are so rare. Most of them look like faggy retarded dudes.
The ones you see on the internet are the perfect examples.
If I caught the attention of even a chick that looked that good, I would be spaghetti to get my dick in that regardless of where it has to go.

Just go to a shemale prostitue.
