Share your Abo encounter stories cunts

Share your Abo encounter stories cunts

>in Melbourne one night after a death metal show
>with a girl
>shes drunk as fuck and cant stand at the bus stop so we sit inside Maccas
>homeless abo walks in and asks me for money
>say no
>he gets angry and starts shouting at the girl for "laying on his bed" (she was laying down on the bench)
>spits at her and takes a swing at me but misses
>before i even get up he runs away yelling "Fucckin wite cunts!"

I wish I was making this up
What a meme race
Can they even breed with humans?

Other urls found in this thread:


Great movie desu senpai

Yeah, it is.

subscribing :^)

>on school trip to the city that lasts for a week, we go of in groups and do school stuff in groups
>my group makes friends with homeless aboriginal guy
>we hangout with him, actually pretty based
>next day my group is held back from starting for being cheeky cuntz
>cuck socialist teacher is yelling at us
>aboriginal friend sees us getting yelled at by teacher
>aboriginal friend we made starts yelling out and calling our teacher a cunt
>he comes up to teacher and says 'let them go you white dog'
>can see teacher freaking out because 'muh white guilt' so doesn't want to say anything back
>teacher doesn't no what to do and just stands there without saying anything
>we walk away with our new aboriginal friend all while he is yelling that our teacher is a 'white dog' and a 'dog cunt'
>teacher got culturally enriched

I have more if interested

But they elders wuz robbed n shiet

Holy fucking kek

Go on

Do they really look like that? That thing looks like a transition species between h.sapiens and an ape

Does letting them huff petrol calm them down or does it make them aggressive?

No sympathy for those that bear the mark of cain.

>Death metal
>Inebriated in public

Sounds like someone is low key degenerate

Did you guys know Australians call "Burger King" "Hungry Jack's"??
Lmao. FUCKING retards.

Dont listen to death metal anymore, only V A P E and Eurobeat
This was about 6 months ago
Also yeah I drink because living in this shitlib central makes life awful, dont care if its degenerate

After my interactions with them i've noticed that there if a direct correlation between how dumb/violent they are, and how pure abo they are:
100% - Do not attempt to interact, violence will always ensue
1/2 - violence likely, but the a small semblance of human empathy is present
1/4 - violence likely with strangers, but able to hold a conversation with familiar non-abos
1/8 - violence is unlikely, though intelligence remains sub-par
1/16 - almost normal, but still hates whitey, though violence is unlikely
1/32 - not even abo in demeanor, but probably on centrelink benefits

>live in Sweden
>no abo's in Sweden I'm aware of
>got some hot Sami women though

Think I failed this thread

He probably lives in Melbourne. The place is full of fucking degenerates

Literally the first line fa m

>shes drunk as fuck and cant stand at the bus stop so we sit inside Maccas

Fucking degenerate behaviour on you and your misses behalf.

Remember OP "dont throw rocks in glass houses"....

>driving around uluru at 80km/h
>mostly desert but at one point in road there are lots of bends and trees (can't see around bend)
>go around corner and there are a bunch of aboriginals just sitting in the middle of the road
>Slam breaks, get whiplash, very close to hitting them
>They just look unphased and wave at me
>drive around them
>heart rate doesn't go back to normal for hours realizing how close I was to hitting them

I've spent quite a bit of time in remote towns in the NT (Katherine etc) and also Darwin + Alice Springs. Never once have I had any of them be aggressive to me. Must be luck?

Are you fucking retarded? They're a fucking meme culture. If anything, kill them all

Do your cucks have interracial about/white female porn?

>live in Sweden
>get raped by Muslims
>lie about it to the general public and pretend it never happened

>>my group makes friends with homeless aboriginal guy
>>we hangout with him, actually pretty based

What made him based?

The fact that he wasn't being clicked by Mudslimes


very aggresive in packs, easy to take down though
>T. Cairns

No, bestiality porn is illegal.

Never here during Aussie hours but now that I am, I have a question. Do your Abos rap? It seems like they should.

to be honest i haven't had much interaction with them since i was in school, but i was schooled all across the east coast, and they were almost invariably the worst bullies in the schools


Meme culture, what do you mean?

It wasn't rape. It was consensual love making. He had a sexual emergency, and Swedes are helpful.

Whats more common abo male/white female or white male/abo female?

Saw an abo dude at court this one time

>he lived in public housing
>wasn't even eligible
>decided to declare his house as "sacred land" and a "sovereign aboriginal nation"
>gets evicted, won't leave
>dragged before a magistrate
>"ok joe bloggs, you are charged that"
>"Ok sir can you just spell that for me"
>it fucking takes 10 minutes, the guy can't even spell his own name
>"Ok flubbabbubba you are charged that"
>"Uh yes sir I am"
>"Sir you are charged that-"
>"Your bail has been denied sir"
>"Security please remove this man"

Many keks were had.

Too bad the next day some female magistrate let him out because of some mental illness bullshit.

no, lots of derros with boongetts but

They're too retarded. They haven't evolved to that stage yet. Maybe in 20,000 years, but then again these are abos we're talking about

Kek you're alright swede

Nah, most women wont fuck them, they havent managed to create a perception of being cool just because of being black, unlike in america

He was pretty chill

White male, but only full dirty cunts

Oh fuck, I love these threads. I also love gypsy encounter theads.

>meanwhile on a military base this hero is ready to serve his jewish masters

yeah lad

>what do you mean?
They haven't contributed to civilization in any way


Men when desperate enough will fuck anything

Its literally the opposite

Never seen either to be quite honest famalamadingdong
abo """""""""""""music""""""""""""" are they really this bad ausbros?

>on tram
>3 nigresses yelling about fuckin shit
>kicking up a ruckus
>some kid about 12 playing with a shitty $5 laser
>one approaches the kid
>"gime de fukn lasah loit"
>takes it
>they keep yelling
>get kicked off by driver
>they start hitting the side of the tram
>driver threatens to call the cops
>they literally yell "gime back muh land whitey" as they walk away
cant make this shit up

I want a sami qt


>Buying some milk
>Extended Aboriginal family behind and in front of me in the line.
>Kids all want to buy a bunch of chocolates
>Auntie says no.
>Youngest is dawdling looking at some toys near the checkout.
>Eldest kid tells youngest to give some toy to the Mum
>Youngest waddles up to the counter where his Mum is, puts it on the counter
>Mum just buys it without thinking
>All the kids are giggling
>Madman got away with it
>Even the Auntie reckons it's funny

I'm just smiling

Oh wait did you want negative stories? I guess 20 years ago I got in a fight over playing Destruction Derby on the playstation with some Aboriginal.

What the heck are Maccas?

Hungry jacks is alright ay


It is.

Oh yes they have a very rich and cultured rap scene.


They have some. They paid taxes to Vikings actually. Vikings helped militarise Christian nations that had gone soft.
If it wasn't for Viking raiders, Charlemagne wouldn't have been able to stand against the Muslims coming in in the late iron age.
Also, most Sami taxes were rare walrus ivory and things you find way up north. Really expensive stuff.

>be me
>be transit officer
>slowly coming into station, wonder why so slow
>look out one of the windows, see abo teen girls carrying on, running, pretending to jump in front of the train, being fuckwits
>train stops
>me: Nah mate, youse are carrying on like a couple of drunk gins, you can fuck off
>signal driver who locks doors
>we leave
>abos spit at window, throw rocks at train as we leave, yelling FUCK YOU WHITE CUNT WE'LL BASH YOU

Get a load of this cuck
Trying to prove these things have emotions other than "rage" and "goon sack"
Back to r eddit

Not aussie abo but Canadian,

basically same scenario, appear less violent than the other stories

>alcohol problems
>always on welfare
>can't hold a worthwhile job
>free ride through post secondary, not many go anyways
>some bands out west get shitloads of cash when they turn 18 for oil royalties
>pay no taxes depending on location of job and where they buy stuff

Despite this they vote in the party that pledge most gimmedats for king cuck Trudaeu
>Conservatives left natives alone, not good enough, they have an attitude of needing to be taken care of cuz "muh ancestors" or some shit
>Liberals have consistently tried to remove treaty rights, force assimilation, created residential schools, voted against closing them

I worked with a bunch of them in Fort Mac, most were just retarded, a bunch got fired for getting drunk in camp. Many have no respect for authority or work ethic and a high sense of entitlement from white people

They think they own ALL the land despite native people only lived in a few camps following herds of animals along rivers, most of Canada has never been seen by humans

A type rave that is guaranteed to have plenty of ectascy MDMA pills



Sometimes, THey make some alright pop music though.
We have a real wigger problem though making some terrible rap.

"My bike is a kangaroo"

Downloading now. Thanks.

>Dont listen to death metal anymore
You coward. Old school death metal will always rule.

You know they do that a lot of the time to rob.

Mickeys mate
Yahyahs dillawongadimdams ya cunt

Mandatory viewing IMO.

>Trying to prove
Seriously it just happened.

At work one of the Abbo guys cheekily picked up the phone of one of the female staff and impersonated her through a phone call. That was pretty funny.

Who is this tranny looking fucker?

I just got bored of it
Still like some bands though
Metal in general just turned into a pretty cucky affair, old school dm is the only thing that remained pure but its basically a dead genre now

Antony. The Aborigines are some of our nation's Elders. They are senior, respected in the Aboriginal community.

The burgers are better at Hungry Jacks

Back to r/cuckolding with you senpai

>worlds oldest """""""""""culture"""""""""""""

>be me
>be in middle school
>bit of a fighter and all round larakin
>some abo kid comes to our school and hes in our class
>see this cunt is pretty cheeky so I start talking to him, find out he has a cigarette lighter
>lunch time, we take all the toilet rolls and set them on fire inside the toilet blocks
>run outside as the smoke is billowing out, dare the cunt to smash the handles off all the water taps inside the toilet
>fountains of water flying out everywhere, smoke pouring out the toilet blocks
>teacher comes and i blame it all on the new abo kid
>he says it was me who did it and helped etc but the teacher doesnt believe him since hes an abo shit cunt who was expelled from his last school
>never seen that cunt at school again

Are you fucking high?

Holy fuck, that was so bad I can't even make fun of it.

>tfw comfy in bed at 1am reading australibros threads on Sup Forums

Love you cunts

I was spray painting in a parking lot

I wrote the line from monty python romans go home 100 times on a wall and as I was leaving and an aborigional came out of the darkness, sared the fuck out of me i thought I was caught.

>'ayyy you white im black'
>'you wanna fuck me'
>No I'm ok thanks
>Looks at me puzzled
>I'll go get my condom wait here
>' ok ok ok right here'

And I went home

>middle school

Care to explain or should I just flog you now, cunt?

>walked out onto the balcony of my apartment to overhear the local tweekers talking about getting high
>they start huffing gasoline
>tfw there are white abbos
>tfw i don't even live in australia and i get to witness the degeneracy first hand

Who's the whore?

These aren't bigfeet encounters. These are real human beings just like you and I. They are EQUAL to us.

Also mandatory viewing.

>I was spray painting in a parking lot

>Be Britbong
>Be in Brisbane for academic conference
>Be on SeaCat
>Homeless Abo wearing literally just underwear walks on
>Doesn't pay
>Asks every passenger for money
>Doesn't get thrown off
>Walks off at UQ stop
>So do we
Mfw he asks us again

Pic related it you.

Slow burning black metal is even better tho.
Have a taste from an Australian band

Highlights IMO:

>tranny obv
>coon woman belching, causing male coon to laugh mid-performance
>the lyrics
>him spitting on the ground at the end
>tranny having an orgasm over their performance

Glad I could help

>They haven't contributed to civilization in any way

neither have you

kill yourself, you worthless piece of shit

kek, grew up in Dubbo, this is not unusual. Very close to West Dubbo (coontown/veg valley)


primary school cunt

Holy shit what the fuck


Wait, was this a gay abo or something? I just assume every poster is a dude here.

A poo in the loo


whitey btfo
also obligatory abbo song