>Non-vegans. Not even once.
Non-vegans. Not even once
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Dog owners are weak. And whoever has aggressive breeds (especially pitbulls) should be shot on sight along with their parasitic animals.
And no, dogs are good. Meat is a little bit chewy, but perfect if you cook it in a slow cooker (especially if the dog is still alive inside of it) and add some spices.
I've tasted both dog and cat meat, and i can assure dog tops them all. Cow meat is nothing compared to a good spiced dog
>how will vegans ever recover
>you're not allowed to have preferences on what animals you love
I bet you step on ants and kill mosquitos you animal murdering hippocrite
Animals have no souls.
Pet dogs are for functional uses as well as simply human comfort like a living stuffed doll.
Some people have pet pigs.
Regardless, if survival is at stake, i'd eat either one of them.
>but its not survival in big cities n stuff
Yes it is. Shut down all meat factories tomorrow and tell me half the world wouldn't starve
We are predators. We don't hate our dogs for chasing down and killing squirrels even if they have fresh kibble, we shouldn't hate ourselves for being apex predators and cutting the hunting part of eating meat out of the equation.
Also homosapiens making the switch to omnivorous is what got us to evolve to be as smart as we are. Meat makes you inherently smarter.
Fuck off, OP.
>dog-owners are weak!
>except for the ones who aren't weak and own strong dogs, they should be shot!
>why do you get along with animals that hold jobs and show love and kindness
It's like some kind of ancient riddle, I guess we'll never truly know.
>Living things that have different personality types from birth and can have psychological trauma from their environment don't have souls and are like dolls
OP I'm going to climb Mt. Everest next week. Would you like to come with me, I'll pay for your expenses.
Don't cut yourself on all that edge
I like that pic in an non ironic way. Because I both love animals and love how many of them taste.
Hell yeah. I give omnis 20 years before their diet becomes illegal due to environmental stress.
theres a distinct difference between companions and food
>implying i wouldnt eat a dog
>implying i dont hunt and process my own deer and hog
its a matter of convenience and personal attachment, not of logical inconsistency
Does lack of meat cause autism?
or does autism cause a lack of meat?
i've had dog before it's very delicious
really makes you think
Vegans: left dogs; right none because people stopped breeding them and they went extinct.
That's pretty obviously a parody of Elliot Rodger's last video.
The guy is pure autism
Nobody loves ALL animals. You would be hard-pressed to find anybody outside of the scientific community that "loves" those river worms that swim into your dickhole.
We love the first one for its company and love the second for its taste, what's so hard to understand? You might wanna start eating some meat, there must be a lack of nutrients reaching the brain.
>Shut down all meat factories tomorrow and tell me half the world wouldn't starve
I tell you, shut down all the meat factories and the developed world would have no problem. We'd probably even safe food.
>good tasting meat
Oh hey it's you again!
I remember you from Sup Forums, it's good to see that your edge has no boundaries
yeah but bacon is really fucking delicious
Do Americans throw as much food out as you can see on tv?
It always trigger me, when they drop halffucking steaks in the trash can and entire sandwiches.
They chose a pig to make it not seem like a muslim. Pigs don't need to be slaughtered using the halal practice
Give me some anti vegan memes bros, some vegan girl on faceyb has asked for a picture to describe her.
Nigga you can buy vegan makeup that doesn't contain animal products and was not tested on animals.
is this working?
how obnoxious grass eater are ? you are maybe 0.1 percent of the population but you still believe to be right
Does pic related count?
Veganism most unhealthy diet on the planet but yeah go ahead and kill yourself slowly
Not really, I need something insulting to btfo.
>wtf why do you care about your best friend but not my grandmother's third cousin twice removed
I find this amusing because the picture depicts a mecha in mecca.
I went to a cattle slaughter facility a month ago for insurance. There over 900 head are processed each day.
It disgusted me to see the cattle flaying around on the conveyor after they were supposedly knocked unconscious.
It disgusted me to see them get hook and chained around their back leg so they can be pulled up in the air. Still flaying and twitching.
It disgusted me to them knife the throat/neck and see a waterfall of blood come out.
It disgusted me to see the cattle get the hide ripped off and under flesh ripped off mechanically with one swoop of a machine.
It disgusted me to see the heads dangling by the spinal cord. And finally cut off and put on a hook...hideless, covered in blood by eyes full of terror still open.
It disgusted me to see the carcass travelling around as hundreds of illegals cut and prod at it.
Over 900 times a day.
All by potentially illegal immigrants.
You buy meat you should be forced to go to a facility like this to see where it comes from and watch the whole process from the load up to the knock area to the shipping area.
The reason why I despise many vegans is because they really believe that they're standing on a higher moral ground than you, which somehow allows them to treat you like garbage and passive-aggressively insult you at every given chance.
When you call them out on their shitty attitude, they'll just tell you "well, you don't respect life, so why should I respect you?".
So yeah, fuck vegans.
yeah we should be send to Kamp for being normal i just hope the nazis screw wont give me tofu to eat
It's not. If done correctly it's decent altough not optimal. Vegans don't get their legs cut off from diabetes and they don't get circulation illnesses.
Vegans can't keep dogs and cats without killing animals for meat, either.
wow thats a really cute cat :3
Actually some people give them a vegan diet. Yeah, even to cats, which are carnivores.
>eating carnivores
that is only possible if taurin is supplemented, otrherwise cat will go blind and slowly fade to death
the only vegan pet options are rabbits and guinea pigs, maybe finches but i believe they still need some egg protein and calcium from bone
Don't forget the raw carrots and kale smoothies. Can't climb Everest without em.
>Non vegans.
its called normal
humans are omnivores not carnivores, so this comparison is wrong.
It is also incorrect and cherry picked. The intestines of humans are much longer than carnivores, have different, large flat incisors that are the characteristic of fugivores, and the molars are different from the carnivore mountain-shaped knife sharp molars, and are also typical of fugivores, pic is a fugivore fish.
I have a small pig farm and I go fishing, so lots of cutting heads off bleeding animals and all that jazz. I also hunt small game like rabbits, cleaning their carcass is even more disturbing because you crunch the fuck out of them with your hands.
Humans are the rulers of the earth, not the other way around. Human progress demands MEAT. It's dense, it's essential, it's efficient, and you couldn't survive without it outside of a first world society. It's not comfortable to slaughter animals, it really never is. Shooting my pigs in the head, hanging them by a tree, cutting their throats to let them bleed out, after years of taking care of them, always feels kinda bad.
A lion doesn't have the complexity of a mind to feel bad about ripping it's prey apart, but we do. Because we are humans, and that's why we are at the top.
So stop with the whiny bullshit and moral posturing. Everyone gotta eat.
Vegan mass shooting, when?