Les Rallizes Denudes

Just found a video that seems to be a Japanese news report on them from possibly the 80s. Does anyone know Japanese and can transcribe this, or at least give a summary of what they're saying?

Also, general discussion about the bois

Other urls found in this thread:


my dumb ass forgot to include the link

Can't help with the translation, but I've just recently gotten into this band. I don't know what I like more: their music or the narrative that surrounds them and builds their legend.

Go ask on Sup Forums. You have a better chance at getting an answer there.

it was probably about this
>tl;dr the bass player along with some other radical red army dudes hijacked a flight with samurai swords and took it to north korea

What are people's favorite LRD recordings? Live '77 and the OP's pic seem to be the consensus faves, but recently I've been grooving on Double Heads and Great White Wonder. Any other deep cuts that I should check out? Or is this the band where everything is patrician?

But Me Are Different

in a nutshell he's basically explaining how it's a unique style of music that's hard to explain, it's not psychedelic, it's not quite noise
then he says that the only way to really understand what it is is to watch live videos, listen to the music, etc.

Double Heads: Legendary Live Yaneura Shibuya, Tokyo 1980-1981

but id say Wild Trips is super underrated



>bassist hijacks an airliner and demands to be taken to north korea to fulfill his commies dreams
>he and all the other hijackers beg to be returned home by the 1990s

commies are pathetic

ta geule retard.

Favorite track?

Night of the Assassins

holy shit


Ive listened to '77 live and heavier than a death in the family and prefer the latter where should I go with them

well shit i guess ill hit the lottery

White Awakening off the Double Heads:Legendary Live album

Include me

white awakening version 2


Fuck yeah thats fucking right

81-88 soundboard is full of quality recordings if you prefer their noisier side. also has an alt recording of strung out Deeper than the night from the 12 of March 1977 show ('77 live)