Your face when Hillary wins in November.
Your face when Hillary wins in November
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Good. The great recession will happen on her watch at the latest. Its already been 7 years since the last one "ended". God help us all. Especially you, Europe.
Hillary will lose solely due to the lack of berncuck supports that will throw the biggest leftytant of all time. Nice try though.
>Thank you $0.0003 has been added to your account by the shill4hill super pac
Why is she always pointing at people while making this crazy face?
I will never vote, so i dont even care.
Only blue pilled idiots vote.
I recognize that flag.
>>Sup Forums
Your face when out of potatoes
>mfw Trump wins
fuck off to Sup Forums summerfuck
>implying I'm not 34 and living with my mom
she's casting her soul leech spell
whelp thats the end at that point. everythings fucked then.