>police shoot "mental patient" with knife
>cucks claim police should of disarmed him hand to hand
>police shoot "mental patient" with knife
>cucks claim police should of disarmed him hand to hand
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How can you shoot with a knife?
How do you use hand to hand "combat" to disarm a dindu charging you with a knife?
These people need to watch less Liam Neeson movies.
Why is some hysterical idiot just screaming through the whole video? Jesus.
Don't policemen in you county have any close quarter weapons ? Here at least everyone's got a metal-tipped glob in case they are either disarmed or not able to shoot for some reason.
that woman needs her vocal cords cut.
a bystander got shot, antigun cucks are spazzing out now
>police are poorly trained
>why no tazer
>why isn't real life like movies with 360 jump shot to the hand to disarm him
Why didn't they just use a taser to immobilize him?
would greek police go hand to hand combat against someone with a knife? doubt it
What taser?
>trusting your life to a single, incredibly unreliable, short range shot
He was a Muslim screaming Allah Ackbar who charged at Police with a knife:
>mfw anglo policemen cant shoot legs/non vital parts
seriously, its not that hard.
Australia has chain of force to keep the upper hand.
If they have nothing, you can use a baton.
If they have a knife, you can use a gun etc.
>source: twitter
>escaped from a psychiatric facility
A mosque?
Police are taught to aim for centre mass when they feel threatened, and why the fuck shouldn't they.
Let's see you do it when being charged then
>shoot a crazy man with aknife in the leg, which is difficult on a moving target
>he is undeterred, keeps running and stabs you
t. Someone with no combat training at all
>always centre mass faggot
>LOOK AT ME, I'm a superior German
>therefore I am allowed to judge all other subhuman nationalities and especially their police practices, because OUR GERMAN police is sooooo well-trained
>they don't really help young girls when they're being mass raped by shitskins, but at least they are brave enough to shoot knife attackers in the legs
>which is much better, because then we superior Germans get to pay for his stay in hospital, including expensive surgeries
>isn't that just great and civilized? we aren't barbarians like you who dare shoot another HUMAN in a lethal way
>haha you stupid anglos, and after his stay in hospital, we pay for his stay in prison
>and when he gets out after 3 years, he can still live like a normal person, generously paid for by civilized German taxpayers
Krauts are always so smug about their retarded practices. It amazes me how steadfast they are in their pseudo-civilizational retardation. But at this point I just wish the Russians would have wiped out every last German cuck in WW2. It's more than pathetic to see such racially unaware, mental weaklings in a country that once took on the whole world.
There's no such thing as "non vital parts" when it comes to gun wound. Its very easy to damage major artery in the leg and make target bleed out in minutes before ambulance arrives.
>babbling incoherently
Arabic then
You retards keep using this yet completely forget there are vital points to limbs that could just as easily kill someone. Blood gets pumped everywhere, lifeline gets severed without proper attention = death. You think some crazed person is going to submit to the police so they can stop the bleeding while adequately detaining him. No, he's more likely to go running off like a dazed deer bleeding to death slowly, and by the time you get him to medical attention hes dead.
See: Femoral artery and brachial artery
Cops also shoot bystanders
The only problem is that dickheads stayed around to see the police in action
When shit's going down, you get out of there before it turns dangerous.
>psychiatric facility
are we labeling mosques appropriately now?
current police here, won't say what state-
nsw police have glocks in .40 S&W, the officers panicked and completely ignored all training, leading to multiple injuries and the extremely cruel death of the assailant
here's what they did;
>let the man come within 4 meters of them with a knife (BAD fuck up)
>shot either 3 or 4 times (i forget, only saw it on the news) wildly in his direction without checking beyond the target
>aimed poorly, did not hit him in centre of mass, bullets penetrated and hit multiple bystanders causing injuries
>proceeded to not fire again and waited for him to get on the ground (BAD fuck up, if he was actually a bad enough threat to warrant lethal force he should have dropped like a sack of rocks)
>once he was on the ground, did not render first aid or make any attempts to arrest, just let him bleed out (this is okay in SOME circumstances, but not in this one)
>panicked and fucked off until other officers came
they should be fired in my opinion, they have no business being in the police force.
here's what they should have done:
>kept back, told him to stand still
>given him warning that they have firearms and are not afraid to shoot
>ordered him to get on the ground and drop the knife
>once he charged, the moment he was completely faced towards an officer with the knife in clear view, screamed to stop
>once he came within 5-6 meters, fired repeatedly into the torso until he was on the ground
>when suspect on ground, motionless and not a threat, came over, kicked the knife to the side, handcuffed and rendered first aid
fucking women man, i hate female cops
That is because Police in Australia never get a chance to use their guns and most of them only ever practice shooting at the range about once a month.
Australian police need to use their guns MORE, not less. Same thing happened during the Sydney siege, police accidentally shot hostages. It's because Australia has no gun culture, no one practices and uses guns as they do in other countries.
Ohhhhhh damn sen
Dont have link but its from some video explaining not to waste your time learning jew jitsu bc its just a bunch of bs for the most part
This ain't Hollywood you fucking retard germancuck
I went from South Sydney to the CBD and spent a couple of hours checking out the siege. It's normal to have a bit of curiosity and embrace the danger.
>What a bunch of assholes, like, it's just a knife, disarm him! lmao
They've been reporting all day that 3 bystanders were shot
They should have shot the screaming woman as well. It's not normal to scream like that. She must be mental, too.
It can be done pretty easily by grabbing their forearm and pushing their hand inwards in a sort of slapping motion.
Only downside is that if you fuck up you have a high probability of being deeply stabbed.
But disarming is only meant for when you don't have any better means to bring them down. You don't risk your life to save a bullet.
Worked in a psychiatric unit.
Any time a patient went nuts with a sharp object we would rush at them with mattresses and sit on top of them until they were given a sedative.
It was fucking awesome.
"Act of kindness to the individual" the charge nurse called it.
I'm getting old. You probably can't do that anymore.
It's fine if you want to do that, but you can't complain if you get shot as an innocent bystander if you chose to stay there when you could've left.
They should've told everyone to back up though, and they also shouldn't use guns unless they can aim.
Sydney police are well aware that their city is ripe for another terror attack. Every other week an 18 year old muzzie is arrested with credible evidence of conspiracy to conduct an attack. Operation Appleby has a large amount of officers working full time gaining intelligence amongst Sydney's population of 350k muslims.
In this atmosphere, they are not going to take chances. Only a few months ago they killed a 15 year old who started shooting up outside Parramatta copshop.
Last month three were shot in Lebbo gang related violence in a busy shopping mall. Its easy for the police to think this could have been another round. And they will be aware its ramadan and to be extra vigilant. So I think they were justified in shooting this guy.
Yes, its really terrible that 3 elderly women were also shot. But if this guy brandishing a butchers knife had bad intentions, whose to say he wouldn't have attempted to remove one of these women's heads?
Talked to the lead doctor of a psych ward a few weeks ago. He had a patient who went nuts but wouldn't take her medication. So I asked him what he planned to do. He said the patient's union had a law passed that forbids maniacs to be medicated against their will. So legally he counldn't do anything but make sure she didn't leave the hospital and wait until she got tired.
What a brave new world we live in.
But also it's really fucking hard to shoot someone's legs when they're scurrying at you with a knife and your adrenaline is 100%.
Fun fact: Why did America's long time service gun have such a large calibre?
Because when America wanted to pacify the Philippines, they met natives there who just didn't react to gunshot wounds. You'd shoot them once or twice, and they would keep coming at you. So the generals demanded a gun that would stop a horse if necessary.
Hence the .45 calibre. (Same with the Brits' .445 revolvers against Zulus.)
100% right, they should have teleported behind him and used a nerve pinch. its 2016, why would not you have police trained like army soldiers
I've seen the same thing in some French news website comments' section. Some sandnig was running amok with a knife, stabbed someone then holed up in his appartment. Cops came in, tried to subdue him hand to hand, but the sandnig managed to grab a glass and break it on one of the cops' face. The cop had a Flashball (less lethal rubber weapon) in his hands and fired at him in the chest at point blank. Sandnig died of cardiac arrest and thus it was the first death (amongst many injuries) attributed to the Flashaball. Leftards who have been crying for years to get it banned finally got their wish and it is currently being phased out. In the comments section, some leftards were like "hurrr why did that poor minority had to die? durr the flashball and all weapons should be banned. Herp aren't cops supposed to master hand to hand techniques? Derp they have batons don't they?"
Leftards basically expect cops to be some kind of superheroes able to disarm one hundred shitskins bare handed without harming any of them.
Australian Police need to use their guns more often so they are actually competent with them.
Australia needs to bring back the ability to own a gun for self defense and then approve concealed carry licenses, also need to change the law so you are able to use a handgun on your own property to practice with it (for those who can't get to ranges often, currently no matter how much land you own its illegal to use a handgun on your property, can use rifles though).
We need to build a gun culture here again and have police actually practice using the equipment they are given rather than being scared to touch the handgun.
Police in other countries, particularly the US, are usually firearms enthusiasts and in their free time they shoot guns they own for fun. They also get to take their police firearms home. Australian Police are the complete opposite.
Same with the Australian military. They also aren't allowed to practice outside of military facilities and structured training. A lot of them started carving wooden replicas of guns so they could "practice". Fucking ridiculous.
At least we can agree, that mudslimeism is violent mental disorder.
>That dumb cunt screaming the whole time
Except, my kraut friend, that the after action reports and studies AFTER the .45 was adopted show the SAME problem and the SAME complaints about failure to stop. "It will stop a horse!" Is bullshit and will get you laughed at in circles where people know about guns and understand ballistics.
>non vital
Anyone else completely fucking sick and tired of the HURR JUST SHOOT HIM IN THE LEGS bullshit?
I mean how the fucks the cop going to shoot them in the legs? Real life ain't a fucking video game and there's no such thing as VATS.
Fucking retards I swear.
Well, I guess they figured it was worth a try. Once your army decides on a gun model, that army is stuck with it for at least a decade. Which means good business for the manufacturer.
As to muslim maniacs with knives in our streets: There's really no easy solution. Pepper spray and CS gas have been known to irritate those kind of people even more. I guess riot police with big plastic shields and batons could try to club them down, but they're normally not stationed in the cities, but outside where there's more space for exercise grounds.
>not engaging the man in honourable hand-to-hand combat
Son I am disappoint
Yeah would have liked to have seen the women police officer who also shot an innocent by-stander disarm the man with the knife.
>there's no such thing as VATS
we're getting closer
>police shoot "mental patient" with knife
We should arm police officers with swords and shields.
It has been done countless times.
It's really a question of how thorough the cops' training is and if they have the opportunity to aim for a leg or a shoulder.
Here a guy is usually shot in the leg and that works. Last summer a nut in Berlin moved to fast for that, so he was hit in the chest several times and died.
>should of
fuckoff roo-nigger
I don't know man, in the video the female officer who shot (apparently it was her bullet that went stray) looked like she was getting charged on hard.
It does sound like a mess though from the description. She fired two shots, one missed. Then they backed off while he walked around and then fired two more shots (apparently another one missed).
I've seen other police shootings here where they basically just backed up until the guy charged and popped 2-3 shots in their chest and dropped them. The fact that she was firing at a bit of distance with such a large crowd in the background...
Sydney cops use their guns all the time.
They just don't usually fuck up like this.
The Sydney Siege was our version of SWAT, who have a spotty track record, and the whole siege (and Monis as a criminal) was handled poorly and it really should have been handled by the Army.
Police are almost universally trained to shoot center mass.
If you shoot some faggot in the leg you will most likely fuck up his leg so bad that he will no longer be able to walk and sue the police force.
I actually tried this knife-to-hand combat thing out with my dad using a plastic knife, we switched roles too.
Both of us got rekt by the other.
A hand can not beat a knife if the other guy slashes and stabs quickly.
>Inb4 muh extensive jiu-jitsu training and muh action movie experience
When I heard "shooting in mall", as a Sydney sider my first impression was;
>Muzzies cleaning house again.
Even that last hit they did, one of the people shot was just an innocent woman eating her lunch. Idiot somehow managed to let off a stray bullet despite shooting from point blank range.
I know a cop who shot a dude in both his knees with one shot.
You aren't supposed to let someone armed with a melee weapon approach past 20 ft. That's the killin' range for a knife, son. But yeah, it sucks that she hit a couple of bystanders. Cops generally need more range time than their training provides.
>he will no longer be able to walk and sue the police force.
Only in countries like America.
It wouldn't work here.
>It really should have been handled by the army
Like they are any better.
Australia is just shit when it comes to anything related to firearms because they are seen as "scary".
She should have kept her aim directly on the man's centre of mass (AKA the torso) and placed rounds in it until he fell to the ground. This dancing around and encircling shit would result in a murder conviction if done by a civilian in self defense.
It doesn't matter how many people were in the area or if she was scared (And believe me, I've been in her situation, luckily I didn't have to fire since the taser worked, but it's nervewracking) she should have been able to put that man down the moment he began to charge.
It was a fuck up in training, I don't blame the woman herself. If I didn't elect to go beyond the normal scheduled training dates I'd probably have fucked up in the exact same situation.
Of course, all of that is the offhand (and not in any ways representing any police force, state or federal) opinions of a police officer, the tribunal into this shitfest may result in a separate conclusion and I hope she gets to keep her job, just with a bit better training.
Christ, fuck having that job.
>They just don't usually fuck up like this.
It was a woman cop, that explains that.
The Sydney Siege was our version of SWAT, who have a spotty track record, and the whole siege (and Monis as a criminal) was handled poorly and it really should have been handled by the Army.
Our police tactical teams train with the SASR on certain components. The army is not needed. The only thing that cause that siege to fuck up was not enough experience.
And terrible communication between all the officers and negotiators at the scene.
Yeah, but that's just wrong. We have cops shooting people in Sydney with no problems all the time.
Hell, check out this dude - Popped two into the center mass through a windshield at the guy trying to run him down with a stolen car, and still had the energy to give him a little love tap once he was in the cuffs.
When asked if that was necessary;
>We don't shoot at tires.
And here's one of two NSW cops dealing with a meth head charging at them outside a post office he was robbing;
I might add that orderlies aren't allowed to stap people down unless they have a permit signed by a judge. And it's not so easy to get one.
I know this for a fact because we needed to get one for my grandpa to allow nurses to fasten him with a seatbelt in his wheelchair to prevent him from falling out when he dozed off. (God rest his soul.)
Too many people watching kung fu films and shit.
They think like this;
>Just train them to disarm, then they can disarm anyone no matter what.
>Cops walks up to knife wielding psycho, snatches the knife before the psycho finishes blinking. 'pfft, nothin' personal kid' as the cop appears behind him, slapping handcuffs on while tipping his 'blue fedora'.
Doesn't matter how well trained you are, there is always a bigger fish.
Secondly, if police spent all there time training, they'd never actually get police work done.
Third, It's pretty difficult the think clearly when you've got someone charging at you with a knife (I'd know, shitty area, being threatened with knives before, even had one put to my throat), and 'reasonable force' operates on the assumption that someone can think reasonably.
So what happens if they play it 'lefty' and go hand to hand against a knife wielding 'emtnal patient'.
>Patient charges at officer,
>Officer attempts to dodge (but might fail and get injured)
>Tries to grab mental patients hand to control where the knife goes (but might fail and get injured)
>Mental patient tries to stab cop, or hit cop in an attempt to either stun him or get him to let go of the knife.
Throughout all of this, in the back of the cops mind, he'll be wondering how people will react. How 'lefties' might crucify him for police brutality, how it could end his career.
That'll hold him back in a fight.
In every sense of the word, the cop is at a huge disadvantage, physically and mentally and his only saving grace - the only protection he has, is a vest (that'll still hurt if he gets stabbed).
If the cop dies? Well, now you've got two problems, a dead cop and a mental patient with a knife (and if he's smart, a stab-proof vest, mace, a baton, a badge, and police disguise...).
To me, 'reasonable force' is attempting to talk him down first. If that fails or if he attacks you, you do whatever you need to in order to survive. That comes first.
This is why women shouldn't be police officers
We just had a police woman shoot a mentally ill faggot in the head when using a taser twice failed and a struggle for her gun ended with him taking two to the dome
They had a call about a mentally ill man with an extensive history with police all own to be armed with a weapon and they sent a single female police officer to deal with it
yeah it's called a 9mm
They spend all day training with firearms, incessantly. If they can handle themselves in fucking Afghanistan, Iraq and Africa they can handle themselves in Sydney.
Our police tactical teams have shot unarmed people while raiding the wrong houses. I don't know that I trust them as much as the TAG guys who've got a bunch of experience in overseas.
(but I also don't really blame the tactical cops, since they were left with a shitty situation to deal with after it had all gone bad anyway)
I get the impression she panicked, kinda. They aren't showing the full video, but he was running in a straight line at her, standing upright. I'm surprised she missed (no, I'm not saying Hurr Durr it's so easy, but I assume they spend a lot of time training to be able to shoot straight under these conditions?)
>Babbling incoherently shouting Allahu Akbar
What did he mean by this? It's a mystery.
>It can be done pretty easily
Thanks, it was very easy to discard your opinion with this opening.
every LEO training video since the 1970s in america has some version of this in it, and all of it is derived from real-life AARs, which are required by all departments that receive federal funds and copies of which go to the FBI to review said training material on a regular basis. tldr if your police do not resort to a handgun within 21 feet when the suspect will not disarm, you are a cuck nation
Why don't the police just go in bullet-time, shoot the knife off his hand in slow-mo, do a power jump over the perp, and subdue them from behind like a ninja?
Because muzzies aren't people
Those two cases are outliers, not the usual.
What I said is correct. The usual is Australian police NOT training or shooting.
Also, the second video is actually a disgruntled worker who was fired, came back to the postal office he worked at to try kill his ex co-workers.
>should of
That's why I don't get the constant stream of criticism aimed at U.S. cops.
Our cops shoot knife wielding suspects all the time. Not in the legs/arms etc. Just in the chest.
I remember as a little kid walking past this on the way to school.
The next day people were like "MUH TAZERS", and the cops polite explained that they aren't taking a chance on a mental patient hyped up and charging them in close quarters with a knife.
the game difficulty is set to "real life" not to "easy mode or jacky chan movie" :(
>They spend all day training with firearms, incessantly. If they can handle themselves in fucking Afghanistan, Iraq and Africa they can handle themselves in Sydney.
Read the article. Australians in the army disagree with you completely.
And no, they don't. They spend all day for a few weeks, then have breaks. In those breaks they should have the option to train at home or where ever, but they do not have that option because of Australian gun laws.
Stop jerking off the government and what you think the military is and get with fucking reality. Gun laws are cancer in Australia and they danger the lives of our military, police and law abiding citizens.
I can't think of any other recent cases were cops have shot and missed.
There was that mental iced out chick they shot outside a Red Rooster. Same deal.
the natives in question were using a drug of some kind to keep them mentally in the fight in spite of their wounds.
there was still a demonstrable increase in "stopping power," it just didn't work on coked-up flip warriors. personally i still am fine with 9mm +P HPs though.
I have read articles from a former TAG guy who wrote extensively about the Sydney Siege.
He at least believed they were far more equipped and capable to handle it.
I also don't know that I agree with your assessment. The lack of gun laws where I grew up certainly didn't help matters.
The man will need to be institutionalized for life. Either in prison, or a psych ward.
It would have been far cheaper to just shoot him in the head.