Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
I am proud to be Irish. What a little cheeky gobshite
>You wouldn't say 'I'm proud to be 5'11".
No shit. Also I just looked it up and he was 5'9", sneaky fuck was trying to get everyone to think he was 5'11".
I'm tremendously proud to be american. I do believe this George Carlin is a real cuck.
>You wouldn't say 'I'm proud to be 5'11".
Manlets BTFO
ireland is a shit country with a predisposition for CROP FAILURE
i hope you're proud of your genetically inferior plant species
i will never get these "well??" threads
well what?
you think you can manufacture an obligation for me to say/respond to anything?
We could definitely say that about other things too such as race.Why would you be proud of being a human seeing as you could have been born an animal?Why do we praise humanity to the stars and be proud of our achievements as a species?What Carlin is saying is that many of those proud of their heritage are idiots and yet think themselves better that others.The truth is that there are many idiots in this world and the can be found among patriots and leftists claiming they are heroes because someone from the left,in the past,did something good.
well he's obviously right, it really is stupid to be proud in shit you have nothing to do with.
Because humans are a tribal species and pride leads to genetic success for your tribe.
Cucks are genetic dead ends, they wouldn't understand.
Everything is deterministic anyway. Plot twist: studying and doing well on that test was no more genetic than blue eyes
He just did, and it worked
If the only thing you've got is your nationality then you're a pretty sad person. Having pride and a feeling of togetherness with your countrymen on the other hand is vital for a stable nation. When people start hating their own identity the whole nation suffers, just look at Germany and Sweden.
don't listen to manlets.
Carlin made rationalizations for his shortcomings in life. Everything was a joke up for ridicule. At the end of the day he was a manlette. A disgruntled, divorced old man that died of cancer. He wasn't remotely funny. Never forget he played Rufus in the Bill and Ted movies.
Anyone willing to take on a role like that has no sense of self respect.
i did not respond to his argument (the image)
i responded to meta-argument, "that one need respond at all" and pointed out one does not
>he just did
no, i chose to respond
logical fallacy much?
What's with the rage lately against posting once?
It's fucking normal that you post only once, if anything the ones who post more are more likely to be shitposters
Well, I like being an American. Suck it, Carlin.
>Accident of birth.
So his mums a slag.
And what?
because it doesn't implicate the kind of person you are, your ancestors might have done great/based things, but it doesn't say anything about you yourself, focus on how virtuous you are not on the stories you hear about people you never met and in actuality have nothing to do with.
He's right, but you can still feel better around your own people, around your culture and heritage. I don't say "I'm proud to be Czech", but I am "glad to be Czech", "happy to be Czech" etc... My country is far from perfect, but I wouldn't like to live anywhere else. I'm glad I was born here and I try to do my best in order to be proud of MYSELF and to help my country.
Is it a genetic accident though? You're proud of your heritage because your parents had enough agency to have a child and raise it well. I mean having children, in most cases anyway, isn't a fucking "accident". 100% of the time your parents have a child they're going to be genetically of their race and heritage.
George Carlin was never funny or interesting.
>You haven't achieved the height of the capstone so why the fuck are you taking pride in its accomplishments?
this basically, being "proud" is blinding yourself with ego, being satisfied and happy with an existing situation is much more appropriate.
Collective pride and ancestral pride gives us a tie to our land and the people around us. It gives us a sense of duty and responsibility.
People won't treat something well if they have no pride or sense of ownership.
Same thing goes for your country, culture and people.
George Carlin was a pathetic alcoholic who pushed everyone near to him away. He was not an upstanding person, nor someone you should take advice from in being a good human being.
Humans can only thrive as a collective. One single average human would be eaten up by their surroundings very quickly.
The notion that being proud of your heritage, your country or even your city is somehow misguided is absolutely false. If people didn't have pride in their countries, those countries would fall and new ones would rise in their place with people who actually are proud of being who they are. Look at Western Europe as an example - the natives are being replaced by foreign invaders who will, sooner or later, impose their collective will on the individualistic westerners.
Czechs have a pretty based history though, your kings were even in the forefront of the Holy Roman Empire at one point. You are the only slavs who managed to make Germans your bitches in the middle ages.
You can be proud of your children and your family, you can be proud of your friends or your sports team, you can be proud to be gay, proud to a muslim, proud to be black, proud to be trans, proud to be a woman.
Why is it as soon as you are proud to be a straight, white male you are demonised?
Why do we have to feel guilt for the bad things our ancestors did, but we are not allowed to to feel pride in their achievements?
Nobody is proud to be 5'11" because that makes you a manlet.
I'm not proud of my ethnicity nor am I ashamed of it. That's just circumstances of birth, which no one has any influence over. I am (for the most part) proud of my nation and our people.
Poor George. To have hever felt national pride must have been terrible for him. I wonder if he was even ever proud of his daughter. He was a shit father and she turned out pretty good.
Why would you be proud if your brother accomplished great things?
Or your cousin?
An ethnic group is a group of people who are closely related genetically, a genetic population group. Another man from your same ethnic group has most of your same characteristics, and is very close to what you also have the potential to become.
I'd be proud if someone from my race invented the lightbulb because it means I too have the capacity to do great things.
This is the failure of libertarian-style thinking. We are all individuals, but as individuals we function best in the context of an environment of other compatible people. Drop a talented accountant in 2000 BC Egypt, he will be totally useless, miserable, and pointless. Trying to fit him in such a circumstance would be like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
An individual can only fully spread their wings if they are in the company of other similar individuals. A black man living in a white town is out of place. A white man living in China is out of place. Although they'll try to fit in, they are genetically, culturally and mentally distinct.
so mad
is it because you know you're wrong
The inability of the left to rise above individualism and see themselves as part of a greater whole is proof of their inhumanity. Normal, healthy human beings have group identities which allow them to empathize with each other and coordinate their actions. It is one of the basic foundations of moral behavior.
Well, I'm proud to be 5'7". It means that I'm exactly the same height as Vladimir Putin.
>I could never understand ethnic or national pride
Probably because he was Irish lol. And an atheist for that matter.
Go away juden, your tricks are nothe welcome here
George Carlin made more sense before he became political. Before then, he was actually admirable and funny. Too bad he died a bitter old man.
>"Why would you be proud of where you're from"
Top kek
>You wouldn't say 'I'm proud to be 5'11".
Of course not, why would anyone be proud of being a manlet.
Edgy nihilists wouldn't understand
Mexicans might not either, generally lacking anything worth being proud of
For the rest of us, we're only here enjoying our cushy lives because a series of generations built upon the work of the last to make it possible, and pride is the appreciation for that and the desire to further it more
Obviously what he's describing is a bad thing, and the people I've known who think like that are generally assholes.
But that's not what national pride is supposed to be. It's not being proud to be American or w/e. I
It's about being an American and THEN being proud that you stand up and choose to act in a way that benefits your community, because you understand its importance.
George Carlin was a great old fuck, a funny asshole, one hell of a political incorrect prophet. And he is partially right, but he was also an Eternal Boomer. And the statement he addresses has nothing to do with the problems we have today.
>having the gall of criticizing other peoples sense of ethnic or cultural pride
But it is somehow okay to raise generation after generation of German kids born decades and decades after the war with collective guilt and indoctrinate them, that they are the worst race in the entire universe and guilty, guilty, guilty - unless they accept vibrant diversity....?
Because it is a fallacy.
Being proud to be "x nationality" is the attachement toward the culture, values and achievements of your ancestors, it connects you to the past and give you a context in your existence, you are a result of something, not a blank state in the void.
If I compare my situation in France with the shit hole that the third world is and take a look at what french people managed to do the last 1500 years, I am pretty appreciative of what they gave me and I will try to make it even better for the next generation.
Leave it to a leftist to fail at grasping why positive group identity is important for a functioning society.
Oh, and being born in a certain place and time to certain parents is no accident. It's the direct result of a couple deciding to have a child, and as much as leftists would like to pretend otherwise family does matter. A person's birth circumstances aren't based on luck, they're based on the choices made by the parents. I could see how someone who was conceived as a result of their mother having a mishap while riding the Cock Carousel would want to downplay it though.
Why wouldn't you be proud of being a Yank? The US invented this modern world which the population of the Earth live in, for good or ill. That's a stars-n-bars on the Moon and America is seen as so powerful that she's regularly blamed for causing devastating hurricanes and earthquakes. In fact, white Americans and their culture are the biggest hate targets on the planet. Perverse blood-thirsty Europeons, useless savage Africoons, childish heartless Arabs, cruel dog-eating Asians and the inbred mindless hordes of South and Central America - a people must be doing something right and positive to be hated by all these devils.
The human-race's most beautiful, based and charismatic women are American and George Carlin is as funny as a rectal cancer diagnosis.
I don't exactly go around with my head up thinking wow I'm great because I happened to be born here, but I have pride/appreciation in my nation's history. Otherwise what is the point in anything, what was the point in millions of men dying in the trenches a 100 years ago, what was the point in us colonising the world, what was the point in philosophers and artists, it's just being an edgy nihilist.
Like others have said, being proud of the accomplishments of those in the past makes one appreciate their history, and as a result creates some sense of belonging and fosters meaning to an otherwise pointless existence. As it is in the modern world, nobody feels they belong anywhere, I don't anyway, most people don't care about history or whatever, and national pride is often see as a bad thing. As a result people are increasingly disconnected and depressed, though this is obviously not the only reason. This comes along with the decline of family values, religion, all that shit.
m8 I used to agree with you
But recently I've been seeing my country as a giant Jewish plantation for egalitarian crap
Tearing down the monarchies was probably a bad idea in retrospect. Democracy sucks donkey dick
The US didn't get going until you booted out the king. Unfortunately Britain has been fighting a counter-revolution against the Republic from the beginning. Britain can't physically threaten the US but she's a mistress of financial chicanery (thanks to the ((())) and psychological warfare which is why so many of you are acolytes in the cults of Harry Potter and Doctor Who and you have a stuck-up, horror-toofed Limey stereotype on your telly telling you how evil and stupid you are.
Sure the US is going to collapse, but with that critical mass in your population with military and hunting experience and the example of your great ancestors alone it's certainly not the end of the Republic.
He's right. All these muh white skin idiots fail to see how established power has always manipulated racial attitudes to garner support for shitty policy, this continues until today. Its all about control and manipulation. Make one group focus on pointless shit while you exploit them. Worry about the niggers and ignore the fact that your white masters are sending you off by the millions to die in war. That they are controlling how the profits of productivity are distributed. Keep thinking that there is some special group dynamic while you get cucked by your masters.
All these people buying into the race bullshit jusy need something to feel good about and blame their problems on.
Well, Britain is a smaller television market. So usually what the TV networks will do is pilot a show in Britain, and if it does well there bring it to the US. Happens with a lot of shows.
Anyway yeah. One thing I've noticed is that people in the US have a much less refined genome than in Europe. Practically everybody is some sort of mutt. I myself got a combination of Dutch, English and German. People in Europe are a lot more purebred, and thus more physically and mentally refined.
Unfortunately people in Europe are very stuck in their ways. And also Americans work a lot fucking harder (I've seen this firsthand), so we're far better capitalists and entrepreneurs. But Europe has the raw talent.
And by the way, the typical stuck up British accent is what Americans hate the most. A combination of wussiness, prissiness, and arrogance all in one. It's fun to make them the villains of stuff, typical stuck up Brits.
You are also tremendously fucking stupid to be proud of something arbitrary that was given to you lmao
Because the current order was designed by a few oligarchs at the expense of white peasants. You are not in the same club as the people who send your family to war and expoloit. The concept of white pride is supposed to line your values and beleifs with that of elite power so you can actually think that you are anything more than the extension of their machine.
>The side of the spectrum where communism falls in doesn't advocate for a collective effort
I'm proud of my heritage because I have love for the people who made me.
>A person's birth circumstances aren't based on luck
>Every part of someone's birth is luck and arbitrary, from the meeting circumstances of people, to the economic circumstances at the time within a country, to the very sperm race that takes immediately prior to fertilization, to the struggle to be born alive rather than dead
I can't imagine what it's like to be that wrong on something, but then again, I educate myself prior to putting my judgment on the line.
Actually individuals do participate in creating and defining what it means to be "American" or "Irish" but can do little to participate in determining their height or colon cancer predisposition.
Comedians make bad philosophers.
He's right, however not entirely. Some countries are based on ideas rather than nationality and ethnicity, if people preserve those ideas in the name of prosperity of their country, I don't see why shouldn't they be proud of it.
Also, I don't see why someone who actually takes part in improving their country's standards of living, increasing its prestige or heck, actually fighting for independence and liberating it shouldn't be proud.
With that said, people who take pride in accomplishments of others without actually doing anything themselves is silly. And mind you, this goes for both sides of political spectrum. Now, don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean we shouldn't pay respect and honour the accomplishments of our ancestors and fellow countryfolk, but piggybacking them is pathetic.
I know liberals love to point out how unaccomplished Americlaps like to display their pride, but same goes for the democrats and their identity politics. In fact, I think what the left is doing with their "black pride", "Mexican pride" and other bullshit is much worse, because the only purpose it serves is dividing people.
Le comedians are always right maymay
I am proud of my heritage as an American and a Texan because I take part in it. I am among the millions that do. We define what it means to be modern Texans and I help create that definition. I take part in our traditions and history and I tell those to others so they can know. I travel our lands so I can see their splendor and I experience that with others as well. I am proud because I am connected to our history and heritage because I, and many others, keep it alive
Carlin is a supreme cuck if he didnt understand that culture, heritage, and history of your country is something you can be proud of precisely BECAUSE you are involved in keeping it alive and healthy. Everyone in your nation is.
A nayion without pride becomes Germany, a bunch of people being fucked in the ass and taking it because they have no pride left and nothing to defend. They are shamed for the crimes of their ancestors but yet not allowed to keep past tradition alive for fear of being called nazis. That is truly disgusting.
I am not proud because I was born an American and a Texan. I am proud because I LIVE being an American and a Texan. I do my best to live and preserve our culture. This is why hyphenated Americans cannot be proud, because they do not take part in that.