At what age did you grew out of atheism?
At what age did you grew out of atheism?
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you got that wrong. you grow into atheism and out of religion. religion is like a desease transmitted by your parents.
Go fuck a little girl like your prophet did, Ahmed.
what about theism
I shall, as soon as they prove that God really does exist!
I'm waiting.
When peaceman told me I can't have 72 virgins irl
Never, of course. That would imply that I'm willing to give up intelligence for a life of ignorance. I gain far too much euphoria from intelligence alone to give it up for petty religious bliss.
That's not even going in to the simple fact that the joy of being intelligent, the pleasures of correcting the dumb religious folk plus being superior is a more pure and correct feeling of goodness than appeasing some false god that never ever existed.
I will always forever be an atheist, and it will always forever be my duty to convert all to atheism, be it the religious nuts, or the delusional and insecure agnostic people. For there is only Atheism in the path of enlightenment and progress, and no other substitute.
Agnostic is where it's at
I have never been religious.
When my fear of death overcame rationality.
this is literally the only thing on Sup Forums i disagree with, every time you say something about atheism they just say "muh fedora lel" or something
>current year
>not worshiping the sun
Fuck off, Mehmed.
Turned agnostic when I was 15 and that was 10 years ago. Feel no reason to start believing in adult santa.
>inb4 the burden of proof is on atheists
are paki girls slutty
cute little brainwashed idiot who believes in imaginary things
that's nice dear
Read the bible.
The more mature you are, the more likely you are to believe in magical sky fairies.
I don't think so
was it just me or the entirety of Sup Forums had been unable to update for almost two hours?
couldnt even post
the concept of god IMO is reasonable and workable into the world but the whole idea of "Jesus" and original sin, communion, holy traditon is just such bullshit how dont you see through it.
nice one mr aus
It's usually the other way around. However, it's fucking irrelevant as most people on Sup Forums want the same thing:
exterminate mudslimes such as yourself, subvert the kikes for once, and take back our nationalities.
orcs really exist, read the lotr trilogy.
have you? honestly, have you read the entire thing front-to-back? do you know which parts to separate from "figurative" and "literal" language (cherrypicking)?
wasnt just you man
After eating mushrooms. If you unconditionally subscribe to some ancient book you're still retarded though.
I am one of those posters. atheists are annoying little shits. I also make it a point to ignore anyone on this board who posts anime. my browsing experience has become significantly better. I suggest everyone do the same.
About the time I turned 30
do people actually shit in the street near where you live or is it just a meme
So what you just decided that magic is real when you hit 30?
the memes are real lad
this current year actually, I'm 22
Sup Forums got it shut down with a fake terrorist threat
well no shit he believes, he just obtained wizard hood
I actually read the Geeta and the Bible, and i couldn't, for the love of me, ever find a talking snake, or a talking lion, or a talking goat, or a talking monkey.
>hindu satan, the enslaver of souls, Yamraj, literally needs a physical Vimana to go and meet Lord Vishnu. shiggy diggy.
>talking snake.
>literally jews escaping instead of jews being thrown out of egypt. [at least get your verifiable facts straight guys. inb4 109_places_jews_have_been_thrown_out.mpeg]
>literally flying pillar of smoke and fire - [inb4 tsoukalous, "hurr durr ancient aliens flying a cylindrical UFO"]
>literally walking on water
>literally trillions of galaxies with trillions of planets each.
>literally only 1 single solitary planet that matters.
>literally God only talking to bunch of schizophrenic inbred family. [yeah, so your God didn't care about the Chinese or the blacks?]
Memes are a mirror showing reality, lad!
can't believe i just saved that picture...
Jesus christ I don't think I want to come here anymore. What happened?
I'm still an atheist. I don't care about things the same way I once did; I chalk it up to age. I've argued about so many things on the Internet, I've seen so many different things on the Internet, it's all old news to me.
Also, having argued so much with atheists and being censored by them over the many many years, I lost my will to defend atheism in any manner.
relax, reddit. this happens from time to time.
read the quran
read the hindu and buddist and sikh texts
>captcha: street signs
buddy boy, see my dubs here , and try and refute me.
I urge you.
Atheism is the ultimate bluepill. Once you start going down the road of the redpill the reality of god just sorta appears naturally.
Never saw someone shitting on a street have seen people going to do it on forests and railway tracks.
Some of you are alright.
Don't go on Sup Forums tomorrow
you need to experience that by yourself, try to connect with God and you will see the results. I'm serious. you are an idiot if you need someone else to prove something so intimate as spirituality. Since I became catholic and I started praying, God has provided me with a lot of the things I prayed for. the first times it freaked me out, I didn't know how it was possible that lot of things I prayed for started to in reality. But then I realize a simple thing, God is out there.
Whatever man, I'm glad that doesn't bother you but that is bullshit to me. Fuck this board. Enjoy your sexless alt-right circlejerk and childish edginess, boys.
Ok. Enjoy being a pussy faggot you bitch
I grew up as a Christian (Anglican), but never really went to church apart from Easter and Christmas.
During my teens I became an atheist because I mean who doesn't? Who isn't edgy and stupid as a teenager?
Now I believe that there is probably some sort of higher power out there, but that humans would never be able to comprehend it. There is no way that I'm ever buying into modern religion again, worshiping false idols, as that's just kikery at work.
Not even close.
>hurr durr look at all the beauty in the world, bro!
>hurr durr i'm so high ... weed lmao!
>God is out there.
Send him to me, once. would like to meet that faggot. got a few questions.
and stop with all the drugs. they aren't good for your body.
>such facts
>what debate
i concede defeat!
I remember it like it was yesterday
>Be me
>9 yo
>Me, my sisters and my mum were driving home from visiting my grandmother
>We convinced our mom to and eat at mc Donalds
>Loved the happy meals
>after eating, back in the car
>suddenly my heart feels like being crushed by a vice
>realise I will die, my mom will die, everyone will die
>I could be a billionaire who looks back at a life most people can only dream of when I die
>but I'll die anyways
>my children and grandchildren will remember me
>within 100 years after my death my grave will probably be gone
>it's like I never lived
>realise there is no god
>no afterlife
>it will be like sleeping without dreaming and I'll never wake up
>mom notices my face
>asks whats wrong
>say "nothing"
>have these thoughts a few times per year
>mostly when lying in bed while unable to fall asleep
>force myself into believing there has to be something
>creation of the universe, earth and humans are just too many coincidences
I'm not religious, nor an atheist
Agnostic fits best for me
I still appreciate Christianity for historic and cultural reasons and support it, unless it's the Pope or other cucks demanding more cuckoldry
30. But the supreme being I came to believe in is not Yahweh. Christianity remains untrue.
You either begin as one because there's no influence, or if you're smart enough, you become one.
which of the millions of skydaddies answered your prayers ?
16, acid is my religion now.
Am an atheist, don't give a fuck what other people worship, as long as they don't bother me.
Haven't got a fedora, neckbeard or basement. No katanas either. :( Just a regular person.
I think people should seperate the fedora atheists (who are annoying stuck up fuckheads), with regular old don't care atheists. I hate fedoratheist as much as theists do. Being an atheist doesn't make you more intelligent than someone else, it just means you don't believe in fuck all.
I could never see the appeal of Atheism. The idea that nothing is there, that we are a chance of randomness happening. It doesn't seem right.
Call me a christ-cuck but I have seen my prayers get answered. Not ideally but in a way that gives me peace of mind. That's what important to me.
May our savoir bless and forgive all my fellow posters, and lurkers. May he listen and aid you in your time of need. May he aid the heretics and guide them back to the light that is Jesus Christ.
Lol spoken like a true Reddit fedora. God you people make me sick.
I was raised a Christian. Became euphoric around age 25 bc I was le enlightened by my own intellect.
Then at 30 I realized that atheists are wrong. They're mostly just depressed, sexless, and hopeless.
Everyone knows God exists. We are born with the innate knowledge of his existence. You can deny it if you want, but we both know the voice of God is in your head.
last night
Atheist at 12, agnostic at 15, Christian again at 20.
Sorry mate, not everyone hears voices in their head.
>this is what reddit actually believes
see you tommorow, cunt
What am I if not an atheist? I don't believe in an almighty cosmic power and I never will.
At this moment you are euphoric..
Don't they behead you there if you abandon the mudslim faith?
>people can only be happy if they worship my magical skydaddy
havent heard that one before
Nice strawman faggot.
Not an argument
>A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
Sounds like you're an atheist.
I'm still non-theist tou
>the voice of God is in your head.
When a meme is all you have to attack atheism your not in good position
masonic dubs checked.
read about the delayed choice experiment and the electric universe.
We could all just be in a Matrix.
>tfw you know you're not Neo. sucks ass, man.
>911 checked
yeah, no.
ok, you got 2/3.
>Everyone knows God exists.
>le popular meme
>Hurr Durr God does exits.
But where is he? why doesn't he show up? at least give us a warning to straighten ourselves.
If he loves us, why does he want to keep committing crime?
If he hates, why allowing us to breed and make more criminals and sinners?
If he wants us to improve ourselves, why not teach us from the very beginning? what is he waiting for?
If he wants us to find our way ourselves, then how can you say he loves and wants the best for us?
Final -
Why in the fucking fuck did all this start anyway?
If we come from him, what as the need of even coming here? why didn't we just stay their with him all pure and innocent and sin-less?
I immediately grew out of atheism right when atheists started being made fun of with fedora images. Couldn't handle the bantz :(
I'm full christ-cuck until that starts being out of fashion.
not an argument
like that one time some sandnigger talked to a burning bush. totally normal behaviour
Or maybe I'm just ... Nothing? I don't even think about it.
Atheism, theism, agnosticism all memes but you can't live a life without having some core beliefs.
>, why does he want to keep committing crime?
why does he want US* to keep committing crime?
Why keep us sinful?
I'm not against the idea of God. i'd be relieved if anything. but i see no good argument for why the things are the way they are and must involve God.
>Who isn't edgy and stupid as a teenager?
>Implying being a rational thinker is either edgy or stupid
The worst part is that retards on this board read posts such as yours and take them seriously. Every now and then you'll see people claiming that they're converting to Christianity and have "grown" out of atheism and degeneracy, and are attending a Catholic Church. There is literally nothing wrong with being an atheist, but there is everything wrong with believing any of the shit that happens in the Bible.
And if you don't believe in miracles despite being a theist (or, perhaps more accurately, a deist) you can shut the fuck up about atheists. It's asinine to call atheists stupid while ignoring the absurd beliefs of Christians and other religions, and then take an pseudo-intellectual compromise between the two.
True, just the simple pragmatic things such as functioning with other people and preventing conflict. That's whats really important
How about the fact that atheist make fun of the fact that people believe in God because its unprovable and then turn around and believe in a multiverse which scientist admit is unprovable
Atheism is the religion of smugness. It's just used by people who need something to try and make themselves feel superior to others to make up for all their shortcomings in life. You want to be agnostic fine but atheist are fucking morons.
>Everyone knows God exists
>This is what Americans actually believe
>then turn around and believe in
see An atheist is literally just someone who lacks belief in God, that's it.