So around 2:04 am Arizona Time. Sup Forums just froze on my end. Every board every post nothing. Always got the connection error shit.
It happens quite a lot for me. Is it just me, but i am a paranoid fuck who thinks something bigger is going on.
Can a fellow Sup Forumslock put my mind at ease. Spent the past two hours just going though each boards 1-10 and reading every thread.
My god some of these boards are cringy as fuck.
What happen...?
Was normal for me, looks like the fed is watching you m8
It happened to everyone mate.
>high traffic Internet forum experiences some down time
Funny because Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the same people. Except Sup Forums has a bunch of normalfags from reddit.
>but i am a paranoid fuck who thinks something bigger is going on.
How fucking new are you.
FBI froze the board because someone posted a dead body on Sup Forums.
post proof or it didn't happen
Happened for me too
as new as knowing your a proxy as eesti has brushie brushie
thanks, was it just the sever slow for some users and fine for others?
Oh shit, should I bin my knife?
I was reading Sup Forums and /c/
I could believe that ten years ago.
Do you live in the south-west?
No, Illinois
Please stop posting Borat you're triggering me.
Happened for me aswell
I assumed it was about pic related
Was it every thread wouldn't update and just stay in their place for the past two hours?
I tried masturbating to stuff on Sup Forums about an hour ago. Happened to me too then.
people used to say maintenance, but truthfully, I doubt anyone knows
some server related shit
It just means someone posted something they shouldn't have
Same for me
My money is on /x/ or /c/ some shady shit goes on over there. We all know Sup Forums is just satire.
Checked, and nice'd but it's been happening more in 2016 then it did last year, could it be Nip moot's faulty severs?
Was it to the rule-34 or porn thread that was frozen in place? I did it about 3am my time. We are masturbation-kin now.
Same, I wanted to post on /gsg/ for fucks sakes
It made me take a hard look at my life for a second. I have my wife sleeping soundly in our bed, and since i'm off today I didn't sleep. I sat here reading Sup Forums boards instead of snuggling up with her.
My life is a fucking mess.
No idea
Someone should try raise this with the Asian owner idk his name on Twitter or something.
Terrible representation of Sup Forums, a daki and a jp flag? It could just be /jp/
That wouldn't be a bad idea, I know he browses Sup Forums but I wonder if he replies to his twitter.
this better for you?
/gsg? You mean /s4s/?
glad I saved all of em the other day. Was a decent flag bearer thread
oh here's the template if you want it.
This happens all the time. I remember one time a few years back some guy posted a risque picture of this chick I knew in some thread,and just when I was going to ask him if he had anymore Sup Forums froze. I never got to see if he had anymore. Couldn't have happened at a worse time
I had the same too, and the same shit happened to me last week as well. Glad im not the only person getting shadow banned.
Do you have the custom made one for Sup Forums?
I'm sorry to hear it. Did you save it at least?
Shadow banned? Please go on.
It's not shadow banning, the database freezes for everyone, is just being a dumb Scotsman as usual
I will if you accept this pepe for it.
Does it freeze for everyone at different times?
I don't collect pepe's but you can have it anyway.
Because we're friends.
thanks man. As your in the states as well. I hope you have a great morning. Enjoy your day.
No, it freezes for everyone at the exact same time, but since we're all in different timezones everyone reports a different time. But if you watch the post times during and after the freeze you can see that everyone becomes able to post again at the same time, and all the posts stop at the same time when the database crash/freeze occurs.
Addendum: when it occurred in the past, sometimes all the posts on all the boards would disappear, and sometimes only certain boards (about half of them) would freeze.
Lately it just freezes all the posts on the board for X number of hours, and then continues as normal afterwards.
If you were to tell me that the current freezes were due to law enforcement grabbing a copy of the whole database and logs etc. when a certain type of illegal post was made, well I wouldn't have any grounds to argue that it was probably wrong.