>TFW your prophet commands you to not eat or drink while the sun is up, but it won't be until July when the racist sun sets the next time in Finland
TFW your prophet commands you to not eat or drink while the sun is up...
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Do mudslimes go to hell if they don't follow ramadan?
They probably just get beheaded and then go to their version of paradise.
My special brand of fairy tale is real and If I don't follow it perfectly, i will go to an imaginary place for eternity.
These people have no place in a modern rational society.
Top kek
>These people have no place in a modern rational society.
Indeed, 'tis true.
>Unironically being an atheist
No wonder why your country is in such shit.
>le tip XD
You have to find better memes, Ahmed.
observe ramadan or we will burn you.
Excellent news.
Toppest of keks. My friends in work are loosing their sides when I told them this
>refugees burning down their own shelters
The problem solves itself
I work at a hospital in the IT department
I wonder how many sand niggers from Somalia (Minnesota) will be in the ED this month?
dumb paki
Can't they just interpret that as "while the sun is up in Mecca"?
>center built with taxpayer money
>they burn it down
>socialist cucks insist on building a new center with taxpayer money
>problem """"""""""""""solved"""""""""""""""
My neighbours are muslims. I keep putting my wifi name as things like 'refreshing ice tea' and 'delicious curry'.
Pretty sure they mad
The further they get from their historical homeland the more extreme they get. I swear muslims who live here are more liberal than those in the comfort of western civilization.
>the political swing to the right and the re-evaluation of our current moral system makes my retarded jewish fairy tales not still bullshit for mentally handicapped morons
kill yourself and all you retarded religious fuckhead thinking that you're pozzed as fuck cuck religion has anything to do with returning to more conservative values.
smug twingo ?
if this doesn't show how cultural differences exist, i don't know what does
>be muslim
>be ramadamn fast
>the sun doesn't fucking set
fucking lol go back home to your conservative summer sun
I wonder what the guy was thinking when he wrote that command. Fasting is good for you but how is anyone suppose to get anything done if their fatigued in that fucking dry heat.
Yes, they follow turkroach scheduling.
I hope Merkel sinks your island when you leave EU.
Somebody get this hot head outta here!
I see someone is jealous they can't leave the EU also
no, they get "fined"... it hink they have to pay their local mosque or something
i think*
Nice proxy
I think the idea was that you did jack fucking shit, much like the concept of the siësta, and put off all your work until the sun set again (which is fairly constant around the equator)
Anbar province disagrees with you
i'm fasting now and it is pretty good since i usually eat a lot
fast guys
fasting has been a medicine method since Plato
Fucking sun, doesn't it know it's 2016?
>fucking my metabolism
I will try tomorow fasting just to see how hard it is
Just before start fasting eat a lot and drink a lot of water.
During the day make sure you don't do a lot of activities to get yourself tired.
At the end you will feel k
>let's fast to feel with the poor
>let's go to the super cheap all you can eat buffet for iftar
Nobody looses weight during Ramadan, all people I know who fast gain weight.
You might as well just die
you might activate your dormant alberto barbossa moorish blood,memes aside though do this
it's over. i'm now #ramadanmissile
How do you get through the day sweating and not drinking water in the fucking desert?
How do you not die?
Hasn't anyone told the sun it is the current year?
Meant to quote I suppose you get used to it,it's not really that hard for me at this point,the only hard part is not being able to wank.
dont you mean #ramadanbomb
We´d get sacked if we spoke about that in work and it got reported by a woman or a leftie boss.