Man ordered to tell police of sex plans 'devastated'

>A man who must give police 24 hours' notice before he has sex after he was cleared of rape has said the ruling "puts an end to your life".


>He has been charged with breaching the terms of the order by refusing to give police the Pin to his phone.


>The order requires him to disclose any planned sexual activity to the police or face up to five years in prison.


>exual risk orders were introduced in England and Wales last year and can be applied to any individual who the police believe poses a risk of sexual harm - even if they have never been convicted of a crime.

What. the. fuck.

Is this real?

>basically applying for a sex licence

So is this true or is there some catch I'm missing that makes it not as bad as it sounds?

I have no words for this stupidity

>inb4 kids are taken away from their parents for holding hands at school.

Royal family needs more kids to torture their old ones are getting old and dead.

Is there a practical test when you are applying for your sex licence?

Flee your shitty stupid fucking country, or fight them to regain your fucking freedom.

So much for Western "freedom".

First you have tv and knife lisences and now this?! Holy fuck britain, sex licenses are too much.

>tfw sex license vans go through neighborhoods with a thermal camera and attempt to fine any house where to thermal signature are too close and they don't have a sex license
>It all goes to the BBC invading their island

How do they ever fucking enforce that. The only thing that changes is giving any of his partners a 5 year jail sentence gun to his head whenever they want.


the uk is cucked in a very strange way. maybe not as much as sweden or germany but "different"

How can white boys even compete?

Just file every day. Multiple times a day. Say that you got an alert that hot singles want to fuck you. Or that you will have sex with yourself -- after all, it's someone you love.

Include more and more detail and waste the court's idiotic time.

My god.

>>exual risk orders were introduced in England and Wales last year and can be applied to any individual who the police believe poses a risk of sexual harm - even if they have never been convicted of a crime.
> - even if they have never been convicted of a crime.
This is why the bill of rights in America is so important and needs to be faught for every step of the way, even for stupid shit.
> - even if they have never been convicted of a crime.
So glad I don't live in cuckand

This is how they will ensure the end of whiteness. Pretty devious plan desu.

Use the system to the point that it breaks.

>Be British
>Wake up as local licence inspector knocks on door
>Asks for TV licence, check.
>Asks for Knife licence, check.
>Asks for Social media licence, check.
>Asks if I have had any sexual activity since yesterday.
>"Well I did have a cheeky wank last night"
>Licence inspector looks at me and then talks into his walkie talkie
>Go to jail because I forgot to put my application in for a wank which is part of the sexual act protection put in from the EU
>MFW I have to put in a form every hour now because I am raped by Muhammad in jail and failure to do so will give me another six years.

You don't understand how Western government works. The system will get backlogged and they may even hire someone else. And if they can't get to him when he files, then he has sex, he can still go to jail. You cannot win with government bureaucracy.

Use it as an excuse to force some government lackey to read your sex plans in graphic detail, just write a fucking porno script every few days and send it in.

Then free the country because WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE UK?


This. They won't mind the backlog at all. It happens all the time with the ATF, FAA, etc. You are expected to sit on your hands until they get around to dealing with you.

The penis is the ultimate firearm liberals want control of; Freud maybe had a point after all..

*FLEE the country. It's too late to free it, the cuckening is complete.

America may reclaim it after the Caliphate collapses in a half-century or so, that's the best you can hope for.

>Use the system to the point that it breaks.

Breaks? No, I was talking Scott Adams style affirmations. Keep telling the court clerks that you're gonna get laid six ways to sunday, and suddenly find that the universe accommodates you. Hot court action.

Seriously have you never thought about being alone with Judge Alsup, sneaking into the courtroom after dark. He takes the gavel, pound pound pound! "I sentence you to..." His eyes glint as you slide your hand into his pants. "Tell me how you learned Java, your honour."

Yup, classic tactic in english law and most court systems to deprive you of your rights.

>>The order requires him to disclose any planned sexual activity to the police or face up to five years in prison.
Right wing consevitard Tories are really screwing that country up.

It's laws like this that are completely and utterly unenforceable and retarded that piss me off. There is a line between sensible laws and this, and that line is getting thinner every year.

The state either should trust that this man will not rape or throw him into prison. Getting him to call them every time he's about to get his dick wet on the basis of "he might rape somebody" is not a sensible nor enforceable law.

and yes I am aware that it was a rape charge that he was cleared of, which is equally retarded because he was cleared of any wrong doing, thus should not be punished - but the fact they really want this guy to open all of his information and notify when he's about to have sex over an accusation he was cleared of is just plain right out fucking ridiculous.

Just another product of Marxism.

So what happens if you are out camping for a couple of days and your girl wants to have sex in the tent. How are you gonna notify the authorities?

Better send in an application in advance for each day you will be there to cover yourself.

This is why we haven't had a terrorist attack in years.

They learned from Sun Tzu and they aren't gonna interrupt the enemy when they're making a mistake.

Shit, they're probably laughing they're heads off - "Yes, you keep pissing on the same gender you expect to defend you... you do that."

Terrorists and Muslims should just not bother. This is rapidly becoming a war they can win by sitting around just watching us fuck ourselves up.

>implying he would be accepted for a camping licence

That just adds to the excitement. You tell a girl how badly you want to fuck her, but not until the court says yes. Maybe tonight. Maybe next week. She won't know, and meanwhile she'll be an absolute puddle.

Once you get the court receipt ... damn.

It's not supposed to be enforced literally. It's just a way to make sure if he ever comes to the attention of the police again they can fuck him completely.

don't worry it only counts for people with white skin.

Right , forgot about the bi-weekly tent and daily equipment licences. Plus the cost of data for a 24/7 livestream from the tent.

>even if they have never been convicted

It's time to burn down parliament, bongs.

Just say every day and every hour until they give up.



Putting a bureaucracy in control of your sexual release? This is some next level orgasm denial fetish shit.

gosh I never knew sex was so important to some people. I haven't had sex in 13 years.


We did it to ourselves

Mushits know all they have to do is sit back and we'll sabotage ourselves into submission

>yfw Freud was actually fucking right

Leftist nanny state is the new church of morality.

This shit aint happening in America yet Britbros. We have plenty of women to choose from and all races. Our women are hotter than yours are anyway. Get over here and make America white again.

Can we just skip forward where a woman muct give a signed premision for a man to have sex with her?
If a man can't provide this paper with a valid carnal stamp no older ,than 6 months he can be convicted of rape.

>be british
>have to get sex license
Top kek

This is a blessing in disguise.

They can apply this to any male muslim, as their holy book pushes the teachings of a pedo.

Sad part is that they wont

>can be convicted of rape
No, he WILL be convicted of rape unless he has this slip.

>MFW the Kelpers need licence for tv's
haha, keep those shitty,frigid island, britbongs

Fornicating Under King's Consent

America pls liberate us

Have you tried building a wall?

>Call everyday with fake info
>If they ask why he didn't do it just tell them that plans changed
>Waste police time everyday

NSA discovers al queida plot to sit back and chill as the west crumbles.

>tfw sex license will become a thing soon
>white fucking male sex license applications denied
>shitskin applications approved
>Brits cucked again

>Fornicate Under Command of the King




>implying this isn't part of the white genocide and will not affect muslims by pure coincidence

He should immigrate tbqh.


Jews and Feminism are far more destructive to America than muslims. 14 people get shot vs your entire societal structure slowly collapses and becomes a new monster you don't even recognize



>Alright guvner, I'm off up town tomorrow night and plan on shagging some slappers. Sorted

kill yourself weeaboo faggot

Thermals don't see through surfaces or even windows

fucking kek

Are Ivankas tits natural?

>they don't have a Bill of Rights
Enjoy getting fucked by your government, Europoors. Getting fucked then paying for a fucking license.

>not getting into the most stomach turning fetishes to fuck with the police

It's the UK, what do you honestly think?

We live in orwellian times, that's obvious. So, in UK, if the police think you're a possible (not even convicted) sex offender, you must give away your liberty. Man, this world has gone insane...

We need to get our own shit sorted first, senpai. Hold the line britbong. We'll get out of this together.

>British supreme court rules that everyone must by sex licenses everyday because of how much the government is constantly fucking them

Only for White males, shitskins have free reign over White females of any age, sanctioned and promoted by the jew government. Oh, pedos in power positions also have a sanctioned buffet.

Islam taking over Britain isn't a fear anymore. It's a hope.

Hello, officer. I'll be having a threesome with your mother and wife later today.


Australian tier bants about their mums is a must

>yfw tanned asian Brits are exempt from this law


I don't understand why the ooman rights lawyers aren't crawling over the shekels to be made with this one. Or is it because it only realistically will be used against white men?



my fucking sides

>forget to pay daily fap toll
>police barge into your home and drag you into a toleration center for 5 days

Look what the Jews have done to the west, dear god...

>Say that you got an alert that hot singles want to fuck you.

He should've submitted the name and address of the police chief's and the magistrate's mums, first thing.

First Civil Asset Forfeiture and now this.
I hope god throws us a great big fuckhuge meteor
lot of governments are fat, greedy, and sloppy and need to be put on the treadmill of nation-wide/global catastrophe.

What a time to be alive.
Nuclear holocaust sounds better every day.

Just go to their tent 3 feet away.

Wot, yew think yeh can just go campin whenevah yeh wahnt, innit? Not in me cuntry, ye twat!

Dude I fear your reality.

I remember that thread kekekek

>tfw I followed 8 years in french language

Time to move to France lads.

Jesus fucking christ.

When does it end?

>That's fucking bullshit! Cruel and unusual punishment straps him of his const....

Oh wait, it's 1984istan. Carry on, old chap

Fucking sex licenses
How the fuck are greentext memes becoming reality.
What's next, falcons and crab legs at the movie theater?

The right to due process doesn't mean as much as it should though, if your labeled a terrorist they will do whatever they please with you. It's entirely unconstitutional but things are just too broken right now.

Nice try Ahmed.