




Other urls found in this thread:

bing.com/images/search?q=illegal pussy&FORM=VSRANF

I asked a black man for his most recent photo and he showed me his mug shot. Kek

Think that's bad?
Try this

do a non image search for three czech teenagers.

Try searching for "aspiring rapper".

Its almost like google works by the numbers , how about being mad at blacks for being criminals

Feels over reals

I discovered youtube doing this the other day not sure if it's user specific or everywhere.

>putting words like "to" into Google search

Other then that, Kek

it's based on your cookie data

People obviously don't know how Google works.

>aspiring rapper

thanks for the new reaction image


>maths proves that black people are criminals

too good

I have the same thing

I hope he's high one day and tries to smoke out of the wrong piece


Based on past search data from youtube and other google shit afaik

It's like it's reading my fucking mind


>it's based on your cookie data
I tried it on multiple machines just not different IP and geolocations.

I Googled both of these things myself and for "three black teenagers" mugshots aren't the first things that come up as for "three white teenagers" there are mugshots too, I just had to scroll down a little.

However now that this article is out it's tipping the scale and I'm mostly seeing screen grabs from it.

I don't get it.

Instead of getting butthurt and demanding Google change it's engine to suit them how about fixing your shitty communities of black teens?

>pure logic is racist

Based Skynet doesn't care about the SJWussies feelings.

They're angry at Google for showing reality, instead of angry at the niggers for being criminals.


google is smarter than you think. You don't just need to search keywords, you can put in entire sentences and questions in English and it understands what you're asking for.

No way that's true!

Google it yourself.

>Based Skynet doesn't care about the SJWussies feelings.
They are going to hate it when more advanced AI arrive. AI won't understand race or gender and will just identify patterns which will be the same as most stereotypes.

Holy shitsnacks!

A gorilla inside a zoo cage was shot because a baby fell inside his cage and the animal was being aggressive. The child's parents were black. Hence the pictures.

Search TRAINING BRA in google images

This one always gets me.

You sick man. :^)

Well, either blacks commit disproportionately more crime so that blacks will show up in results more often, or then google is ran by Ku Klux Klan.

I swear that sometimes I'll read a post on Sup Forums and notice an unfamiliar word or term, I'll go to Google it and the term will be the first thing that pops up. It knows man.

kek, you fuck

The best part is these are automatically gleaned from news pages and shit.

They are literally accusing software of being racist.

And nobody says anything about searching american couple that shows niggers?

That's only because their search understands a template like "what is the biggest airport in the USA." In which case, they really only place precedence on "Biggest airport USA." It still behooves you to not search like a retard.

This whole thing is hilarious because apparently mug shots are more relevant (generally more results - probably news articles in this case) to the term "black teenagers" than shitty stock photos of white teens to "white teenagers."

>google is your friend

>non computer literate lib arts major detected

Nah, you're wrong. Google considers full sentences/syntax. Just shut up.

>implying chinese room

you are responsible for your own thoughts

It's mostly got to do with how shutter stock tag there photos.
I think they think that the word black is offensive so they use the word African American or just African.

>just now realizing leftists want to change history, facts, and reality

>try it
>it's legit

Fuck me...

That's nothing.

Check this out.


>it understands

Hmmm I wonder how you know that...

What the fuck that passes me off

>muh random search queries relevancy

Teeerrriiggggeeerrrreeeedddddhfjcigndkkdjrnfjckdjrkdmfkv. Vkfkdk FUCK

>tfw when they tell the AI what to do
>tfw AI is having none of their BS and zapps them all.

Who owns Google?

You think this is funny, but it's yet another example of the jew trying to create animosity between whites and niggers.

We should unite with the niggers to use them as tools to murder jews.

Why the FUCK are we not shooting jews in the street? We need to wipe out their oligarch families down to the last child yesterday. These fucking RATS have gone too far. I am SICK of them, and I'll work my entire life accumulating wealth to burn every single one of their children alive.

This one struck a nerve a few months ago

calm down

The best thing you can do now is simply spread the red pill to as many people that are accepting. Remember, that many Whites will also die in the purge, but they will be those that are irredeemable--the race mixers, the DWLs, the Commies, etc.

Makes you wonder if Shillary or Bernie have their birthdays associated with anyone bad....

Or are they both compared to Jesus?

Its still got the bottom piece clearly meant to stand on a table not fit in a holster.
Also dat coke fingernail hahahaha

The traitors deserve to die. I am going to amp up my work hours to 90 hours a week now. This fucking jewish menace must be brought to justice. I wont rest until their children are ash. I don't care if it takes 50 years to convince our race to stand up for themselves.

>fine writing entire post about Ramadan
>fine wishing people happy hannukah
>fine wishing people fucking festivus...

>lol no Christmas or Easter tho, that might be offensive!! Better just say happy Holiday and celebrate Cezar Chaves.

Fuck them,

perhaps they should stop committing crime?

>perhaps they should stop committing crime?
You're a racist!

Oh fucking hell that's too funny

I read somewhere that it's picking up "American Couple" and usually that would follow "African", but it's still pretty silly

I prefer....

I bet the Jewgler is behind this.


Incoming v&

bing.com/images/search?q=illegal pussy&FORM=VSRANF

>Actual KKK endorses Hillary
>Larry Page supports Hillary

Mind blown.jpg

>blacks statistically commit more crimes
>suprised when unbiased software has images of mugshots of blacks as most relevant result

Perhaps dead jews are best jews though...

One of the black teenagers on the left is white so how is it racist?

Bernie Sanders is associated with Jeremy Corbyn.
Hillary Clinton is associated with Dilma Rousseff and Vladimir Putin.


W-what is it?

Looks like moot's been busy at his new job.

Goddamn racist alghoritms

Training bras with models. What did you expect? Hardcore porn?

We've always known this

The same problem exists with leotard and gymnast. I just want references and I get blasted with that shit too.


Lad if kids in underwear was illegal every clothing store would be shut down. It's just gross.

I thought training bras are a sport thing.

I figured it would be some legal but questionable content

it's just a tight, cupped vest
similar to a sports bra I suppose

It really says something that even guys call other guys pedos for even just looking at children

not everyone is a rapist
don't be drawn into the bullshit

That nigga is evolving into a white guy

He was starting to turn his life around.

Fuck you, they're still not nude, nothing wrong with it

Haha. I just screenshotted the same thing.

Pretty accurate senpai

Reminds me of a post I saw yesterday, a white leftie bitch angry because black men are in jail, for anything at all, while white men only get six months for fingering someone while she is passed out drunk.

>More evidence of systemic racism.

top kek

Fuck off nonce. Nobody likes your kind.

Well have full blown censorship by then so it shouldn't be a problem.

>that jihadi john
fucking kek


search "three british teenagers"