>tfw realizing Sup Forums is multicultural
Tfw realizing Sup Forums is multicultural
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That's the big irony, isn't it? The sick joke.
Sup Forums is fucking multicultural.
Just think about that for a minute.
Its actually ironic.
Fags on Twitter and Tumblr basicly only communicate with people from their own region.
But here we have Arabs, Kikes, Americans, Europeans and Asians on one board, united in enlightenment
Everyone one who posts here is an honorary white, except turkroaches
You know what to do.
Its not multiculturalism that's bad. It's the liberal belief that we will all get along and respect and love one another.
and germans
Doesn't it just prove our point?
We might be multicultural but we agree.
-Jews are over represented in media and position of powers and control.
-Hitler wasn't right. But he wasn't completely wrong either.
- Blacks are okay. Niggers should be banned.
-Even though religion is plague upon the minds of stupid people, it still manage to create a sentiment of union and stability that made for good family structure.
- Gays are mostly ok. Trans is a mental disease.
I know.
Its terrible. You guys should leave
Kill yourself
Was she unconscious?
And that all cultures are equal.
Some people are just subhuman. Like gypsies and abos.
>Multicultural board
>Despite being small we can get Trump elected
It's a doll
It's a hard life.
A collection of people able to coexist and discuss by maintaining their own distinct national identity instead of forcing them all into one label.
Sup Forums pulled off diversity better than lefties can.
>gays are ok
/r9k/ the gif
aslong as were all nationalist im cool with it
only occassionally, i stomp it down the hole and scrub up with a bar of soap. in summer i have cold short showers (seems ironic but i prefer cold but in winter itd kill me) so only a winter thing
N. W. O. On the way
Being multi culti on an internet board really does not matter, since every one speaks the same language and no one knows how you look or what kind of manners you have.
Gays are only ok if they keep that shit at home and don't base their whole life around being gay.
- Blacks are okay. Niggers should be banned.
- Gays are mostly ok. Trans is a mental disease.
these are memes
darkies and faggots are NOT okay
Sup Forums turned to shit when it became multicultural and popular
>slide threads
>cuck threads
>off topic threads
>b8 threads
All cultures agree the Jews are a problem. We can unite on that. Even real Jews dislike Zionists. Their global banking, media, entertainment complex must fall.
(: Im honored
Empires are multicultural by definition, but there is a cultural hierarchy, where the other cultures try to imitate the dominant one.
You can also get away from the arabs with a click.
There is literally no difference on Sup Forums.
if by 'multicultural' you mean gay jews, you're right
Depends how you look at it. We all live in separate nations and separate developments. We are all representatives of our nations here. Sup Forums has no nationality of its own.
>multiculturalism is always bad
It's usually not when it's not forced.
Deal with it faggot
This place is a variant of multiculturalism that actually works. When everyone knows their place it really makes wonders. That's the beauty of knowing that Sup Forums extends to every corner of the world, that you can be told by someone you called a roach thousands of miles away.
The internet is not a country...
It's the good kind though. The one where we all talk and generally get along but don't get terraformed into something we're not.
When the left or your government tells you multiculturalism is a good, it means giving up your identity for votes and cheap labour; And in light of those two things, you're easier to control as you realise your future is being fucked but you are coerced into tolerating the changes - in the interest of being a good goy and making your nation strong through diversity etc etc and so on as it literally rots from the inside out.
I think we're unified under the notion that there does exist objectively bad ideas, and we know what they are. We're vastly different, almost worlds apart and yet we're less divided than what passes for "multiculturalism" in the real world today.
You forgot to mention that, while Islam is an evil religion, suppressing women is a smart move, because women are natural born nation wreakers.
Well said.
I love you guys (´・ω・`)
>blacks are okay
>Hitler wasn't right
>Gays are mostly ok
Leaf trash
You must be new here. Reminder all peoples of Italy were united together under the fascist banner at one point, that included niggers and jews.
We're not multicultural, we're not even close to multicultural. We all have the exact same fucking views and values and the same hopes and dreams. We're multi-ethnical, there's a big difference.
you're confusing culture with country of origin.
they're two very different things.
all the worlds countries going to a shit flinging bar, and living peacefully as neighbors is a very different thing.
and I hate you
old meme
libertarians hate Sup Forums now
Because we aren't neighbours.
To live in the same country means we have to abide by the same rules which are made by the people if the country isn't a shithole.
I sure as shit will not follow the laws of pakistan and the same thing occurs vice versa, pakis don't follow our laws.
It gets really bad when the laws that are being broken are not enforced because cucks permeate everywhere in the west.
We have Orthodox and we have Protestants, Catholics and Buddhist.. we have Asians and Russians and South American bros all from their respective cultures.. that is all pretty multicultural.
We are all united in our hatred of the jewish global agenda and understanding that nationalism is necessary.
What is needed is for us as a group to realize Democracy is also a complete failure, and that it only achieves the same results as communism, it just goes about it differently.
lol I agree with essentially all that but I respect Sup Forums for what a lot of its users think/want it to be
thats because this is the internet, shillbot
They dont hate Sup Forums.. There was lots of support for Rand before Trump beat him, now they are mostly supporting Trump which is the right thing to do to stop Hillary.
They dont have a real candidate, pic related, Gary Jewson is extremely anti-freedom and probably merely controlled opposition.
Well, actually, hes the definition of controlled opposition. Koch controls him.
Well, Sup Forums?
I don't think you know what multicultural means.
Fuck Native Americans, and fuck the Jews, once we kill all of them then there will be peace and unity. This is the way of order and light, they will suck our cocks or die. HAILZZ SAITAN !!@!@$@#$@
Wat did dis word come to?
Im sad at da way europe is this
Oh and wat in da word is happening in Sup Forums
like the Waffen SS
not really
it's more like 90% "main" board culture
then the rest of the 10% is split up by other cultures
How can you even connect there?
Never mind.
Multiculturalism didn't work here at all.
Deport the Leaves and Aussies.
>we have Asians and Russians and South American bros all from their respective cultures.
our countries and continents of origin.
>We are all united in our hatred of the jewish global agenda and understanding that nationalism is necessary.
our culture
two different things.
why do you think they call it "board culture"
Us puts skulls on its badges and a lot worse. Welcome to military tradition.
>>tfw realizing Sup Forums is multicultural
>countries and continents of origin.
>why do you think they call it "board culture"
Were talking about the board you invalid, obviously not the countries. You do realize that this board reaches more people than the top mainstream news sources when Trump is on them right?
While I agree to pretty much all youve said, i feel like
>-Jews are over represented in media and position of powers and control.
Sound too SJWish. As when they say the same thing about white CIS male.
It hurts.
On top of that sweden is so close.
This post reeks of cuckservatism. Back to your shed stephen
Top notch shitpost. Now, go hang yourself.
The share plight of Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Hold me, non-swede bros
>Sound too SJWish
Youre not helping anyone by comparing the side who uses logic and reason for all their decisions, to the side who actively uses subjective beliefs, critical theory and who deny that you actually can have objective truth.
SJWs make shit up, its not founded in reality, they chant "hands up dont shoot" when they know he was charging at the cop head on, because it makes their point sound legit and like theres actually cops shooting niggers with their hands up saying dont shoot.
Jews actually control the media, almost all of it. They are like 3% of the US and control over 90% of its Media.
Theres too many of them in media, this is a fact.
what the fuck did he mean but this?
>Sup Forums is multicultural
okey invalid, explain what the multiple different cultures of Sup Forums are.
>inb4 "Sup Forumss cultures are asians russians and south americans"
no you twat, those are races.
you actually mentioned part of Sup Forums's culture when you said
>We are all united in our hatred of the jewish global agenda and understanding that nationalism is necessary.
Also, again, subjective lies. Not founded in reality.
Stats show jews are. That cant be argued against without twisting reality intentionally to mislead people, marxism.
We arent "like" SJWs. We counter SJWs. Were the opposite of them, that doesnt make us "as bad" as them. Thats like saying Russia is as bad as ISIS for bombing ISIS and killing them. Literally if they fuck your wife you win type logic.
>>tfw realizing Sup Forums is degenerate
Wrong word, fixed. Multiculturalism is a symptom, nothing more. A result of desperate scraping about for reasons to continue, when civilisations stop growing they start dieing.
>no you twat, those are races.
Actually they arent races. Chinese is a race of people, different from Japanese by blood and ethnicity.
Chinese people eat fried rice, Japanese eat teriyaki and Sushi and have Geishas and are isolationist in beliefs.
South Americans have their own culture too, and South American is not a race.. these are designations for a number of races, some nationalities have their own race. Italians, French, Germans, British, Norwegian... these are races, and nationalities at the same time.
Some shithole like New Zealand however doesnt have "New Zealanders" - you have shitty maori natives who are one step ahead of the abos in Australia.
I have to shit, Ive had enough answering your troll.
Sup Forums is multicultural.
Speak for yourself you Syrian cock gobbling maple nigger
well you have white people converting to islam..
so this world is full of irony.
>Sup Forums is multicultural.
explain it's multiple cultures then.
>Hitler wasn't right
>Blacks are okay
>religion is plague upon the minds of stupid people
>Gays are mostly ok
fucking cancucks
>gays are not ok
why? cool, non in-your-face gays are ok I guess. Like, Wittgenstein for instance
No it's not, it's multi ethnic
Anyone who sways away from the main ideology gets shat on.
Sup Forums is a multi ethnic monocultural right wing society, like Israel:^)
Yes it is, because everyone should be proud of their country and try to make it better than is already is regardless of where you're from.
It just becomes wildly unpopular when white people do it for some reason.
>attempting to bait me into replying only by pointing out your spelling mistake so you can use that specific meme
Lol I didnt even talk about your spelling and the way you put your post together, but you know why youre being called a troll enough to post that.
Sup Forums is made up of people from many different cultures and thus those cultures are represented in the opinions you will find here, thus Sup Forums is multicultural.
Swedish people for example, in their culture its normal for women to have a "feminine penis" and for it to not even be considered homosexual for one to be attracted to a "woman" with such an appendage.
This is abnormal everywhere but Sweden, but I have heard anecdotal evidence of it being on the rise in South America too, oh, and Thailand.
Multicultural ya leaf, but not multi ethnic. And anytime a non white posts we make fun of them relentlessly.
As a group they are harmful and the specific individuals(le cool right wing gay) do not redeem the whole group.
also fag spotted
delete this
In all honesty, this should be Tumblr's and Reddits wet dream.
good, that's Swedish culture.
now describe what Sup Forums's multiple cultures are.
Yes we're multicultural, but we're in no way forcing each other to get along.
We are heavily flag-profiling and we still call niggers niggers, because they're niggers. There's nothing wrong with multiculturalism as long as the shared area is the entire globe or the internet, where I can't smell you fuckers.
It is. And it's a shithole where everyone is a dick to each other.
Makes you think, really.
Swedish is one of them, British tends to be strong, Sharia wont bloody allow it.
>you havent listed and described each one despite having obviously made your point, so your point doesnt count
Probably got a sloppy black and white somewhere in my HD for that, but I dont feel like looking for it.
how tricky sneaky jew.
obsessed with abstraction?
is that you ryan?
Say that again :^)
>I think we're unified under the notion that there does exist objectively bad ideas, and we know what they are. We're vastly different, almost worlds apart and yet we're less divided than what passes for "multiculturalism" in the real world today.
I second this.
I'm not ryan but I am obsessed with abstraction
Was my post wrong?
Right, the internet is more like the planet itself, while individual websites themselves happen to be the countries. I'm not surprised a Brit doesn't understand this.
you are still missing the point entirely.
here, think about "the culture of Sup Forums"
you know, calling each-other faggots, being anonymous, shitposting, reaction images rather than emoticons. that's all part of Sup Forums culture.
Now think about Sup Forumss culture, "hatred of the jewish global agenda" and "understanding that nationalism is necessary" are both parts of Sup Forumss culture
swedish culture is not even part of Sup Forums's culture, apart from maybe making fun of it.
starting to understand now?
-Cancucks should be b& from posting
Simple improvement.