according to ea that's how an average german soldier looked in ww1
According to ea that's how an average german soldier looked in ww1
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That's actually how the average German soldier will look like in WW3.
yeah its certainly 102 years too early.
that's not meant to be a german you dumb fucking shit
Delete this.
Why is he using a german gun then? Did the white man bring him down by sending him to the front without a weapon?
Will forever hate this trailer, it completely repelled any hope I had for the game.
The only niggers who should be in this game are French colonial soldiers. The rest should be phosgene gassed. Especially American ones, since they came so late WW1.
Also, they could have used Iron Maiden's Paschendale instead of the White Stripes Seven Nation Army.
he's holding in the hand a german gun
And he's wearing a British uniform and British webbing
The other dude on one of the promotional pics is presumably a blonde German and he's carrying a Springfield rifle
5 star post mate
Kek. Not sure if Celtic or Danish.
I really doubt EA told them to do this
this is all on DICE's head
100% sweded
I wonder what happened to DICE's original staff, they must have left or have been SJWed
I wouldn't trust them to remake any of their pre mirror's edge games now
no its not
That's because the black Übermensch in the picture beat a weak evil German with his bare hands and took his gun.
EA just wanted another generic shooty McTooty modern game
actually that how swedish soldier are today
My favorite maiden song by far
white stripes are pleb tier anyway
He's meant to be a Harlem Hellfighter so American
Deserves a few more (you)'s, I approve
They probably picked anything that people would recognize with WW1 and put it on the black guy. I'm still surprised they didn't give him that helmet with a spike
Despite the fact that there were hundreds of thousands of blacks serving in the Wehrmacht & Schutzstaffel.
But school taught you that all German soldiers were Arian baby raping monsters. Educate yourself user.
At least they've gained publicity, and endorsements from ze ruling leftist powers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The niggers actually did the Holocaust, time for the true history lesson to begin
Thats a american soldier you dip
...Anonymous (ID: Kp8PKQ+L)
06/10/16(Fri)00:45:58 No.76610295
15 KB
Wat did dis word come to?
Im sad at da way europe is this
Oh and wat in da word is happening in Sup Forums
Tbh senpai
"Hundreds or thousands".
Fixed that for you
I don't care if it's a little loose with the story so I can see all the big battles and do more cool stuff. . . But I want the tactics to be accurate. If it plays like any other shooter it looses everything that makes it attractive except the cosmetic changes. You want to follow a Harlem hell fighter and show a segregated unit or you want to ignore history in favor of sjw crap I don't care; this is the gateway to high budget shooters in new settings instead of ww2 or modern with a near future and Vietnam adventure popping up. There's a sense of glory that sci-fi doesn't often match and a whole history book full of overlooked wars to explore. If this isn't a fun game with some new ideas companies will play it safe and follow the big budget shooter formula for another batch of games.
The truth hurts
because its a fucking c96 broomhandle mauser, it was popular all over the world before the war
Hes part of the Harlem Hellfighters you retard
If they wanted niggers they should have made a game about the east african campaign
This is the Harlem Hellfighters first major engagement of World War 1:
>"The Second Battle of the Marne (French: Seconde Bataille de la Marne), or Battle of Reims (15 July – 6 August 1918) was the last major German offensive on the Western Front during the First World War. The attack failed when an Allied counterattack by French and American forces, including several hundred tanks, overwhelmed the Germans on their right flank, inflicting severe casualties. The German defeat marked the start of the relentless Allied advance which culminated in the Armistice with Germany about 100 days later."
Why the fuck would you use a latecoming negro as the posterboy for the worst war in the history of mankind? Put a european Brit or Frog or Hun up there, even just as a bit of respect to all the mountains of dead.
>implying EA isn't gonna just shit out another generic fps with WWI backdrop
This year @ E3 will be a nigger/SJW fest. Get ready for the cringe.
Expect Bethesda to be the only group that won't be completely catering to blatant faggotry.
It makes you think huh...
he could be an askari you twat