There you have it folks , from the horse's mouth.
The continous importation of low IQed , non-europeans ,(who breed like rats & keep in mind , most of them are illiterate in their own language).
All for what ? For a cynical & desperate attempt to keep their Ponzi scheme going.
You see , governments have sought to make up the numbers by importing 3rd worlders to prop up their economies. HOWEVER...It's only worstening the situation , because the vast majority of them don't work and live off benefits.
In other words , native Europeans are subsidizing their own genocide. (and it's a vicious circle because the more you import low IQed & unassimilable people who end up on welfare , the more you have to tax what's left of the European middle-class. Life gets more & more expensive for natives. They end up not having children).
Since our economic system is based on a Ponzi scheme, (i.e. dependent on ever more people consuming ever more stuff.) , GENOCIDE is the EU's cynical answer to the problem.
Will it work ? Well , yes and no. "Yes" because the end result will destroy the european race. (go extinct , the way of the Dodo)....And "No"...Because their Ponzi Scheme can't be propped up by importing millions of "Gibsmedat".
My suggestion , (if you have the money) is to LEAVE. For the future of your children , your family. The West is shooting itself in the foot. If you want to have descendants that look like you. Have the same culture & live in peace , away from 3rd world hellholes , then LEAVE.
There is no hope. You've been betrayed by your own people. People who are more concerned about being called "racist" than preserving their own civilisation.
Maybe , just maybe.., Eastern Europe will be preserved & at some point , people will react. But the West is finished ! Betrayed from the inside. Marxism won. Unless people use non-democratic ways & combat this plague the old way. (civil war perhaps? )...It's over !