What's your opinion on the death penalty?
If you support it, what crimes do you think would justify it and how should people be executed?
What's your opinion on the death penalty?
lets start with people who make shit threads..
sjws should be drowned
pedos should be burnt
I believe the death sentence should only be used in 2 cases
Intentional Murder with provided evidences (motivation, inclination)
Systematic Conspiracy through seats of Power (events that could sabotage the nation or nations you are aligned with intentionally for profitable gains or ideals)
Why do we kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong
It's a feat tactic.
If you kill someone and get caught, your life is over.
Just like the reason we put people in jail for stealing.
Love it - need to be expanded to attempted murder.
Just because you're incompetent shouldn't save your ass.
Instead of killing them, why not experiment on them?
Extreme violent, unremorseful crimes associated with a medically sociopathic nature. Nothing else.
Basically if you kill hundreds of people and are like, meh, then it's probable that you have those certain genes that were once great for letting you go nuts at the front of a melee, but not so great when our current form of competition is more intellectual. You're a thing of the past so you should become of the past, and be prevented from both breeding and interacting with humans.
Notice how I didn't mention any meme crimes that at are cool to outcry in this day and age, but have historically been considered much lesser. Those crimes objectively don't require capital punishment.
attempted homicide and up
not including manslaughter in self defense or alike
Yes, I'm from Germany and I'm wisiting america. Homosecuality should declare the death penalty.
The state should not have the power to kill in cold blood, period.
The state abuses any power it is given, and murder is the worst.
Murder is wrong, killing not necessarily.
This 2bh
Death for political frauds and traitors.
The rest should be subjected to work camps (and only get to eat/be clothed etc based on how much work they do to earn such things).
No death penalty in my opinion. 100 crooks can escape but not 1 innocent should be punished.
Yeah, pedophilia is so wrong yet people have been doing it for centuries dating back to Ancient Greece. Good one, cuck.
>Intentional Murder
Use it to kill every jew and trial them for treason.
Now that we can't use chimps any more thanks to hippies, we might as well put criminals to good use.
And companies will pay to use our subjects!
This. I support this all the way. Anybody that has without a shadow of a doubt murdered someone, they deserve to be experimented on until they die of fatigue or natural/unnatural causes. No contact with the outside world whatsoever (no people, no books, absolutely nothing). Eventually they'll get creative enough to find some form of suicide never thought possible before.
because jail is expensive
If the person is deemed unable to reenter society after rehabilitation, then kill them.
There's something called involuntary manslaughter you fucking retard
Considering that fear/deterrence is one of the main arguments for the death penalty -
Do statistics actually support this? Do countries/areas where there is a death penalty have fewer murders etc (on average) than those that don't?
Put it this way, if your wife or her son were murdered, you wouldn't want your taxes to fund the existence of the murderer in a cell for the rest of his life
>the unlawful PREMEDITATED killing of one human being by another.
Now put "intentional" infront of "premeditate"
It worked out well for Singapore. They have practically no drugs because you get executed if caught smuggling.
>tfw this will never happen because of GODDAMN HIPPIES
Only in times of war, because insanity is already loose when war is declared or otherwise on.
In times of peace, the death penalty is revenge, not justice. Having a justice system based on revenge will just set a standard to the populace that murder is fine.
Crime and punishment should be based on rehabilitation, if the convict is sentenced to death, then the convict is the ultimate victim.
TD;DR the death penalty is based on muh feelings, not logic or reason.
At least our mass shooters aren't living like this
That's a claustrophobic dorm he has to return to for years to come. Never graduating, never achieving anything, forever hated, alone in his dorm room.
i bet you're a libertarian
Maybe i am, maybe Im a bleeding-heart liberal. I switch on and off
may you burn in hell piece of trash
>muh feels
You sound like an SJW, you commie puppet.
Degenerates of all kinds receive 処刑. Criminals that break the law receive 処刑。
that horseshit you wrote in 1st post is most retarded shit, no wonder you are pathetic swede
one day we will bring back death penalty and we will not only kill criminals we will make bloodbaths out of them
Stay in Mayoiga threads, Lovepon
What would be your last meal, Sup Forums?
I think mine would be spaghetti aglio e olio.
Hate speech on campus
Hate speech online
Supporting Donald Trump
Anyone who disagrees with the above
I think we can all agree that the above crimes warrant capital punishment. That's why #ImWithHer
I support it because it's the antithesis of slave morality.
A culture that focuses on honor and respect is vastly preferable to a culture that focuses on the pseudo-sanctity of human life.
>we will make bloodbaths out of them
can we have Nazi rape party? it will fun!