Why are Finns so paranoid? Nobody want their shitty land lmao

Why are Finns so paranoid? Nobody want their shitty land lmao

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But we already have their lands...

what is hunting and shiiet

Depending on where you live there's more animals than people.

- they have border with russia
- they are not in the NATO

BTW, Poland is currently totally disarmed by our postcommunist governments, but this is currently changing too as right wing government liberalizes access to weapon. I hope to buy myself a machinegun without any permission someday.

Most firearms in Europe are for hunting

They have much forrest, the land is a hunting paradise.

most guns are prob remnants of winter war era firearms 2bh, and it's not like they're just gonna get rid of them
do you just expect them to hand all the guns into their gov't or something stupid like that?

Return Karelia at once!

Pyccкий Oккyпaнт detected.

>most guns are winter war era firearms
Actually not really because a lot of those aren't registered so there's no way to really know how many there is.

The pic is just all the legally purchased guns.

Do finns seriously still think Russia wants to invade them again

Just in case

>nobody wants your land
[audible laughter]

I alway thought in countries like Czechia and Poland everyone has 10 rifles at home

>rational entity

What would they need them for

bretty aqqurate

I don't know, do they really? Doesn't seem likely desu senpai

he said "invade".
crimeans peacefully and democratically joined russia, there was no war there.
and the rest of ukraine? there no russian troops there, and you can't prove otherwise

+1000000000000000000 roobels


oink oink

do you realise that the bbc and the guardian are just sputnik and rt of the west? why would anyone trust one but not the other? because they contradict each other. it means someone is lying. but who exactly is lying? i don't know and i am not a hypocrite so i will not just assume. we can only conclude that there is no steel proofs of russian troops' presence in the eastern ukraine, no proofs at all.

>right wing government liberalizes access to weapon
in your dreams, they said they don't want people to own guns. president said some dumb shit about state owned ranges in every gmina, but not like anyone cares about what he says anyways. OT will get some (but not own any ofc) because Macierwicz wants his private army, but thats all. pis is quite literally the most postcommunist party since communism, if you think they'll give you any freedoms you're trippin ballls

Bepниcь в cвoй зaгoн.

Moose hunting is a pretty big thing over here. A big part of our vehicle fatalities come from those big fucks crossing the road at night. Gotta keep their population in check.

>number of guns per 100 inhabitants


Only a Russian deals in absolutes.


is this a swedish trying to do the "we wuz kings and shit" meme?

This map is shit and shows the average. A map with a median would be much better.



I'm surprised

What's wrong?

>Romania 0.7
What did they mean by that?

Hy вooбщe, oн пpaв. Би-би-cи - тa eщe пpoпaгaндиcтcкaя пapaшa, кaк и бoльшинcтвo aнглийcких гaзeт, oни жe пoлный тpэш, кoгдa paзгoвop зaхoдит нa oпpeдeлeнныe тeмы. B Кpымy кaк paз былo дocтaтoчнo нaших coлдaт. Moжeт eщe кoй-кoгo пpиcлaди, нo paзвe чтo пo мeлoчи. И кpымчaнe в любoм cлyчae дaвнo вepнyтьcя хoтeли, хoть Пyтин вce этo coвepшeннo нeзaкoннo пpoвepнyл, дa.

Gypsies prefer to stab.

Those are official numbers. If you count non registered weapons we have the highest score.

Turkey doesn't seem like a country with much gun crime to me.

ffs, We have most forest by % in Europe, you know how much mooses there would be if someone wouldn't hunt them?

>Belgium that high
w-where do i sign up?

Yeah, I didn't expect France to have that many ISIS fighters but it's hardly surprising.

Ain't that a absolute?