How can a country call themselves a civilisation if around 80% looks exactly like this? The American government supports this disgusting way of life... In some years everyone will looks like that and it's just wrong. How can we real humans help these poor guys, they are new Africa a poor country without a future.
How can a country call themselves a civilisation if around 80% looks exactly like this...
America is a circus of soft targets
This just means that they're extra cuddly and there's more of them to love.
How can you not love an American? They're like teddy bears made of human flesh.
I'm working on a powered mobility device where the seat is a toilet with built in fridge, soda machine and tv. It will have built in auto pilot to the nearest WalMart, McDonalds, and welfare office.
No more shitting your pants in WalMart. No more long walk to the crapper or fridge.
I will become an overnight billionaire.
That's really debressin
That's the American Dream man good for you
>not having enough food to get fat
>not having the resources to provide every fat person a scooter and healthcare to keep them alive
Stay mad rest of the world
There fighting for the right to clean up the bag of spilled chips on aisle 7.
Survival of the strongest.
they are just very passionate Wall-E cosplayers
Is it really like this in flyover land?
Of course you can see a mc Donalds
>how can white boys even compete
The midwest definitely
No, this is the South. North of Oklahoma, these people would freeze to death between their Section 8 and WalMart.
That chair runs around 25 to 30,000 dollars.
So now you don't have to work or walk at the tax payer expense.
Sometimes I think a brief reduction in liberty for a forced eradication of lard asses sounds pretty good.
>Go to WalMart
>They have 50 handicap parking spaces
>All of them taken
>Not a single person is actually handicapped
>They are all just fat
Fucking disgusting.
License to ILL here, can confirm.
Around 60% of Germans die of heart and circulation problems dude, it's not like we're that much better off. The fatfuck lifestyle isn't exclusively american.
Hoosier here,
We're fat but the south is much much worse.
How does shaming not work on them?
When I was fat, my friends actually shamed me for it, and it motivated me to get /fit/.
That's because we work too hard. Wörk wörk wörk is always good
Germany, shut the fuck up. Your country is just a filthy and all of you guys smell like shit. Besides.. 80%? That's a pretty high statistic, you uneducated jew.
But you're still a disgusting curry shitskin with a little weeny
I have traveled all over the US. I can say without a doubt that rural Indiana is the absolute worst place for white trash scum bags.
And no they are not fat because everyone of them are on Meth. I thought Arkansas had dental issues. Indiana is the land of rotten meth mouth.
First time I actually got a bad criminal nigger vibe from white people.
Not just a McDonald's and KFC. Every fucking town in """"America" """ is like that, the same chains everywhere. Red lobster, etc... There's not a single store that's one of its kind in some towns
As a fat fetishist I think I should move to some shithole in America where all the women are morbidly obese and have zero sex.
Burgerlardistan is fucking gross, I think Sweden and the U.K. are 10000x better. If I had the option to replicate nations, I'd pick the latter over America
I prefer a million Stockholms than a single Bentonville
An American want to tell me something about my country.... Yeah sure and yes trust me I know more about your country as you. 80% is right
At least my women are not getting shoved with Ahmed's weenie.
>be from western flyover land (AZ)
>traveling in WI/MN for work
All I can say is you guys have a serious coalburning problem in the midwest.
Ladies and gentlemen, here you see why capitalism is absolutely garbage and we should get rid of it
it's unfair that some people get to eat way more than poor people who starve to death
America should get nuked until they realize capitalism kills
Germany isn't your country, Achmed.
Sadly I have normal, non fat, highly educated, successful friends that will only eat at a specific chain restaurant.
In KC for work, want to go to a local BBQ joint, one guy will only eat at Chilis
Go to Quebec for work, want to go to local french place, different guy will only eat at Fridays.
I have another guy I work with that will eat anywhere just as long as they have chicken nuggets or chicken strips.
Unfucking believable.
Sometimes the memes are true
>any difference
You would be in hog heaven
>pajeet will shit on your street
>ahmed will blow up your kids school
Pretty big difference user
Of course, Britfag has to project.
No Pajeet, you are the Ahmeds.
In minnesota?
Not really.
That's because your women looks like this :^)
>be deutschcuck
>jihadis killings, looting, and raping outside
>will be nonwhite in 5 years
>what should I do?
>I know! Shitpost about lower class americans!
At least they will still exist in 100 years, unlike you.
Good to hear, I do have to concede most of my trip so far has been in Central/Eastern WI.
This may be a shot in the dark but do you have any recommendations for good local food in MSP area?
The phone swipe made me laugh
What do you want, equality of outcome or some shit? True, uncorrupted meritocratic capitalism is the best possible economical system, where hard work and merit guide your success.
If you think those lards are giving back anything to a capitalistic system though, you are sorely mistaken, they are leeches. Giving everyone equality of oppportunity under capitalism is the best idea there can possibly be, because then there are no excuses for being a low energy non-working faggot
>will be nonwhite in 5 years
We share that fate, friendo. The influx of Mexicans and the developing self-awareness of your Blacks is going to turn you non-white in the near future. It may not look that way, but we still have a majority of whites around here.
India is very diverse country. You can never generalize.
And that's sexy or what? Hahaha
She's really qt tbqh
Not a classic beauty, but there's something nice about her shy smile, very unlike the smug Euro and Asian grills
The nicer an area you live in the less people who look like that. I live in a small city with mostly upper-middle class people and I have only seen people who look like that twice.
The poor people in America are the fattest because they eat garbage food. Welfare and food stamps pay for this affliction.
Not sexy at all, but cute and beautiful.
I'm fine with our women not wearing degenerate clothing.
> cherry-picking
Imagine giving these people's mobile chairs railguns and pumping the strength of their engines.It can be quite cool panzer batallion.
Indian women are hairy.
>Literal monkey forearms
>Armpit hair
>Leg hair
That you cannot deny
You can mitigate
But you cannot deny the hairiness of the eternal Dravidian
>Would perform horizontal bhangra with / 10
See even that weird looking Poland guy is against you. Your women are trash accept it man
See you in 10 years
Lol, OK dude.
Even I'll admit it's an epidemic. Doctors and communities, under the feminized government, are no longer able to stigmatize weight because it could hurt their feelings. Though it's not like this is exclusive to America; 72% of US men are overweight while 62% of German men are overweight. Only Asian and African countries tend to have a low percent of overweight.
not if trump gets elected
admit it, you secretly dream that hitler had won
no, the right man won, the real hero of WW2
how un-American of you to praise Hitler btw
> African
you may wanna check on that.
post some USA-fat-Protoypes