Is it true? Will the working class ignore him because of his racism?
Is it true? Will the working class ignore him because of his racism?
I hear more shit about illegal Mexicans from legal Mexicans than anyone else.
Yeah probably. Most of the working class in America does actually read Huffington Post on a daily basis and they are surely more concerned with racism coming from a candidate who represents a strong future for American workers and doesn't just pander to low income and LGBT activists
Look at the picture of the author, OP.
This is Jew propaganda.
>Huff Post
Right, because you talk to so many disgusting shitskins
Jokes on them because I am working class and he has my vote. The fear is setting in
trump has never said or done anything racist.
>because math
>literally publishing this literal bullshit
I can't even
>I haven't spoken 3 words to anyone who isn't also a white trust fund liberal arts graduate blogger in 5 years
>now let me tell you what working people think
Boy those liberals sure are in full denial
I believe he raciaily descriminated on housing before it was made illegal.
The average American hates niggers and spics.
That is one ugly kike. Looks like Slaggdor or whatever from that one meme.
My god you can see her schnoz from the thumbnail
All working class people are racist, no matter what color they are. As a matter of fact, I'd say about 90% of America is just as racist as Trump is.
Trump holds the current record for biggest Jewish cocksucker though. Go listen to his speech at AIPAC
Actually it doesn't
The working class in Ireland (tradesman, construction workers, etc) like me are mostly the kinds of people who'd vote for Trump
Does "blue collar" mean weed pickers and McDonalds employees in America?
A negro sued him for not allowing black tenants in one of his buildings after being denied tenancy
Part of The Donald's Machiavellian legal defense was pointing out that the building had numerous black tenants
>if we keep saying it...
>Trump isn't really running, Trump can't win a primary, Trump can't win by May, Trump won't get 1237, Trump won't beat Hillary...
>Because math
Quality journalism
And niggers and spics hate each other
Blue collar is the same as you described, with truckers, plumbers, electricians, etc. Fast food employees should be just kids and college students, and they don't really fit in with the blue collar crowd
yes, and baristas.
>Emily Peck
>that schnotz
Nomen est omen.
This. Only liberal arts bourgeois kids gives shit about 'racism'. Actual proletarians are totally pro-Nationalism.
Trump has to pander to them in that way since he's going totally against the agenda of the kike Marxists.
damn where do I click to hear the peck sound?? I think I don't have the right plug in..
[ ((( ))) intensifies]
Trump is winning because the left has gone full racist over the past four years, against whites.
That Nose.
I'm working class and I'm not ignoring him because of his racism.
I'm ignoring him because I choose to.
The American chattering class suspends its usual orgy of contempt for the white working class ("trash", "rednecks", etc.) every four years when there's a Presidential election, and instead tries to tell that class that it's in their best interests to vote for the politicians that hate them and want to replace them with cheaper and more easily exploited foreign labour. But the workers are not nearly as stupid as the snotterati imagine them to be.
Didn't huff just claimed the average white working class are racists and sexists not too long ago?
Which one is it?
JDIF go home.
Ur home is /lgbt/ or the oven.
>Actually makes it impossible
Using "Actually" in a headline... W E W huffpo. new lows actually reached every day.
Fucking retard liberals, always shitting on the working class and acting like they are stupid and unable to make their own decisions.
Then they wonder why the working class supports Trump. Because Trump doesn't insult the working class right to their face.
You can almost hear the uptalk. "I MEAN, TRUMP... ACTUALLY? LITERALLY? WOW, JUST WOW"
MSM can cry racism all they want, but Trump's platform is not racist whatsoever. Its xenophobic, perhaps, but his platform has nothing to do with race and can appeal to anyone who sees them-self as an American first. Working class minorities like Blacks in the rust belt who lost their jobs and middle class status to outsourcing, legal Mexicans who lost their jobs and communities to illegal immigrant criminals.
>Didn't huff just claimed the average white working class are racists and sexists not too long ago?
I think their new narrative is that white people are too privileged to be working class.
I would have thought the protests, especially the San Jose one would have pushed middle class Americans towards him.
You better believe it.
Nowadays the idea that only people who have privileges (regardless of their skin colour) are "privileged" is a major thought crime. The Left continues to regress further and further away from reality to a world where a white Appalachian coal miner has some kind of unquantifiable "privilege" that a black bureaucrat or Asian doctor does not.
Are YOU kidding me?
>Thinking that people who make up the working class are sensitive to racism.
Donald Trump isn't even racist and the people who construe what he says to be implicit racism then taking offense to it are on either end of the socio-economic spectrum. Meaning you're either a really poor government beneficiary taking dindu or a very well off 'muh white privilege is oppressive' SJW to get riled up over this shit. People who work for a living don't fucking care. They are of the mindset of you work for what you want in life and they want someone who's going to get them a better job and a better quality of life. Trump is the guy working class people want because his narrative has been on job creation and penalizing as well as straight calling out companies who move jobs to other countries i,e Ford, Nabisco, Boeing, and whoever makes the air conditioners that he went on a rant about.
>Are YOU kidding me?
Stop. Just. Stop. Eww. Could you not?
Yep. Nobody in the working class is raycis.
>Because math.
That's truly the seal of excellent, ubiased journalism right there.
thats right goys, keep focusing on the "'""racism"""" and not the violence inflicted on trump supporters in san jose
No Hilldog shill, the working class love Trump, but you already know that fuckwad ~ I'm voting Trump. My brother is voting Trump. Everyone I know is voting Trump.
I love how the say that and yet don't expouse it in the same article the tagline is a part of.
>Emily Kek
It's the same as the bastardization of feminism.
It's not about being equal anymore, it's about being better (without actually being better)
>working class
Isn't that the group of people that are busting their ass to earn their next paycheck and usually spout racist stuff at work anyway? I think they would like Trump over Hillary.
nobody cares, it's like having a trump rally in mexico city, what the fuck did you think would happen?
Yes. The workers of America are rising up to smash racism and fascism. Forwards to SOCIALISMO!
((( Huffington Post )))
>victim blaming
>doesn't want to kill the working class by flooding the country with cheap illegal labor
>working class won't vote for him
Because the working class reads the Huffington Post everyday.
It's almost as if they have lived through experiences that have molded them that way, whoa
>it's like having a trump rally in mexico city,
San Jose is in the US. Mexico City is not.
If you poke the bear (or penis), I don't have sympathy when it mauls (molests) you.
He still hasn't told twitter Sup Forumsacks to stop harassing Jews
>violent protesters are equivalent to bears
>the working class holds the same values of college educated liberal women
Wew lad now that is some naval gazing if I ever saw
"I believe something therefore everyone does". Fucking women
and rapists, I thought I was clear.
>The Huffington Post
God, can we just ignore these fags already?
Illegal invaders (and their apologists like you) are provoked by the very fact that people want to defend the US border and to vote for politicians who will enact a sensible immigration policy. In any case if you make it impossible for people to peacefully express their opinions you'll make civil war inevitable, and it's not a war you're likely to win Paco.
I've bodied 3 members of MS-13, what have you done?
WTF does this mean? If you're claiming to be a tough guy, who gives a shit? Your opinion is still worthless.
delusional or just misinformed?
Means I've actually done something to clean up my country, not just have a limp wristed hissy fit about how illegals are destroying muh economy.
What? Working class tends to be the one who are racists.
On cs:go, hes global elite, i checked
You're the one having a "hissy fit" about the mere presence of pro-Trump supporters at a rally being a "provocation". And you still haven't told us what "bodied" is supposed to mean.
oh yeah it's well known Buzzfeed and Huffington posts main audience was the working class
For liberals "working class" means waiters, cashiers and people on welfare.
i dont really understand the point of this article, isnt this supposed to be a news website? Whats the news here, it seems like there is only opinions.
This. Plus the war on men.
>men bad women good
>men pedo women good
>man drunk woman drunk = man rapist, woman victim
>man stare rape woman victim
Fuck that shit. I'm assuming i'm not the only person fed up with the feminist cancer. i will vote trump just to keep that fucking cunt from being "first woman president". Fuck that shit. Women are not leaders, women are fuckholes and feminism is the cancer that is destroying society.
Jew propaganda for self hating goys.
could that person be any more jewish, is it possible
Liberals are the most rascist as their entire platform revolves around identity politics
Duh. He's going to be blown the fuck out, total landslide for HRC and the dems. Stay delusional Sup Forums!
>total landslide for HRC
Good luck to that cunt governing the country from inside a jail cell.
>Stay delusional Sup Forums!
Such projection.
t. increasingly nervous man
I haven't really been keeping up with this Mexican judge thing but from the video it seemed like trump meant there was a conflict of interest between an Obama appointed judge of Hispanic heritage ruling over a case of the republican nominee that has strong views against immigration. I have seen people turning it into trump saying he couldn't be a good judge because he is Mexican. Is this the basics of it?
How much do you think this is the other signaling sympathy with you, because you poorly conceal your power level?
Wait, is Peck really a Jewish surname?
Are you all joshing me right now?
The judge is a member of a Hispanic lawyers' group called La Raza something, plus he had endorsed a boycott of Trump in the past, so definitely biased.
>Trump is a racist
good god when will this meme end
it's won't be true no matter how many times it's repeated