Left catholic church

So, I left the catholic church.
I don't know if this is common knowledge on Sup Forums but the catholic church is one of the biggest supporters of mass invasion in Germany.
The reasons are money of course. They get massively funded by the state for helping invaders.
The Jews they are they of course took the money and kick poor people out of shelters to make room for refugees.

I can't be part of a religion that does shit like this. Not to mention the pope who's cucked beyond belief. I just can't defend Catholicism after seeing him kissing the brown, stinky feet of Muslims any more.
Catholics lost their faith in god.

But I'm still Christian, so where do I go now with my faith?

Other urls found in this thread:


orthodox church is still based

>orthodox church is still based

what is this supposed to mean?

But they tried to save your country.

Carthage wasn't black.

By preventing a madman with a micropenis who killed himself, I mean.

it isn't tho



dawg, u really think God cares if u pray at a big church or not? just fucking pray at home. also


Don't you mean a 20-40 year old woman as the skull shows?

Fundamentalist Protestantism (srs)

interesting. I wonder why this is. Hitler was catholic himself.

Why are you still Christian?

The Pope is acting like he does because Jesus said: "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"... etc...

The only way to remain Christian is to believe that Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven bullshit and in eternal rewards for dying a martyr would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth" and about "destroy your enemies and conquer their resources"


>tfw your family stood against the nazis
feels good being on the right side of history

>what is this supposed to mean?

That there is no "based" Christian sect, and how could there be? The very foundation of the faith is a glorified cuckold story, the hero spends his life dismanteling ethnocentrism.

THIS is what turned you away from the RCC? Not the blatant altering of Gods Commandments? Not the idolatry? Not the way that Church hoards wealth and power, conflicting with scripture? Not the way that their ENTIRE Church can be proven un-Biblical with one book, the letter to the ROMANS.

Great you got out but kinda late don't you think? I hope you will find the truth and receive God's blessing.

>Yeah kiss muh feet, you child-fiddling cracka.
>Don't forget to lick between dem toes

i know that orthodox church is cucked but i am meming

I'd rather 1 black Christian child than several thousands of grown Muslim men raping my nieces and sisters.

>...that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!
>Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven bullshit and in eternal rewards for dying a martyr would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth" and about "destroy your enemies and conquer their resources"
Nice description of the Roman Catholic Church lmao


catholics confirmed for cucks

Today is Ascension OP. Come home to the Orthodox Church.

Enjoy getting killed by an overgrown ape


Or we could just say, "Fuck Jesus," and make up our own minds about what to do.

>That link
Not an argument

Society of St. Pius X. Catholic priests and bishops that were excommunicated in the late 1980s after they refused to follow the cuck-council and liturgy reforms of the 1960s. They are hardcore medieval traditionalist catholics, they still have the latin mass from 1570. They are christian (non-racist) antisemites too.

There's a St Pius community in every major german city. Unlike the watered down pseudo-catholic Church of Darkness of Francis the Antipope, they get persecuted by the government like real christians. There's usually a Verfassungsschutz thug present during Mass, monitoring every sermon. A german website affiliated with the brotherhood, kreuz.net, got taken down, they were hardcore antisemitic homo-haters. Kreuz.net was the catholic version of Sup Forums on crack before Sup Forums or /news/ even was a thing.

And the best thing is: the watered down bishops and priests of Francis the Antipopes Church of Darkness absolutely LOATHE the Pius brotherhood. They hate them more than anything in the world. I've see three different bishops flip their shit at the mention of the Pius brotherhood. Pius brotherhood and St Francis catholicucks are at war with each other. The Pius brotherhood is a constant sting in their side, reminding them of their own failures since WW2.

And contrary to the Antipope church, the ranks of the brotherhood are constantly growing, despite being persecuted by the government.

Also, they still distribute the kind of catholic literature that the jews tried to erase after WW2, books about the history of freemasonry, medieval christian literature etc.

Become a Buddhist German babe

18 months ago, I was still blue pilled. I found myself on a ski lift with an old man who looked to be in his mid to late 70's, who said that he was Austrian, and who spontaneously offered up that as a boy of three, he had seen Adolf Hitler in a parade, and that he remembered him clear as day.

The old man was not ashamed of this in the least, and I marveled at him. Now I understand, and I salute the truly awesome power of an enlightened Austrian.

Sieg Heil

You sure about that? Isn't the process to leave the Catholic church pretty involved?

Anyway, is this what you want? You didn't stay a member of the Catholic church for any length of time if you didn't think their was something to it.

I'm Orthodox myself, so the expected response is "join based Orthodoxy the REAL original church". But Christianity can't exist without Catholicism/Orthodoxy. Please rethink before you leave such a rich intellectual tradition behind.

I go to the Latin Mass.

I didn't leave the Catholic Church. The so called "structure" is what left me. Vatican II was the palace coup by jews and freemasons and other enemies of the church.

I would suggest looking at SSPX for your spiritual comfort. They are still true to the Mass and loyal to God
sspx.org/ is their main site.

fsspx.de/ is the German site

Good luck user.

Misleading. The Pflaz Rhineland gave Hitler his first seats in the Riechstag. In addition there was a Catholic party in Germany that was very conservative that took Catholic votes.

nice graven image of God.

Warum habe ich nie davon gehört. In meiner Stadt gibt es tatsächlich eine St. Pius Kirche.
Bist du Mitglied?

I'm amazed that the guy was still skiing with his age.

the church that declared the crusades was not cucked

>Isn't the process to leave the Catholic church pretty involved?

€5.60 at the district administration, when I left a few years ago. It's not that hard.

The Crusaders completely ignored the Gospel, and as a bonus they pillaged the christian villages of the Near East, Constantinople included, which led to its final, permanent collapse and later turkish conquest

The Crusaders have more to do with pagan mercenaries than with the devoted bible-studying monks that flagellated themselves and begged God to destroy the world during the Middle Ages

>I just can't defend Catholicism after seeing him kissing the brown, stinky feet of Muslims any more.

Yeah fuck all this saviour of all mankind shit! Where da smiting at, doe?

completely false pictures, made up.
watch this redpill

It took them half a millennium of muslim conquest to declare those crusades - and those crusades, except in Spain, failed. Just look at North Africa and the Middle East, regions that used to be under European hegemony.
Christianity cultivates failure, the crusades are just testimony to that.

I also like how you conveniently ignored
>The very foundation of the faith is a glorified cuckold story, the hero spends his life dismanteling ethnocentrism.

I guess it's hard arguing against the truth.

It is a mistake to assume that the fight betweemn SSPX and Francis is between traditionalists and moderators

It is a fight between High Medieval Christianity and Ancient Roman Christianity, between renaissance modernizers and extreme anti-world radicals

Early christians like Martin "I will rather let my enemy kill me than fight for my nation" of Tours and Saint Augustine and his "City of God" have more in common with Francis and very little in common with SSPX

>finally do something about the shitskin heretics 400 years after they start robbing your land, raping your women, and enslaving/beheading your people

I mean, fighting back is never a cuck thing to do, but on the other hand it took 4 fucking centuries for them to finally decide that fighting back might be a viable option.

If we're still gonna have to wait another ~390 years or so to Deus Vult, I'd say that not much has really changed between the Catholic Church of then and now.

Here is a good ballsy preacher:


>Steven Anderson

I'm actually half way through a sermon of his right now, believe it or not.

You had to pay...to leave a church...?

In meiner Nähe gibt es die nicht ich wohne auf dem platten Land. Wenn ich mal inner Stadt bin besuch ich normalerweise immer die lateinische Messe, die wird manchmal auch von der 'normalen' katholische Kirche angeboten.

Piusbruderschaft wurde jahrelang durch die deutsche Presse gejagt, vor allem wegen kreuz.net ('Katholiban'), Verfassungsschutz wurde auf die angesetzt und die haben jetzt denselben Ruf weg wie z.B. Scientology und Zeugen Jehovas. Sind aber lediglich dieselbe Art von Katholiken wie es sie bis 1963 überall gegeben hat. Ratzinger hat als Papst versucht deren Exkommunikation aufzuheben, das war angeblich der Grund warum 'liberale' Bischöfe seinen Rücktritt erzwungen haben.

Man kann sich garnicht vorstellen wie sehr deutsche Bischöfe die Piusbruderschaft hassen. Das muss man selber erlebt haben.

Sehr zu empfehlen sind die Verlage der Piusbruderschaft, da bekommt man die Art 'radikaler' christlicher Literatur die überall anderswo von Verrätern aus den Regalen geräumt wurde.

Kirche wie im Mittelalter halt, Messe auf Latein, Knien beim Kommunionempfang, kompromisslos traditionsbewusst trotz massiver staatlicher Verfolgung.

>I didn't leave the Catholic Church. The so called "structure" is what left me.


literally the same thing that Luther said

Gays are not a problem of society.

If Christianity didn't damn them to hell, most of them would be redpilled (Pim Fortuyn, Ernst Röhm anyone): The last thing gays want is to be beheaded by Abdul and Ahmed

Meanwhile, this "anti gay pastors" are also radically against abortion: they would rather have 50 million extra blacks in USA than let gays fuck each other in private

There is a reason why Sup Forums is moving away from cuckservatism, and it is exactly that

His best preaching so far has to be the one where he talks about opening a bakery, just so he can faggots to fuck off.

Haha, I remember that one. I think that sermon was called "The Truth about the Sodomites"

Good move, OP. I left the Catholic Church years ago.

Vielen Dank für die Info



a must watch

>christianity is cuckservatism

yeah not murdering children is cuckservatism

fuck off you murdering kike

7:04 for the good stuff


>pro open borders
>pro race mixing
>the best Christians on Sup Forums have to offer
Just in case you wonder why some people call you cucks - that's part of it.

No, I had to pay for the confirmation letter in case they'd try to go after me for the church tax.

Leaving is free, but I'm not goin to risk having to sponsor the cult that's using that money to feed niggers in Africa or even worse, import them in here.

It really is

Preventing retards from removing themselves from the human genepool is extremely dysgenic

The Alt Right is concerned only with civilizational survival and improved, NOT with winning brownie points with a jewish war god that promises that civilizational concerns are pointless insofar he will destroy the world

only one solution

> improvement

>church tax

user please tell me you are joking
please be memeing

>comes to Sup Forums
>m-murder is bad, go-guys

>pro open borders

>pro race mixing
Nothing in the bible against it.

If you've read the bible even once you'd know it doesn't matter what blood your born of. He's more anti-jew religion than any other pastor, he thinks they worship satan, he hates the state of israel, he thinks the holocaust was a hoax

That preacher is a more hardcore conservative than you could ever hope to be.

What's wrong with you, demon? If this man has faith, repents and tries not to sin, he deserves salvation. Very few blacks can grasp the concepts of Christianity. That's why they have their own nigger-churches, where they dance and scream like mad pagans. But this one is good man, leave him alone.

I wish: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_tax

>i dont believe in god but let me tell you all about how to worship

Why is Sup Forums a magnet for morons?

>muh alt-right
Nobody gives a fuck about your delusional nazi fantasies.

>god that promises that civilizational concerns are pointless
If people actually followed the bible we would't have the civilization concerns of today, there would be no welfare state, women wouldn't be allowed to vote cultural marxists into power, there would be no mass immigration

" hardcore conservative" means little more "save the black babies! kill the gays!"

> he hates
looks like he didn't read the Gospel tho

>b-b-but Sup Forums is a h-hivemind!!!

fuck off kike

OP did you try talking to your priest about your concerns?

>repenting from sins is necessary for salvation

You yourself haven't grasped the concepts of Christianity.

>That preacher is a more hardcore conservative than you could ever hope to be.

You know, that would have more impact if you didn't defend racemixing and kikes in your previous two sentences.
>implying I'm a conservative

Orthodoxy german user, orthodoxy.

> there would be no welfare state
Not sure why you would think that. Christianity demands its followers pay taxes and obey the government.

> women wouldn't be allowed to vote cultural marxists into power

Read Acts 2. Christianity as practice by Paul already was proto-marxist

> there would be no mass immigration
the Gospel said nothing about mass immigration. But it did promise that the poor will be His Kingdom and the meek will inherit the Earth, leaving rich and strong countries in a very bad moral standpoint unless they actively impoverished and weakened themselves

It is even worse then I thought...even non-believers have to pay? What the hell that is criminal. Money is the root of all evil and the RCC can't get enough of it...


St. Pius brotherhood is the natural antidote to Cucklord Francis.

>So, I left the catholic church.
Cuck. Leaving the Church of Christ only becouse pepole? You was never a true believer and you never cared about Christ.
>I don't know if this is common knowledge on Sup Forums but the catholic church is one of the biggest supporters of mass invasion in Germany.
Like any other Church. It not becouse Catholicism, it's becouse your country is just beyond hopeless.
>The reasons are money of course. They get massively funded by the state for helping invaders.
See above
>The Jews they are they of course took the money and kick poor people out of shelters to make room for refugees.
See above
>I can't be part of a religion that does shit like this.
See above
>. Not to mention the pope who's cucked beyond belief. I just can't defend Catholicism after seeing him kissing the brown, stinky feet of Muslims any more.
Daily remainder that we have pornocracy. And litteral satanist once.
>Catholics lost their faith in god.
Speak for yourself.
>But I'm still Christian, so where do I go now with my faith?
You stay with One, Holy, Apostolic Catholic Church. Or you will burn hard.

>fuck off kike
>If you've read the bible even once you'd know it doesn't matter what blood your born of.

Stay consistent, Christcuck.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Let me guess, you are from Stockholm?

>there's nothing wrong with Africans and Arabs destroying Europe as long as they're christians
Fucking christcucks I swear

People here that believe that the Catholic Church will revert to being an euro-centric organization seem to forget that, as Jesus demanded, the Gospel was brought to all the people of the world: the weight has already shifted to the rapidly growing populations of Africa and Asia


>even non-believers have to pay?
Directly no, but indirectly church instutions like Caritas get a lot of tax payers' money.

I hope we can destroy that cancer in Europe, I really do.

>hating is wrong

Looks like you didn't read the bible you commie fuck

>" hardcore conservative" means little more "save the black babies! kill the gays!"
It means a moral patriarchal society free from all the ills of modern marxist progressivism

That's some based polish BRAT. All hierarchs today are corrupted, even russian. The end is really near.

>hating on people because of their race no matter what

opinion discarded

You become a traditionalist (SSPX, FSSP) Catholic. Don't commit schism.

I'm talking about the satanic religion of talmudic judaism you fucking kikel, you're acting just like one of them

Protestant church is garbage, I'm an independent baptist

I only hate them when they're in my country. They are - with your cuck cult playing a huge role in that - therefore I hate.

Anti-racism is just a codeword for anti-white, Sven.

My religion has nothing to do with the mass immigration and benefits, my religion barely even exists in Europe. All catholics and most protestants are going to hell

the Ethiopian people who made icons made the people in them black because they didn't know what non blacks look like

>Jews are ok as long as they splash some water on their disgusting hooknoses

That's why you're a cuck, Sven and that's why your nation will be dissolved by both them as well as their shit colored golems.

I'm not a member of talmudic judaism, I'm just consistent enough to disagree with their positions even when they're wearing the mask of (((Jesus))).

Join a Lutheran Church, obviously. Find one that isn't cucked, there are bound to be a few conservative parishes even if most of them are cucked.

Lutherans consider themselves catholic, meaning universal, but not Roman Catholic. Luther saw the heresy of the papacy 500 years ago. He also wrote a great book called On the Jews and their Lies, required reading at this point.

>muh speshul snoeflaek sect is da only troof

Sure thing, buddy.

hating is not wrong according to jews (ie "hate your self and your own family")

hating your enemies IS wrong tho ("love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Because if even romans love their enemies and hate your friends, what have you done differently? What have you done that would deserve divine reward?")

> It means a moral patriarchal society

there were few societies as patriarchal as the ones of the romans, the one that the christian revolution erased

You really don't seem to understand how castrating Christianity was, with all its bizarre rules and condemnation of assertive male behavior

It is not like they tried to hide that Christianity didn't care about gender at a fundamental level

> There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus

I'm looking forward to the times for catacombs. Maybe it will bring reason and faith to those weak minds.