Should ghostwriters be allowed in hip hop?

One side of me says we should allow it , but the other side says if it is accepted hip hop will be flooded with posers with no talent and authenticity paying people to write them verses.

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rappers can hardly read let alone write thought provoking lyrics.

Save for a few talented rappers, Hopsin for example, most do in fact use ghostwriters

>a few talented rappers
>Hopsin for example
PJW is that you?!?!

let's face it-- Hopsin is the most woke rapper in the game right now

I really like an album called "The Ocean" by a guy called Deca from Colorado.

It's the only hip hop album I've ever heard with cool words and production. He talks about Jungian ideas about the depths of the Self about dreams and the Shadow. And he relates these to his experience with addiction and recovery. I'm a bit of a romantic and a humanist so I can dig it.

Most hip hop is for complete brainlets though. Just absolute fucking pants on head retards.

I might actually check that out, I'm by no means interested in rap or hip-hop or whatever you wanna call it, but I think that could be really refreshing to listen to. Like honestly my impression of rap is literally "GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG GANG SHIT NIGGA"

Materialism is easy to understand and sellable to the preteens and teens who comprise their primary market demographic.

Here's my question
Why does anyone care what rappers are rapping about? I never understood why faggots always need "good lyrics" in their music, this goes for any genre really

It's funny, most anti-rap fags will pull this "shit lyrics" trump card out of their ass, even though half of them are most likely """"classical fans""""

The instrumentals are almost always not good either. I went to the sneaker store because my gf wanted nikes for christmans and it was a horrific experience. The hip hop music they were playing was bad on every level. There is NOTHING there. It's usually a two chord or three chord song on loop. It has two bass notes, it has bad timbre on it's synth in general. There is nothing there. I think that the 7 Day Theory album and 1999 eternal are the peak of how good hip hop instrumentals can be. It has been downhill from there. The studio bass player that played on 7 Day Theory could play fucking Jamiroquai or Brand New Heavies if he wanted. 1999 had extremely interesting melody and harmony and the synths that they used had a variety of interesting textures. The synth timbre of modern hip hop is absolute dogshit.

ghostwriter or not the lyrics could have been written by literally anyone there is nothing special about it so why bother figuring the writer out ?

>vocals, delivery style, and choice of wording is driving force in rap music
>'lol who cares if the bars are weak'

Very true. Only a select few truly awoken minds can understand the lyrics of Hopsin.
>this instrumental

The same three note arpeggio on repeat. The bass line is literally one note per bar. What is the draw to this kind of music?

It seems like Azealia's thing is literally just delivering the truth in the most abrasive, unlikable way possible, so that it pushes everyone to attack her despite agreeing with her.

>you need at least 80 unique arpeggios and a 13 minute bass solo for a song to be good
I bet you listen to prog rock. Hopsin is fire and his beats are fantastic. It takes skill to make something sound good with few notes. It's math "rockers" like you who think mindlessly crawling through scales makes your shit cool
>"One chord is fine. Two chords is pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz."
-Lou Reed

fuck off shill

>Materialism is easy to understand and sellable to the preteens

>Save for a few talented rappers, Hopsin for example
Why do so many whites have shit taste in rap music?

ur getting baited

It doesn't sound good.

>white people

I mean there is a truth to it. How often do you see adults overtly engaging in that shit. Life comes along and while you may not be less materialistic you don't have the time to just spend listening to people brag about money and weed and hoes. When you're young you think it's cool, as you get older your perspective changes.

>hiring a ghostwriter
>paying them a sum of money
>for this
wow... trap is truly based...

>will be flooded with posers with no talent
As if to say, it isn't already?

>>white people
>posts a white guy reaction pic
Dumb mutt

I mean commercialism and shitty meaningless pop music with a lot of marketing money is 95% of what hip hop is.


>taking quotes from rock n rollers who were being sarcastic literally
You lost

Wtf is this cancerous image anyway, i keep seeing it pop up

future faces of the USA, from a stat that currently 56% of the USA is white.
basically in the future you'll all be mutts, neither white nor black, neither Latin nor European, lost in a netherworld of crime, rape, HIV, degeneracy and hip-hop music.
Embrace your diverse future, America.

this meme sucks ass. back to Sup Forums

>this meme sucks ass. back to Sup Forums

pic related

Hopsin may be cringy and retarded but at least its his own writings

no, honestly, take this bullshit to Sup Forums. this is the music board faggot, you're just gonna get yourself banned

and again. Try reading some stats before you LARP as a SJW white knight.

*blocks your path*

i like the guys instrumentals, style of rapping and a lot of the storytelling/metaphors but holy shit some of these conspiracy tracks are just insane

Why is he so mad that Jesus was white as fuck? Saltyboy.

What the fucks your problem? Mad? Because I know more about jesus than you?