What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
That even though most illegals are dumb, there are outliers
apparently she's not even illegal. she lied. gotta get those retweets however you can.
That bitch jumped the border. Go be a 4.5 gpa in Mexico you self righteous faggot.
Clearly she attempting to highlight how undocumented individuals are victims of oppression through systematic racism.
Those disgusting white males should have at LEAST paid her double for the outstanding diversity she contributes to their campus.
she goes to one of those nog schools where the literacy rate is 20%. she's the smartest chimp in the zoo. I was an honors student in a white suburban school. Not even close to being valedictorian, but I guarantee I'd wreck this bitch.
I know, those legs aren't that great really.
I'm not too familiar about how grading in the USA works but doesn't GPA only go to 4?
>Mexican intellectuals
I hate these shitpost "what did she mean" because they basically say "I have no clue what comprehension is. OP you're a fucking dummy and deserve ridicule. Obviously she was proud of her achievement and the fact she was an illegal alien brought into the great USA. You are now an honorary Canadian as your shit posting enables you to walk through Toronto talking about CBC radio and how great Q used to be. This whole "what dos they mean" or "pol eternally BTFO" or "really makes you think is fucking gay as hell. You need to be better and your suck
lets solve it once and for all
fuck that's a good line
my ex graduated magna cum laude at a UT branch near the boarder and told me the only reason she got such high grades was that all her professors were impressed that she had reasonable command of English.
that's cute; but did she get a good grade for wall construction?
yeesh, that face could be the poster child of Border Patrol's petition for increased funding.
I'd still fuck her though.
it has to do with bs AP classes.
basically grade inflation.
Need that to match the 're-norming" of the ACT / SAT tests a few years back.
Seems likely.
>her professors were impressed that she had reasonable command of English
fuck my sides
Not to mention the near absolute certainty that her GPA was fluffed constantly at the expense of legal white males considering she's mexican AND female.
>undocumented instead of illegal
seems doubtful it's not a small difference
though I guess it fits given higher education is mostly just learning the goodest double speak
Seriously need to be able to report these fucking cunts to ICE, why dont they do their job? Illegals are supposed to fucking be deported, they arent a citizen? Get the fuck out.
She should be in prison, or sent back. They used to shout "The migra!" and run because they would regularly get deported, its even in "Up In Smoke" the cheech & chong movie.
When Bush jr was in office he combined a bunch of organizations into one, I believe now called Homeland security.. but the border protection dicks and ICE are supposed to be deporting these fucking wetback fucks, before they steal an education from an American.
You think that cunt is actually going to stay here? Shes going to take that education back, since she cant work in any respectable profession while being illegal.
Bombard ICE with complaints that they are in neglect of their jobs, and the Donald too.
Hell, my high school was one of the highest ranked in the country, all white and asian, very competitive. I only got like a 3.0 gpa and I absolutely guarantee I could destroy this bitch. There was NO grade inflation at my school whatsoever, no extra credit.
What did she mean by this?
Wait what? Undocumented illegals can study? Shiet, I'm leaving this place then. Is California good for illegal?
>nice legs
By some terribly low standards.
>stubby little beaner legs
>anything other than 1
Buuuut I guarantee a bunch of thirsty virgins will vote it higher.
>that trump meme
>Is California good for illegal
Sure, bratan.
I don't care if her GPA was 5.0 or who the fuck she is. If you are in the country illegally you are breaking the law and deserve to be deported. If you admit to being undocumented, the police should arrest you and deport you - simple as that.
The law is the law. You don't come into your neighbor's house without his permission, eat from his fridge and use his bed but then justify it because you helped clean up the place and didn't much much of a mess, and then prop yourself up for not making much of a mess and helping him clean his place.
What a fucking retard and so are all the libtards that support it.
Do you promise to vote left for the rest of your life? If yes, welcome aboard!
Bretty good. Will I be ok in some place like LBC? Do niggers complain about white folks? What can I do for living? Clean pools?
Umfortunately I can't vote due to my illegal status, hehe.
means she goes to a school with no caucasians, asians, or jews
She made national news this morning. Lotta people very angry with her.
>Bretty good. Will I be ok in some place like LBC? Do niggers complain about white folks? What can I do for living? Clean pools?
Pretty much, you can either work at a liquor store owned by a sand nigger, be a pool cleaner, or work at a car wash with pedro's.
Niggers hate anything that's not black.
Please tell me shes ruined
good thing she's undocumented :DDDD
though I bet the college she went to documented her
What are cops like? Do they stop people to check documents because they look "not as supposed to"?
>Niggers hate anything
That sucks. I love their """culture"""" and gangsta rap. I was dreaming about taking some bottles with street niggaz and telling them that Slavs were slaves in their own country for a long time just like them. We could be friends.
Won't they just make her go back since she told everyone she's illegal?
I'm so glad I live on an Island. We lock them up in cages if they try to get in illegally.
Private school in nutshell. As long as she pays it's ok.
They'll just see Slavs as more white people- stab you and steal your wallet.
She just said they payed her tuition
>Do they stop people to check documents because they look "not as supposed to"?
In the US most encounters with the police are initiated through vehicle traffic stops, which is usually easy for cops to do with niggers because they always drive busted-ass cars that are in violation of some kind of traffic law
Also niggers have no problem being your "friend," but they'll steal your belongings right out from under your nose and lie to your face about it
This post was at least 80% more Slavic than anything else I've heard today
Doesn't matter. Most of our major cities have "sanctuary" policies. After the local police is done with you they won't call Immigration on you. They just let you go back out into the public.
Do you want to tell me that I'm not gonna be a broke ass cracked motherfucker if I come as illegal? I will have free money to steal from me? Brilliant.
It's a meme, you dip
son if you have a pack of cigarettes a nigger will steal a few out of it when you're not looking
>In the US most encounters with the police are initiated through vehicle traffic stops
and illegals can get drivers licenses, no?
>4.5 GPA
>Still so dumb that she posts something like that on social media
People like this piss me off.
They are book smart but otherwise oblivious to the real world around them.
And? US government needs more brown people.
depends on the state, but in most states illegals still can't get licenses
Lol. How does it look like? "Excuse me sir, can I see your ID?". "Oh, mister, I'm sorry but I'm a poorfag from the other side of the Earth and I don't even have proper housing, my visa expired 3 months ago..." "Ok, sorry then, go and hangout somewhere". Am I right?
Shiet. And they will tell that Russia is more dangerous country.
Good to hear
>most states
I think it's time for some more walls though
you didnt go to school in NYC by any chance, did you?
>Am I right?
I don't know what you're getting at
That's very funny. So I practically won't have any problems there. Gonna check visa requirements.
>that trump meme
what a time to be alive lads
The first Mexicans in USA that working illegally in masses and nobody caring about them? Texas private industry of agriculture. Now it's university private industry of Texas. So literally not caring where money comes from, as long as somebody makes money, capitalism doesn't cares. CEO profit is all it matters. Even American government in private run by rich people. Just because money comes from government, that doesn't makes it non-private. Americans sold they government and they sold their worker unions to rich people during cold war era, they wanted more Jesus freedom and Mexicans will bring shekels to church and work for uncle Sam. Next phase will be Indians.
>nice legs
No, those stumpy, squat, goblin like things are not nice.
pretty terrible desu senpai
Oh shit, I go to uni with this bitch.
Seruously dude. Mexicans have this goblin thing going on where their torsos are longer than their legs.
>May lose scholarship
Oh please if there is any justice in the world let this happen.
>4.5 gpa
Why is it always the equal-opportunities-hires that get over a 4.0
Is it a special rule that only women and minorities are allowed to break the 4.0 ceiling?
means that americans are cucks and allow this
fucking saved keks
This really made me think
She's a burden on society and has to go back to whatever brown country she's from
Please explain to someone who never went to the US high school, how 4.5 out of 5 is impressive?
It's not bad, but nothing to brag about.
What are the laws surrounding this? Do the cops just ignore illegals? Do they have to kick them out if they're reported?
If the latter is true, Sup Forums should dedicate a lot of its time tracking down these animals and getting them kicked out.
>Please explain to someone who never went to the US high school
you have to go back Pedro
>yfw she gets reported to immigration and dumped back across the border
if ever there was call for meme magic, it's right now
Activate it.
>4.5 GPA
All that means is that she knows how to take tests
>that big ass stubby nose
>that goofy ass looking face
She looks like a circus clown that team out of make up. You betafags that wanna fuck her better put a damn bag on in that face first.
>enforcing borders and laws
ugh, could you just, like... NOT??? right now? ugh I cant even right now ugh
I'm not Pedro, I'm Ivan here on H1B
It means shes a criminal who is here illegally and used state benefits she didn't earn. Her achievements mean nothing because she made them as an illegal. She can be the first one to build the wall and go home then send her the bill for the education she stole.
Her classes aren't weighted
People think that numbers are arbitrary and are used to help whites, so they limited the number whites are allowed and doubled the grade for the oppressed because the numbers don't really mean anything. Just like being somewhere on merit and being there based on skin colour, they're just arbitrary factors. Ask any Jew, they'll tell you themselves.
Hardly. Scale that down to a 4.0 grading scale and she's lucky if she got above a 3.0 GPA. She's just a generic beaner who can hardly make above a B
>Generic beaner who can't make above a B
I saw that, mod. That post was not against the rules. You have to go back, too.
Because you can't take 100% honors (5 point) classes.
First- not all classes have an honors version.
Second- you have to receive a 4.0 in a normal class to qualify for next years 5.0 class.
>quotes me
>mistakes me for a mod
>tells me I have to go back
You're not good at taking tests
at my high school honors classes were worth 4.5. Only AP classes were out of 5.
400,000 illegal immigrants are deported every year, approximately.
The most common reason for deportation is being arrested for a drug related charge
Oh, I see. So what GPA do reasonably good students (say, top 10%) usually have?
is it ICE who does this or do they basically sit on their hands all year?
are they not out there rounding up illegals into trains due to too much paperwork or what?
I went to the highest ranked high school in my state, 3rd the country.
Did IB and AP since freshmen year, and single one of the highest levels offered. I came out almost conversational in French, with completely knowledge of every major happening and the date it happened in American history, and basically just smarter than anyone else from any other high school would possibly be in any topic. I got beat out to my top pick college by niggers in intensive classes that ended up getting better GPA's than me.
Depends on the school district. For my district it was 4.7 for the top 10%. But the valedictorian for the nigger school district next to us for 2.75 GPA.
>the spic in OP wouldn't have even been in the top third of our high school
Well first she's explaining that she is a superior human being (the way americans do - level of education etc, you should be used to that). Then she is implying that illegals are meant to be too dumb for that (or that she is special, not sure). Finally she is giving the rest of the world a bit of a laugh at american administration.
>I tried applying for a scholarship AND THEY GAVE IT the absolute madmen
They're being told by King Gorilla to sit the fuck down and let the Illegals run free.