Is gavin Sup Forums approved?

is gavin Sup Forums approved?

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Yea he's hysterical

Yes. As founder of the proud boys obviously he is approved.

I love the guy.


fuck milo and especially christina hoff summers

you JUST know

Know what? That she is getting BLACKED?

He seems pretty annoying desu but Timpf is hot as fuck. She looks like a pornstar

yeah he is Sup Forums's favorite cuck

All attractive women look like pornstars to you because that's the only place you see them.

Canacuck living up to his reputation as always.

Its more likely that Gavin "shaved blown out asshole" Mcinnes is getting blacked

No he's a race mixer

Both of those you named are kikes, so good call.

I approve her.

>faggotry on camera


Cut yourself puritan.

>dresses like a lumberjack crossed with a 1950s dad
He tries too hard, and it really shows. He's not comfortable enough in his own skin to watch without cringing at some point.

Gapin McAnus

>engaging in degenerate self-harm

super cogent faggot coming through watch out

He's a funny fella but for now he should stick to being funny and telling stories. His research on certain subjects should be a lot better.

Any other Proud Boys here?

he's amusing but he's a cuck just like the rest

Is he a Jew?

That is fucking funny man haha

Yeah he is actually 100% redpilled and yet he is cool with normies.
Its really unfair.

>Is he a Jew?
He's scottish and fucking hilarious. He was a liberal until 9/11 and then went full 180. He was also a complete degenerate and knows how lefties work because he was one of them for so fucking long.

Didn't he shove something up is ass on his own show?

This was a good video.

And well, he's a race-mixer but at least he's not a jew.

He gaped his anus for Coppercab on air

>that's the only place you see them
Lol no it's not. And is that supposed to be an insult?

I think she has a pornstar look because of the big blonde hair and the glasses

Actually he stuck a butt plug up there to prove he could dance more rhythmically than Clinton, even with a butt plug up his ass.

>only porn stars have blonde hair and glasses

Confirmed for porn cuck. How does it feel to have conditioned yourself to enjoy watching other men fuck women while you masturbate?

Are you even aware how much of a pathetic cuck you are?



Where did I say that? What are you even talking about?

he if a fucking degenerate. and this is not the most degenerate thing that he has done

He's still a liberal degenerate and always will be.

9/11 didn't change him I don't know where you're getting that from.

It's all a ruse to maintain an audience and it's working, so good for him. But don't pretend he's something he's not.

I've watched a lot of his stuff and honestly can't tell if he's dumb or not. He's obviously made a bit of money but some of the things which come out of his mouth my god.

Are you completely retarded?
I'm talking about you and your porn addiction. I'm talking about how you see an attractive woman and you immediately think "porn star" because your entire frame of reference is based on porn. I'm talking about how much of a loser you are.

Is it really that hard to follow?

No I know what you're saying, you're just wrong is all.

Who's the chick?

Well that can't be correct because I'm right about everything.

Haven't been wrong once.

Literally who?

Hahaha man, that hilarious man

Haha how do you do it?

Oh man hahah

a man with a beard.

No, he flip flops on every issue. not that a Pole would understand, seeing as you look for your next master already, after leeching off the European Union.

I am a Proud Boy. Uhuru.

Even though, sometimes Gavin is literally just this irl. Pic related.

Fuck no,

he'll be put against a wall during the day of rope and executed accordingly.

Co-founder of Vice Magazine. Has a show on Anthony Cumia now.

I hate that he thinks he's so manly and old school while he has not an ounce of elegance.

He's okay but he's got weird values. he's mainly redpilled but not fully.

It's like Alex Jones when it comes to the Jews.

Gavin making his best Ben Shapiro impression.jpg

Wat. I thought Vice was left wing propaganda garbage? Isn't Gavin pretty redpilled?

>He's still a liberal degenerate and always will be.
>9/11 didn't change him I don't know where you're getting that from.
>It's all a ruse to maintain an audience and it's working, so good for him. But don't pretend he's something he's not.
Whatever he is, he is fun to watch and listen to. He occasionally raises some valid points but for the most part is just fun to listen to. I like how he pushes family values and is overall trollish.

I like him, but understand the criticism.

It wasn't always cucked as much as it is now

Gavin was basically an apolitical punk when he founded Vice, and yeah, they basically just published shocking and offensive shit. I don't think they went totally cucked until after Gavin left, but I may be wrong. My impression was they were basically just Howard Stern in magazine form.

He didn't get right-wing/red-pilled/however you wanna say it until he was older, 9/11, had kids, became religious, etc.

Kat Timpf. Alt-right figure.

Plays up her Polish heritage a lot but she's like a 9th generation Pole i.e. typical American.

Gavin was the creative director of vice. Vice didn't used to be left wing propaganda. Shane was in charge of the finances. Being in change of the money Shane took over power. Gavin wrote a story about trannies being mentally ill. Shane used that opportunity to fire Gavin and turn it into leftwing propaganda.

No, he supports capitalism, supports race mixing, supports racial integration, and is a manlet.

is gavin really that tall


Who /Proud Boys/ here?

I think he's funny, especially this vid
thank me later

His legs are normal.

fuck off, he got himself a traditional indian waifu instead of a westren slut.

right now this is literally the only way to get married and still have your balls

He's not manly at all. He's a nu-male to the core.

No he's a racemixer. And he didn't mix with a race with comparable intellect so it's not forgivable.

Chugs aren't traditional.

It's fine by me if Gavin race mixes, as he isn't white, but do not believe that racemixing is at all acceptable. You are killing your gens.

c'mon pls watch it

>It's fine by me if Gavin race mixes
He isn't racemixing. He's bleaching. Its only bad if women do it.

Scottish aren't white now?


Unless he walks out and raises white children he isn't bleaching anything.

For native americans?

Racemix all you want, Americans were doing that way back anyway by having wives with them and raping them.

Gavin's white btw. He may be degenerate but this man is a national treasure for founding the Proud Boys movement.

I'm not even joking when I think about getting it tattooed on my inner lip.

They never have been.

Guy literally stuck a buttplug in his ass on his radio show... Fucking retarded degenerate is most likely a plant to discredit right wingers

>yes, fight amongst yourselves

If you only have mixed children you're a race traitor. Gavin is a non-white, he's Scottish by heritage, and he's a disgusting, freedom loving capitalist shill.

>the Proud Boys movement
What is that? Google is giving me a bunch of weird shit

>yes, expand the definition of whiteness and dilute your strength

>dilute your strength
>warring with each other for centuries

If you've watched his show lately you'd know about it.

It hasn't really grown yet, and he's been discussing it on the show by working out the beliefs and all that good shit.

But basically, it's men proud of being men, especially white men, and to be proud of doing manly things and not taking anymore shit from the pushback against males and white culture etc.

War is strength.

>doing manly things

>two bettar than four


Proud of your boy

I hope he actually makes that into a shirt

>hurr durr non-Germanics r white duurrrrr
Fuck off, JIDF.

>my wife's son

without context ofcourse it looks faggot as shit.

I never said he wasnt degenerate.

Shoving a buttplug up his ass to prove he can dance better than Hillary was fucking hilarious.

yes he's a tryhard contrarian irl shitposter

he fits in well here

Yeah I like him, but his appeals to traditionalism are pretty weak...

No sane man would go back to the pre-feminism reservation now that women have made their contempt and hatred clear.

With all the reddit neo-Sup Forums capitalists I guess that's true.

Degenerate as fuck.

(are a faggot)

Is this shit real?

The old Vice magazine was so fucking degenerate. Sasha Grey once commented that their parties were too hardcore for her. Gavin and Terry Richardson had some good times I imagine.

Whats wrong with christina?