Sup Forums I need you to redpill me on Cracker Barrel

Sup Forums I need you to redpill me on Cracker Barrel.
What's the deal?

Its a restaurant that also sells country themed items.

Are you fucking retarded?

I avoid that okiedoke place

Shit chain restaurant for fat people who got starving hungry waiting for traffic at the mcdondalds to spill out and needed some relief.

Country fried steak
Biscuits 'n gravy
You're welcome.

Well before this 404's for shitposting I want to say this is one of the worst redpill threads I've seen. This and the guy asking to get redpilled on Windows or if they were "the transparent Jew"

Old people fucking love it. Its why the food is bland, cheap, and has small portions.

Cracker Barrel is already redpilled as fuck, OP.

Supporting places like these is supporting White culture. I'd say that's pretty redpilled.

Cheap, southern-inspired food. Not bad.

I'd been there maybe half a dozen times before they stopped selling Confederate merchandise. Now I won't go.

Not a Southerner, no one in my family fought for the CSA, I just found it pathetic.

Black person here. I avoid these. They're racist. They even have Cracker in the name.

And their cornbread tastes like nothing.

I think the Window guy was just trying to rustle some jimmies.

Country ham dinner platter with mashed potatoes, turnip greens, and a tall glass of sweet tea. You're welcome.

This place is why boring old white people suck and so does their culture. They serve dull, flavorless food. If you're going to be poor, at least slow cook your cheap cuts of meat with loads of spice and seasoning. Southern blacks have been doing it right for years. Just avoid dull white-person food in general. It sucks.

Their grits, fried apples, and bacon are legit though.

>cracker barrel
>small portions

pick one

The nigs think they invented spicy food. We conquered the earth to get spices.

>I'm triggered by old-timey Americana on the walls that I can't relate to, and feel like everyone in the restaurant is about to lynch me, so I'll project my paranoia onto the food.

>"We wuz chefs!"

Fucking kek

Yeah, blacks can't stand our flavorless food

Sup Forums I need you to deal me on red pill.

What's the Cracker Barrel?



Used to be good. Don't even give you enough gravy to cover one biscuit anymore.

But then the British didn't use all these spices in their food, except a bit of tamarind in Worcestershire sauce and some cinnamon in fruit cake. The Brits did it fucking wrong and white-person food has sucked a lot ever since. I grew up with Anglo-Irish roots and a grandmother who thought food was just boiled meat and boiled potato and boiled cabbage. And an uncle he pretended he was allergic to garlic. Stupid fuckers!! It's taken me years to overcome the legacy of their fucking stupid tasteless approach to food.

Why is food so much more flavorsome and nice when it comes from a culture of people with darker skin?

Food is for nourishment so you can do more wörk. Northern euros evolved spending all of their energy farming, hunting, and preserving their food, not cooking it.

Tasteless, shit quality food with a nice atmosphere.

>Cracker Barrel
>Small Portions

Spotted the fattie

Northern Euros initially just had shit flavor options available -- too cold, so too much reliance on root vegetables, carrots, and reindeer blubber. And then when they got access to all the good spices, they didn't know what to do with them. Then food got mechanized and industrialized, so now we have all these obese white people living in cold climates and eating fucking burger king. It's a fucking disaster! Give me some gumbo or jerk chicken over that stuff.

Strangely one of the only places to find those delicious old sodas like NuGrape and whatnot. I bought a legit gadsen hat there once, too.

The rest of their stuff is garbage and so is the food.

best restaurant on the planet, thats undergoing some corporate structural changes.

known it since i was little. it literally has never changed. recently theyve been a little skimpy, but knowing your waitress by name, and knowing shes been there for years really brings the generousity out of you.

good place to take the family. kids love the store, grandparents always buy some small thing, paying at the counter is way more fun than paying at the table.
>not standing in line, bantering with the cute girl behind you, playing with the battery propeller candy tube thing

keeps white culture alive.

Their food is just shit version of American food. Italian and French food are most prestigious and German food too is very tasty.

Japanese food is very delicious, I think. But KFC is popular in America but is white people food. I think you are wrong.

It's run by the klan. Happy?

Fast food was invented by and is largely consumed by what people -- from White Castle to McDonald's and Wendy's and Arby's. They're abominations and should be the shame of Sup Forums. They're considerably worse even than Cracker Barrel.

French and Italian food are good, but the cultures that are most obsessed with food are in places like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Thailand. That's where you get the really big, amazing flavors. There's nothing in the world like a full-scale royal Thai feast. Food honestly is one of the things white people have predominantly fucked up.

A place that Yankees hate, apparently.

>fried chicken
>white people food
I really hope you slanty eyed fucks don't really believe that.

Dude everybody likes fried chickenz

It's just that KFC is garbage.

>small portions

I'm from Commiefornia and I was on vacation in Florida with my wife and we could barely fit all of the food on the table. Walked out spending under 20 bucks and we couldn't even come close to finishing it all despite the fact that we ordered standard meals. I don't know how you lardasses finish a standard meal in a sit down restaurant, much less have room for dessert.

>Old people fucking love it. Its why the food is bland, cheap, and has small portions.
Spotted the guy who felt the need to respond despite literally never ever having been to a cracker barrel before. Why do you do this? What is wrong with you?

Pecan pancakes at any time of the day, nigga. What's wrong with you?

Shit's so cash. I'm from Ohio east of Columbus and I'm fucked because I have to either take my ass to Zanesville or the western end of Reynoldsburg to eat some Cracker Barrel.

Excellent shit OP. It always brings back good memories to me.

Mediocre American-country style food. I've had worse I suppose. Course if you actually are from the country culture, you can make half that shit yourself from scratch.

as a southerner, the food tastes like hammered dog shit to me. I could see some foreign tourists loving every second of that place though going home telling their friends they ate at an old style country diner. let's be honest, 90% of people eating there are on a road trip and just don't want to eat fast food.

>implying they aren't

This is the best reason to go to a Cracker Barrel.