Burgers, do you go to Mickey D's to hang out with people when you are feeling blue?
Burgers, do you go to Mickey D's to hang out with people when you are feeling blue?
/r/ the pic of a sheboon fucking some nigger in McD.-toilets for a cheesburger
It's the new malt shop of the 50s
>people who simultaneously complain about food being expensive and obviously can't cook are now using the excuse that fast food is social
When will they accept that they're fat and lazy and that it's a problem?
It is an Anglo-thing Bruce, you should understand.
No we don,t.
My next door neighbors used to, just for the wifi. That and their house was literally infested with Roaches and they never cleaned.
After they were kicked out for not paying bills my family had to fight their roaches, but we won.
Their kids would spend 5+ hours sitting at McDonalds. And they didnt spend money their, but the wife worked until she got fired.
pastebin next time
I can't go to my local mcdonald's because I'll be harassed and threatened by blacks.
That's obesity rates, it's different. BTW blacks have a higher rate of obesity than whites, Sven.
Why do niggers do this?
> dressed in their finest clothes
There are worse things one can do than hanging out with Ronald.
If I walked into a burger joint and saw something like those two in the lobby or behind the counter I'd do a 360 and leave
So you are saying that Oz is filled with dindus? I thought Australia was safe, like in Risk.
What am I watching here? Do they have a phobia of being sucked into the escalator?
This isnt a bad thing.
Religion keeps degeneracy at bay, at this point im sure we have proved atheits can't have morals
i do big brother/little brother and once in a while i take my little bro to the micky d's near his house (he lives in one of the top 5 roughest parts of a major city) and can confirm there is a social aspect happening at that location. its mostly old guys just sitting around drinking coffee and shooting the shit. its the same thing you see in front of a convince store in a Spanish neighborhood, the majong/chess tables in an Asian neighborhood, or outside the library in a Jewish neighborhood. every group has their social spot. where i live polish/Portuguese/Italians all have social clubs.
you never saw the webm of the chinese lady being sucked in?
im pretty sure they did
There is a pretty horrible video where a Chinese mother gets sucked into the machinery, but manages to save her kid.
You don't?
What are aboos.
The only people who hang out in McDonalds are shitskins and white trash.
Remember the Chinese lady last year? Died after the grating fell in and she was caught in the mechanism.
We all have our things, don't we Sven?
>actually linking to the guardian
There aren't that many of them.
>calling white people trash.
Trump will deal with you when the time comes, you have to go back.
In China,the escalators are known to break,and eat people alive.They're just checking the known area to be faulty,and hazardous.
Yes and it isn't irrational. > muh superior Asian engineers
You're forgetting hipsters on their macs that think starbucks is too mainstream
>all those island monkeys...
The Arabs are getting fat too.
how fucking retarded are you?
Japs and even Koreans are light years ahead of the Chinese when it comes to engineering
Fucking chinese.. now I'll probably avoid the grate and look like a dumbass too.
It's more an aging population of Greeks and Italians, plus a few Pacific islanders and Maoris. Also, women here are more feminist than anywhere else, so they're huge on fat positivity.
About 30% of guys here go to the gym, have had gym phases or want to go to the gym. Young Australian men are /fit/.
They still love fast food though which is... Fuck you ruin it.
I never have but I've seen old people and shit meet up at fast food joints for little gatherings. I mean, I think it's not very classy, but it specifically mentions poor people so whatever. I prefer like diners or restaurants.
Nr 1 is some irrelevant island nation
Got cropped out by accident oh well
It's the fucking guardian, of course it's not true. They could write an article about "the sky is blue" and still find some way for it to be total bullshit.
> the 2 white colonies in Asia are far ahead of everyone else in the region
No shit
where do law obedient white folks go to in the US?
Bruh I just watched the video.
>has aversion to escalators for fear of literal death
>still too lazy to take the stairs
Seems like they would be better off with just stairs
Nice try McGuardian
I don't eat that shit and neither does anyone I associate with
Poverty is not degeneracy. You stuck up fucking Stockholm-er.
At least they went to get married
At least they wore their finest
At least the plan to have children and be together long enough to share their history.
I repeat, poverty is not degeneracy.
It seems to mostly be black people. It can be true as far as I know. Enter www.365black.com and you will get directed to McDonald's.
that escalated quickly
For niggers yea, reminder that here in the states we pretty much have all our savage niggers quarantined to ghettoa and slums, they like to kill each other and riot wvery now and then
>current year
>eating mcdonalds
fuck off Karl Osmann.
My friend lived in Brisbane for two years, he can confirm that Aussies are fatasses.
You are not all Zyzz, deal with it Bruce.
>not rallying with friends at mcdonalds after a night out
>not walking down to mcdonalds with your friend because youre both poor and could really eat the shit out of a cheeseburger
>not spending time with the family while the kids play around in the giant playground, talking and hitting on your cousins friends
>not going to mcdonalds to hang out with all the niggers and old people because youre poor, feeling blah and really just wanna eat some junk food
>not stopping at a mcdonalds during a road trip where everyone is sleeping and having the time of your life with your pals ordering and munching on some fries and snacks
really, its the simple things. mcdonalds is really sometimes, a wonderful experience.
i mean, imagine being in a flyover town, where theres literally just a shopping center with a mcdonalds. can you imagine how much of a staple that place must be? literally every time you go in, you see osmeone you know, they know you,a nd if anything happens thats crazy, everyone eventually ehars about it.
cozy af if you ask me.
>not going to mcdonalds during your lunch break after riding around doing chores, to soak up some atmosphere and catch up on the news.
>Surveys by the International Association for the Study of Obesity show that the rates of female obesity in the region are significantly higher than those of males. In Kuwait, 47.9% of women are obese, compared with 34.6% of males. In Qatar and Saudi Arabia, around 45.3% and 44% of women are obese – nearly double the rate in men there1.
I can see how those Burkas makes women let themselves go.
Nice anecdotal evidence.
I don't know about Brisbane but lifting and /fit/ (they had a forum that now doesn't exist) memes defined my teen years in Melbourne. There's some sort of fitness culture here that's kept almost exclusively to men.
As tempting as it is to just believe this because "lol niggers" I find it more plausible that the grauniad are just making shit up as usual. At best, they're exaggerating the hell out of a few anecdotal cases.
As long as you're in an 80+% white area, everything is fine. If you're not in a very white area, and you have a need to eat fast food, I would recommend chick-fil-a, as their standards are very high for employees. McDonald's, however, is notorious for pandering to niggers. For instance, this is a thing:
> - - - - - - - - - -
You realize that most lifters who push past 30 BMI are more fat than /fit/ ? It would need a staggering amount of body builders to even make that impact.
It is most people under 40 that are fit, if they are going to impact the numbers, pretty much all the fucking guys needs to be swole as shit.
I can't see that being the truth.
poor kid just saw his mom get eaten by an escalator
>Religion keeps degeneracy at bay, at this point im sure we have proved atheits can't have morals
I'm not even old yet, but I can tell the new generations have no clue about this.
Christianity is fundamental to Western civilization. Our laws, our everything is based on the Bible - and I know nothing triggers the godphobic (what atheism is nowadays) more.
Globalism is communism. That's why Christianity has been under attack for decades now.
Again, it might be a Melbourne thing, but guys under 35 love body building. Massive warehouse gyms are packed every weekday between 6 to 10, high schools are filled with fit memes.
If we have fatties, they're feminists. We have so any feminists here.
That's what you should expect when you're in Australia, fat girls with dyed bowl cuts and a streak of entitlement plus buff guys bantering.
here in L.A., it's the local bagel shop.
That might be true for nigs, but in Michigan it's the countless 24 hour Coney Islands. A lot have gone out of business over the years thanks to the smoking ban however, so staying out late with friends, having a meal, and drinking a few coffees, at the local Coney Island isn't as common these days.
i thought
was a meme...
>It's the fucking guardian, of course it's not true. They could write an article about "the sky is blue" and still find some way for it to be total bullshit.
The worst thing is that every bongladeshi believes this about every publication in his country
>it's The X, they could write that the sky is blue and it still wouldn't be true