South African firefighters in Alberta on strike
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And Sup Forums was worried they would culturally enrich the Canadian women
Hahhaha why did Trudeau turn down the Russian and American help?
every fucking time
lazy niggers
WOW what a great help South Africa. Sure glad you didn't accept help from Russia and US huh Canada?
Russia and America were willingly to help...fucking hard working whites and your faggot PM picked fucking niggers..
Really makes you think..
Why should they work if they don't get paid?
Why would you whine about that? What's with you, westerners, you pride yourselves in not being xenophobic, yet you are the most xenophobic. If a nigger wants to work and get paid for it, let him.
Australia too
Land of bush fires and all that
>expecting African-South Africans to work
>Heavy manual labor
>Couldn't find Canadian firefighters "Hey let's bring in people from 3,000 kilometers away to show 'diversity'!"
This scheme was fucked from the very beginning....
Well its like they said nig gona nig.
AHAAHAHAHAHAH, you cancucks truly got what you deserved by electing Trudeau! Literal hell for the whole 5 years
Oz ones would do it for free
Firefighters tend to take the job more seriously than money when it's a serious thing
As long as they got accommodations and travel, they should help
I would see just how flammable niggers are.
They would've gotten paid as well, although I do agree, they should've taken Russia.
So that's the excuse they went with. I'd bet a lot of money they were sent home because they were dangerously incompetent, but you can't put that in the papers.
Listen to me fag, Canada wanted help, some monkeys agreed to help for money, Canada accepted that deal but are not paying a fair share. Capitalism son, a firefighter is still a job. Hell, even being in ISIS is a job, do you think those head-slicing savages don't get paid?
What will Canada do when all it's fucking leaves are burnt up?
I know, Aussie bro, absolutely shameful . I am so fucking insulted. When I go up to Ontario this fall for fishing I might start another fire..
Russia and US offered help for free.
Looks like they got their own Trump there
here in america our firefighters work for free, because that is the power of capitalism. When people directly control their own means instead of the state, it allows them the free time to be charitable and help others.
I am an Alberta firefighter working in Fort Mac at the same camp as the African firefighters. They are terrible. They went on strike the last two days because they wanted to get paid Canadian wages.
We are now paying them more than many of our own firefighters. And they have had ten days of training in fire fighting. Ever. So they're good for basically nothing.
Oh and they brought the wrong boots so the government bought them all brand new boots. All 300 of them.
At dinner they were eating steak with their hands. Just picking them up and gnawing on them like animals. For the last two days they've just sat around. Or roamed the camp in packs. Leering at everyone.
Our government paid god knows how many hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring these untrained people here. Pay and house then even while they're on strike and now we are overpaying them to do basically nothing.
And this at a time when our province is really hurting. Massive economic downturn, Fort Mac critically damaged with the cost in billions.
What a fucking joke.
Too white
My country is full of people that hate themselves and want the country to die, I can't stop them.
One of the most important things you learn in SA is how to tell blacks to fuck off and to not take their shit.
They have just realised they can cuck over idiot liberal Canacucks for more pay because your police force is busy driving around in rainbow cars instead of firing rubber bullets at the protestors.
And how do you know they didn't ask for more money when they got there?
I doubt Canada would go back on what they first agreed to.
I hope that entire wasteland burns.
Another Liberal clusterfuck.... Can they do anything right?
Gibbons gonna gib
Why the fuck am I surpised by this.
I'm glad their hearts are in the right place.
Fuck Trudeau
Russia and US doesn't provide the necessary diversity Canada needs
That's the problem with these fags
They do what "feels" good to them, not what's actually the logical thing.
Thanks for the info, and yeah, that sounds about right.
They agreed to being paid $15 a day for a period and then like $35. The only reason they are on strike for more gibsmedats is because the media made them delusional.
It wasn't that they weren't getting paid, it was that they were getting paid less. They should get paid less because they are less skilled and qualified and experienced.
Depends on what grade gasoline you use, pham.
Too expensive. Remeber the PM is liberal so ulterior motive is always expected
what the fuck is with all these stories about South Africans moving in packs
Don't worry, Trudeau has another job for them.
Serious question, memes aside, Is the Prime Minister letting Canada burn for the sake of diversity?
No exaggeration?
>Trudeau and Liberal voters fucking hate everything about TFW in the leadup to the election
>Trudeau wins and gets TFW firefighters
Fucking nice going liberal voters
Anybody have a collage picture, like the one for Zimbabwe? I figure it'd go:
>Huge fire starts
>Canada says no to real countries helping
>Brings in diversification
>Diversity goes on strike
4 Years.
Whats the difference of a tourist in SA and a racist there ????
2 weeks
my fucking sides
You faggot asked for this when you elected le weed man
>black south africans striking
Literally nothing new, it should come with the name by now
>flying in niggers from Africa to fight fires in Canada
Come on leafs, I know we give you a lot of shit, but we wouldn't literally let you burn. All you have to do is ask.
I thought slavic gopnik liberators would diversify canada quite nicely.
IIRC even Mexico offered to help.
>canada in such a state they're getting offered assistance from third world shitholes
>canada is burning
>"lets take two rabbit's with on wack, kill the fire and white privilege" said tranny trudeau
>dismiss WHITE PRIVILEGED murican and ruski firefighters help
>employ OPRESSED south african firefighters
>a bunch of niggers who earn 200$/month to watch the bush burn
>they arrive to canada and immediately start to complain about SLAVEWAGES
>EQUAL PAY they say
>crash the party and let canada burn
>Russia and America are too white! What we need is diversity
>imports 300 completely untrained niggers from africa
Holy shit, Canada
What an unexpected turn of events
Are you expecting logic to come from Obama 2.0...
Come on pork chop..
Just fucking nuke us already
>Capitalism son
Is this the new "kid"?
Meanwhile we offered to come help you guys for free
Do you leafs understand what we have to deal with in America now? Trying having them overrun essentially every major city in your country.
My fucking sides.
They can't even try not to nigg everything.
Now instead of burning to death, they're lounging around looking for da white women.
this is bullshit this isn't over money at all.
these niggers went from South Africa with it's little baby bush fires they beat with a fucking stick to Canada forest fire, where the flames are shooting hundreds of feet into the air.
these niggas got scared simple as that.
Black South Africans striking. Quelle surprise.
Guys it's okay though.
The Canadian National anthem is Gender neutral now!
Haha, oh wow
Aren't these the same African firefighters who didn't know how to use water on a fire, only beating fires with sticks?
Canada strangely silent in this thread. Has Trudeu conscripted them all to fight the fire? They couldnt possibly be worse than SA blacks
What camp are you in?
They were paid. Trudeau actually gave the South African firefighters a raise last week.
Lazy, opportunistic, greedy niggers tried to extort even more.
Thank god Trudeau is focused on the real issues. It is 2016, after all.
Did anyone read the article? They mad cuz my main man JT tried to pay them 15 dollars a day lmao
>Canada strangely silent in this thread.
What more is there to say about this joke of a country?
You probably just hit the nail on the head.
Still don't see a problem.
>Get paid less than others, even though you were basically begged to help, cause Canadians are cucks.
>Ask for more.
>Cucks deny you, cause judaism is more important then cuckoldry.
>And how do you know they didn't ask for more money when they got there?
What if they did, how is it different then say unions or people asking for higher wages?
Btw, how much more did they want? Did they want like a thousand an hour or something? The Canadian government can't afford to pay 15k more a day(50$ more a day), but they can afford to invite 60000 refugees or whatever and pay them much more for no work? You people are fucking delusional, you always spit at the niggers for being stupid and lazy, now they work, they just want to be paid equally as the Canadian firefighters and by that they are doing pure capitalism and you're still not happy? I thought natsoc was about empowering your race, not bashing others. Canadians are just jew cucks, nothing more. Maybe they hired the niggers, cause they cost less? Maybe Russians and Americans wanted 5$ more per day.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, if they gave so much money to firefighters, they won't have enough for refugee semen, okay, makes sense.
How do you...
I have this.
Just when you think Canada is the biggest joke it can ever be..... they prove you wrong
They fucking agreed to that contract
I forgot to put this symbol - ","
Sorry, Kangaroo son.
I think it's time.
This fire is dangerous, and the smoke from it is washing over the US like a river.
We need to declare war on Canada and invade. Neutralize the government, put out the fire, hold elections where the only choices are a right wing government or a far right wing government and then pat ourselves on the back and go home.
Even if they were paid $1500 a day they would have found something to strike about. It's the way they roll.
Jesus Christ, the ghost of moot is here again.
What do they get at home?
Which is what they were getting back home. They'd also get an extra $35/day when they got back home. But apparently that's not enough and they want their money now.
I can kind of understand, if there is a history of being jewed out of what is owed, but at the same time it was in the fucking contract if the lazy niggers had bothered to read it.
someone post the trudeau laughing in the sky over the fire edit
These people were given jobs by the South African government, before that they did not have jobs.
>hear that canicucks are bringing over SA firefighters
>oh good, they'll have some competant whites on the scene since SA firefighting will be just like the SA special police force
>oh, they're all niggers
Thanks senpai
>alberta firefighter
>american flag
It's called b8
This. If you're in firefighting for the money, you're in it for the wrong reasons and setting yourself up for disappointment, with a fair amount of exceptions, but those exception departments are really fucking tough to get on.
The Bulls are imported from America
So where's that leaf poster who bragged about voting for Trudeau? Hahahahahaha