Why is this a thing among Ukrainians in Poland? Is it a thing in your countries?
Idk what should I think about it
Why is this a thing among Ukrainians in Poland? Is it a thing in your countries?
Idk what should I think about it
My wife uses something like that on me.
no such thing
I see the coal burners,and other white trash use those things.
These were hugely popular in the states in the late 80's and 90's. I went to Disney World and they were almost on every child.
Considering an errant child just fell into a gorilla enclosure, are they really such a bad idea? Kids get excited and run off, and of a parent is distracted for a millisecond, a fun family day can turn into a nightmare or even a tragedy.
>Why is this a thing
Never saw that you cunt. Stop making shit up.
I saw it once in England
Baby reins, a lot of mums used them in the 80's as one user said. Seems sensible if you've got a lot of brats or are trying to multi-task with a young kid.
just this week i saw some kid on one of these leashes walk on the opposite side of a signpost as the mother
kid got axed, a laughed for hours, sue me
>not having your kids disciplined
shit parent detected
Poor Americans use those rather than learning to parent it's pretty sad but I get why other countries despise us seeing shit like this
user id confirms it
I from an 'other' country. Every country that isn't America is objectively shittier than you guys. I will never understand Australians or Europeans who think they are better than Americans. Its hilarious.
these may be silly but lets face it when you got a handful of kids it may be wise to put your most wandering adventurous one on a leash if it prevents the damn kid from falling in a gorilla pit then you arent doing a half bad job at parenting.
I use one for my kid
My parents used one on me
No biggie. Safety first
To stop children from running off, and yes.
>safetly first
I bet your kid is a such a delicate flower.
Harden the fuck up and don't run into traffic. Kids got hit by cars all the time when I was a kid, broken arm for a few weeks and they never crossed without looking again.
I was a leashed kid. now I have problems with authority. Coincidence?
little kids are extremely dumb. they will run right into traffic and get squished before you can react.
My mom sometimes did this with me and my brother when we were in kindergarten, so we wont get on the busy road.
I haven't saw one of these in 10+ years. I believe I've seen two in my lifetime. I remember because of how weird I thought it was
Give us murrican industry & money then see.
Oh yeah keep ya jews & ya niggers we got plenty
>> St. Louis zoo, years ago
>> large daycare group
>> kids 4 or 5
>> all black
>> all on leashes
>> picture related
It's posture training I think. I see Muslims doing the same with their kids around here.
Saw a tard trarding around on all fours in one of these at a carnival when I was a kid.
It scared me shitless.
goyim are beasts, specially the white ones...
give your shekels to me or I call the ADL
Kids get their dicks mutilated in the name of 'religion' and you are worried about this?
That was a thing in the USA in the 90s too.
Because child trafficking
You wanna go me cunt? I Fuken shove my size 12 up your clacker you fucking boonga