Fucking cuck Eurofags
Serves her right. She shouldn't be doing that. You can obviously tell she done it deliberately as well.
>Serves her right. She shouldn't be doing that. You can obviously tell she done it deliberately as well.
gr8 b8 m8 8/8
Europe deserves this..hopefully she gets raped over the weekend
It's only going to get worse until Europeans realize its not their country(s) anymore.
Muslims are going to educate you.
Summer is here I see.
She is Tunisian. Her fellow countrymen just wanted her to remember how to well practice her religion, I don't see what's wrong with that.
>She is Tunisian.
Like that really matters. Wait till they become more organized. You'll see.
Sup Forums is endless summer,
She should of known better not to do that in a sharia zone
Why do Muslims come to a country where alcohol is part of their culture?
To make it muslim obviously.
Kek the day a Muslim tries to prevent a French from drinking, it will be a new revolution. The French don't give a shit for nothing except their old age pension and drinking.
What did he mean by this
Wait they only have a problem with non-muslims serving alcohol during Ramadan? My what kind moderates these fellows are.
God that guy has such a punchable face.
Dropping fertility rates, someone shopped in the Paris attacks
xxi holocaust when?
Bougnoule de merde
What a surprise
She got what was coming to her.
This is a major violation of shariah law. Europeans should learn to respect others cultures especially in such holy times.
t. Roach