R.I.P Kanye West
At the end no one could top Kid A
Will the ragtime revival scene ever be as good as it was back in the 30's?
I still can't believe Sufjan is Dead, he had most of the states done too.
ryoji ikeda is 101 and released his 45th album
his astral plane installations are god tier btw
I only listen to the chainsmokers. who here /BornInTheWrongGeneration/?
>every album is 95 hours long
>the number 1 album is composed by a cat
>lil ugly mane's name is now old ugly mane
>jay-z is transgender and married to OJ
>noise albums are everywhere
Any good genres worth getting into from the 2020s besides post-trap?
>implying this is a bad thing
Do you think he'll be able to win his 10th term next year?
I remember listening to Wisconsin in history class, apparently that's what the place I live used to be called before the revolution
what do you think of the new rolling stones release guys?
RIP sweet prince. It's been 50 years and I STILL can't believe you're gone.
nah Chelsea Clinton and Carson Jr are gonna blow him on the polls
Did you now that the oldest man alive used to make music? Brian doesn't look like the music making type to me
Brian's starting to look a bit frail, I don't think he makes it to the end of the year, probably dies on Christmas day
well said.
Meme Gospel was pretty good, albeit niche
New Tool album when?
Damn it’s been 63 years and Nas still hasn’t put out another good album.
Does anybody have the Apple Daclight-21500 RAM G-Sizer update yesterday? Probably best 2010s trap producing AI on the market. They just released a Travis Scott update, and can somebody post some of the makes through a 4chanTube link?
Any AI recommendations? Currently only have the general rap kit, and the Anniversary Radiohead subset.
dies in 2017
>50 years
checks out bois
pls send credits and don't forget to buy GOS IN THE SPELL, my new iVinyl out next January. (featuring unreleased samples from Trent's voice memos and Lazarus Echo on holo-keytar!)
I mean it depends on what you like. do you have iOS Mercury? If you do go on the AppCoin Store and there is a sale on "Stockfish's Vaporwave bundle" i think going for like 15 hashes. Probably my favorite kit from the past three years, yeah it's old, but still one of the least mathmatical AIs out there.
also noticed your american was a little bad so here you go: :)
我的意思是这取决于你喜欢什么你有iOS水星? 如果你去AppCoin商店,并且在“干鳕鱼的蒸气波包”上有一个销售,这可能是我过去三年来最喜欢的工具包,是的,它已经很老了,但仍然是最没有数学意义的AI之一。
Is anyone else getting the 90th anniversary reissue of Sgt. Pepper's?
Another year almost finished and Keith Richards is still alive.
What's his secret, Sup Forums?
his drug use led him to be legally classified as embalmed by 1980
So which of their exponentially expanding galaxy consuming discography do you think King Gizzard and 50 Years of Lizards tour will play?
Was she officially better than her mom?
I wish emperor trump would abdicate already...
>the year is 2057
>multiple moons of Jupiter have been consumed to provide material for the storage of King Gizzard albums, which are now coming every second
>You have to be 24 to visit the board
>scientific notation is required to express how many zeroes are in the scientific notation required to express how many king gizzard albums there are
>lucas is still playing the same four note bass riff
What genres should i get into guys? Im bored of post nu-ambientcore
When Kanye was elected President in 2020, what was that song he replaced the national anthem with? I can never remember it
1970s prog, kids these days don't understand classical music like Bach or Geddy Lee
I've really been digging swing revival revival lately, definitely worth checking out
50 years later, how accurate was it?
forgot pic
I can't believe it's been 40 years since Brian Wilson died
Idk some classical composer
I cant belive Tom Yorke turned himself into a synth.
Omega - Gyöngyhajú lány
can anyone recommend any music to be played when the queen dies?
come to think of it how is she still alive?
Finally won that Grammy for best liner notes
Can't believe it's been 60 years since Walkin' On the Sun
You guys heard that new 2pac?
Haggard's new album is great
Pretty cool of Death Grips's last album to deal with Ride's death like Bowie did in Blackstar
Who remembers that "soyboy" meme? That was the cringiest phase of time I remember on here.
that's cuz u are and were a soyboy
It really sucks to see the virtual embodiment of music pleasure my woman better than I do her.