Trump confirmed for true American
Trump confirmed for true American
yes those brave goyim who fought off 14 year old boys and raped their way through Europe so it could be enriched never forget
Shut up swedecuck. Shouldn't you be being raped by a muslim right now?
Every time. Wtf is your problem with any western country showing some national fucking pride.
Why sweden just why.
>Complaining about rapes
This guy
>replyingto swedes
it's like trying to correct or discuss something with someone who is mentally ill
why even do it
>Whites waging war against Whites.
Remember the fallen indeed.
>true American
you mean the kind of American who murders people for fun and starts wars and then acts like you're the victim? Fucking kill yourselves
This is why they're going to rig the election, Hilary is using a strategy that isn't going to work and hasn't realised it. Instead of accepting it when the votes come in, she'll stuff ballot boxes instead because Trump's campaign was just not working.
Basically they're both virtue signalling, but Trump is doing it right.
Every swede i see on this site is so fucking delusional. You understand your country is the ultimate land of cucks?
You and Germany are the laughing stock of the redpilled western world.
>implying Swedes aren't shitposting in a dimension that we cannot discover nor comprehend
Cavemen, all of us.
Trump for new king of Britain
We sure started ww2...
Trump is great guy
>Remembering the fallen heroes who died for Israel
Yes it really is the polar opposite isn't it? Really makes you THINK
Sweden, you suck
>Western allies
Unlike the Soviets, these were seen as liberators and got tons of free poontang. The few ones who did rape were caught and imprisoned or worse.
You forgot Gary Jihadson. What's with MURRICAN politicians of all places sucking Islam's dick so hard? Have you already forgot about the WTC? Afghanistan? Iraq? Fort Hood? San Bernardino?
I remember when the US executed a sneak attack on Japan to start WW2
Oh wait
It's a lot better than sucking Mudslime dick
Lolbertarians are a joke
I will save this to use against Johnsonfags
Israel didn't exist in 1944 retard.
Japan apologized longest of time ago
It's time for you to apologize for nuclear bombs
>b-b-but throwing them was better than landing!
I agree but that doesn't matter, apologizing is still relevant
Fuck off we're not apologizing for shit
Hillary had a D-day message as well mate.
We never will apologize, how does that feel? Does that trigger you my yellow friend? The japs were begging for the nuclear bomb. They wanted us to drop it. They told us in their ching chong language.
At the time, Japan felt the bombs were honorable.
That's why they became allies with the u.s. only the recent generation has looked back and somehow decided it was war crime material.
Carpet bombings killed way more people, but retards focus on the nukes.
>apologizing for something that needed to be done
Bluepilled faggots.
Sup Forums ain't what it used to be.
Ask the Chinese whether Americans should apologize for the nukes. Fucking shitblood mongrel.
Japan feels a sense of honour for staying in the fight until they were nuked twice
Next 8 years is going to be fun.
It was barely a side note hidden among anti gun rhetoric tweets and Spanish tweets that day
She says to continue their values and then spits in their face
>fought off 14 year old boys
Where does this meme come from? Hitlerjugend under 16 were in supporting roles only.
>Trump confirmed for true American
Most of us citizens are behind Trump all the way OP. God bless Trump and the USA!
notice how he didn't say "American" or "our" fallen heroes
Subtle, very subtle.
swedes are proof that northern europeans are not the master race
>needed to be done
You should have rolled over and just got kamikaze'd, faggot. You and your commie ass government going after Hitler is why safe spaces exist in 2016. Go have a heart attack.
Good Goyim, honor those that died for Israel!
fuck you sweden
I saw that and the ramadan tweet was on the 5th of june. I had to go and check because I didn't believe a pollie could fuck up that big
if doubles then Trump is posting in this thread
jej. nice, user, nice.
didnt obama just go over there recently and apologize? probably could google obama japan but i cant be bothered
>I didn't believe a pollie could fuck up that big
how new are you cunt?
He doesn't use piss bottles though.
He didn't. His dumb ass thought it would be a good idea but the japs told him how it really was.
Apologizing for wars and genocides is the most retarded thing ever.
Like who the fuck cares. It's like some nigger killed walking up to you and saying: "Gee man, I'm sorry for raping your daughter and slitting your throat. I'm really sad about it now."
No one cares. Nothing can be said that'll not make me want to kill you.
Sure, after time and when people can't get proper revenge things will change. No one wants revenge on the Mongols now. Because these Mongols aren't those Mongols.
That doesn't mean they should apologize to Russia, Poland or Hungary.
Also an apology from Turkey for the Armenian genocide would be equally meaningless. Those Turks wouldn't have apologized. Real Nazis wouldn't have apologized.
Their beaten down cuck, slave-mentality broken progeny squirms in the dust before the victors, but that's not an apology.
You can't apologize for something people unrelated to you have done, when they themselves are unapologetic. The Germans now aren't the Germans of the Third Reich. The best of them died, fled or had to pretend and blend in to a society they would have despised.
It's just a charade, it's meaningless.
I don't get it
What happened? What did the Japanese say?
Sweden is a cuck, but he's not wrong about one thing. What the hell was it all for? Our ancestors died for this land and it was just handed away...
They told him there was no need for an apology, or something along those lines.
pretty much:
>you shouldn't be such a sorry pussy
I don't get it
He didn't specify which nationality the 'heroes' he's referring to are, meaning he could be talking about the Nazis
In all likelihood probably not but Trump is of German heritage and has a redpilled background
Your ancestors Hans.
look at the pic. is that gesture familiar?
Have a good article I can read?
Thanks m8
What the fuck? He wasn't a full SJW In 2012. What went wrong?
They said they don't want them to apologize for something that happened so long ago.
If they did then china would ask for an apology from japan.
I thought he puts America first?
he's memeing that Trump is a NAZI and he meant his Kameraden, who tried to fight off the invasion
Are nukes a version of soduko for them? :^)
For you
For the kikes then, same thing
So it's self serving then lol
>what rape of nanking?
Yup still tricking the hillbillies into sticking with him. He wore a camouflage MAGA hat earlier, maybe he pull up in a F-350 and hop out wearing overalls.
The great part about all of this is that hes gonna get btfo sooo gd hard on election night. Sup Forums is gonna be toooo good that night, "btfo post will probably dominate and last through the rest of the year.
>he dives headfirst into the guillotine
Hungary gets it.
But still its dumb. Why the fuck would we go back that far for something that was totally acceptable? Obama is just a dumb nigger.
He was including everyone.
>Gary "I don't know" Jihadson
Did you know that 439th Ost-Batalion of Wehrmacht which fought on Omaha beach was consisted of nazi-hohols?
USA literally BTFO hohols 70 years before Donbas and Crimea.
You are one hell of a bluepilled faggot I must say.
Sweden confirmed for cucklord pussies again
WW2 between Germany and the allies not including the Soviets at least was a brother's war.
pretty sure Mats Sundin is from Sweden
>Anglos and Aryans
he's referring to the Canadians and Brits who landed on the beaches with the Americans
M-muh Hitler wuz gud boi
Face it, people now are smarter than you stormfags.
I agree that they weren't fighting on the right side, lad.
But we shouldn't dishonour our dead ancestors and kinsmen. Try not to take it out on you own kind, we've done that too long. Focus on the (((enemy)))
Oh I'm sorry Swede, I'm not the one who let my neighbor get beat up by a kraut.
>not the enemy
this is fucking sad
It breaks my heart to know this is true about Germany... Fuck Sweden though. Useless commie fucks.
Holy shit.
Fuck off back to Die TURKEI
Who the fuck do you think we are, Canada?
Even Obama wasn't cucked enough to apologize when he visited Japan.
this guy...
(krautposting alert)
Actually it consisted of former RA troops so there were also native russians there, Dimitri
gotta love how much this turkroach spams this unfunny meme
Just remember this if you go to war no one will remember or care about your bravery 70 years later except for the "fringe" candidate.