reproducing is the best thing you can do to help spread your political beliefs. why aren't you getting to work?
Reproducing is the best thing you can do to help spread your political beliefs. why aren't you getting to work?
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no gf
I already have. My wife's son is at a Bernie rally now, but he says it's just to widen his horizons.
pretty much
plus I'm afraid of sexual intimacy.
i have to wait till i get a stable life with my gf m8, gonna marry her first and everything, if we just randomly start popping out kids we ain't no better than niggers
Looking for someone that meets my standards.
I know I'm socially awkward, and that doesn't help things. However, I also have standards.
I live in southern California. "Frijoles" need not apply.
>trying to raise my kids to be non-degenerate but they are already spending all the time they can on their friends ipads and watching the electric jew at their grandparents
>spend whole life raising child
>the values you try and instill are subverted daily by society
No thanks
first post right post
gonna move to white flyover country and breed like a mexican with a ranchers daughter.
Is there a bigger pain than being right wing conservative yet being unable to live by your beliefs due to mental issues?
>reproducing is the best thing you can do to help spread your political beliefs.
Yeah, because kids always grow up to think and act just like their parents tell them to.
There are already too many people living
What we truly need is culling of non-whites and eugenics
very much so.
sad part is I'm probably a degenerate anyways.
Breed every woman you put your dick in Sup Forums,numbers > ideology
>letting your children have a smartphone or an ipad
Nope, they get a dumb phone and only get to be on the internet with supervision for homework.
This is called parenting.
Being a hardass or keeping them from technology or the internet will only make them rebel and just
do the total opposite
Humanity was mistake - Fedora Cohle
No bf who'd meet my standards, though that's probably because I stay home like a hermit
Damn I should start a tinder profile shouldn't I
>My wife's son
Am currently spreading my seed and my views to my French gf
It wasn't hard, I just argued properly and had actual sources and studies to back up what I was saying. I led the relationship from the start though, obviously
Create kids, daughters become democrats...
Using fear and control is better.
>british-french couple
I can imagine the tension
Believe it or not, they do. The physical makeup of your brain determines a lot of your personality. Children inherit their brain genes from their parents. Political and religious afiliation (or at least a propensity for one) are pretty inheritible.
Too selfish to have kids, desu.
I don't want to racemix and I don't want to date a degenerate white woman.
Then keep looking, or get a vasectomy and fuck niggers.
our son was born 8 weeks ago, pregnancy is physically impossible for a while yet
>Yeah, because kids always grow up to think and act just like their parents tell them to.
They do. But not as quickly as you'd think. The usual 'teenage rebellion' now lasts well into their 20s.
Approaching 30 I found myself thinking and saying more of the shit my parents did. At 31 I'm basically my dad but with a better job and far better financial position
The impression I've got from the many French people I've met is a positive one. It's only the cunty politician class that won't forget age old grudges/think brexit is a bad idea
My gf gave more of a shit about what France would try to do with the poor immigrants in camps. She thinks it's deplorable that everyone is using them as political pawns which are shoved aside when not needed
I have a chinese gf but I definetely don't want to have kids with that hysterical being who was bullied by her mother.
>a degenerate white woman.
stop being a faggot, they're not that bad
Yeah, and there's no sense trying to fix crazy women.
Enjoy the sideways pussy with no kids, or break up with her. Your call.
Already am. Don't care if my son's mixed race, better then a purebred anything who'd be a leach
Not sure about this brah. Both me and my brother have different political affiliation then our parents. My parents are left, I'm on Sup Forums, he is in the world of no roads.
>falling for the vaginal jew meme
10,000 years from now, there wont be any humans.
the trick isn't to stop them using technology, in the modern world technology is going to be all around them, the trick is to teach them to use it responsibly of their own accord
This and living outside of town. Make them work and don't show them TV
Also become a teacher and use every psychological trick to make children view things your way.
Yes, they do.
Conservacucks themselves were the "fuck me in the ass" liberals of their era and their children will grow up to be shits like them.
You've convinced me, OP. I will interracially breed with my white gf on the double.
I'm a single dad (my wife died in a car crash 2012). I miss her. Our daughter is 17. She was 13 when her mum died.
It was the worst time in my life. But life goes on, and we must go on living too.
I'm 48 years old. My gf is 35 and wants to make babies. She has a steady job; police officer and gets good maternity leave. The police are a good employer.
I own and run a second hand bookshop. We're financially secure.
Having kids and providing properly for them is a massive task. The first three years are intense. It gets a bit easier after age 4; they can walk, talk, start learning to read, can use the toilet, and other stuff.
I know white people have a low bithrate. It's well documented.
My girlfriend will move to my home in August (it's nicer than hers). We plan to get married around September.
She wants kids. I told her that it's very rewarding, and also difficult. The long term future for children is vital, so thinking ahead is necessary. And we must save lots of money, and above all, give a loving stable upbringing.
Stability and love are the most important. Vital.
These, only I'm afraid of any kind of intimacy
Be responsible my friends or it will lead to unparalleled misery. After being restricting from seeing my son for 5 weeks, this is the message I got today from my ex:
>Please stop contacting me. I am not prepared to talk to you after your repeated abusive behavior. I am not willing to negotiate private access. You have not shown that you can be responsible or respectful to me or anonjunior. I will not respond to any messages and will be reporting any further attempts to harass us to the authorities.
Life is shit lads.
Dunno how well it applies to ex-commie nations that had everything flipped on its head like 25 years ago
You've got generations of brainwashing and shit hitting a very hard wall there and a lot of cunts won't like the adjustment.
Fucking weird thinking that the 'new world' nations have known much more stability than so many older nations
>can use the toilet
can't wait for this, so much less shit to carry every time we want to leave the house
lawyer time senpai
>so much less shit to carry every time we want to leave the house
Gave me a giggle. Yea, I would say age four (more or less) is when things get a bit easier.
It's a gradual thing.
as always, fpbp
I'm brown
Who /kissless virgin/ here?
"Keeping muh white race alive" is a joke created by Stormfags.
>Have Aryan kids, all is good.
>Kids get brainwashed by Jews.
>Procreate with shitskins or niggers.
>White race dead.
Even if it's not your children, or grand children or even great grandchildren, one of your faggot descendants will burn the coal or drill the oil and your lineage will be sullied forever.
Why 50% of KHV are british?
Already have.
m8 I doubt it, this country is normie central
I've been dating my gf for 1.5 years. We're going to get an apartment together in August.
Then maybe I'll propose after 1-2 years of living together?
After we're married, we can pump out some babies.
>why aren't you getting to work?
I'm lazy.
If there's no reason to work, I wouldn't work. If there is, I want it done ASAP so I could go back to my laziness.
My pull out game is vicious
I can't afford to buy food, let alone a lawyer colonial friend. In due time I will. The funny thing though is that although she has a criminal history, smoked cannabis throughout pregnancy and that social workers know all this, she still automatically has custody. Sometimes I get so angry I feel like killing people or so sad that I want to kill myself.
Pick your partners wisely anons. Don't be an idiot like me because you will pay dearly.
I get beta after sex which means that women lose interest in me so I'm stuck with one night stands.
And despite what /po/ thinks, very few women want to be single moms.
>And despite what /po/ thinks, very few women want to be single moms.
well duh!? who's gonna pay for her bills?
My wife's dead.
>despite what /po/ thinks, very few women want to be single moms.
Hah, good one.
You aren't wrong, it's that this was already thought of and dealt with. Marriage was deincentivised and turned into a trap, with women's greed and political gain meshing together to make the construct of divorce courts, alimony, child support, shredded prenups and the end of the dream of a stay-at-home wife you had complete sexual access to.
The problem is that when you get divorced and lose your kids, your capacity to spread your beliefs to them ends. Instead, your brainwashed wife gets to spread the infection one-on-one. All we really have to look forward to with reproduction is personal loss for zero benefit, even if we were all selfless enough to take the hit for society.
daddy government
women are fine being single moms if it means all the freedom while still having someone provide for them
I'd love to find a white gf and have kids but the problem is i'm ugly as fuck. I'm 19 and already balding and i don't mean like some small spots, today i went to a doctor to ask about hair transplant and when i told him my age(19) he litteraly looked at me and smirked. I look like a fucking 40 year old. The worst part when he told me about the price of a possible hair transplant i had a break down inside, my family isn't a total poorfags but we're not that wealthy to afford this thus i'm doomed for no gf life with no kids becasue no girl here expect ghetto sltus want a bald guy.
I also started balding with 17-18-19 and I thought as you.
It's not so bad after all.
Being strict is not the answer dumbass. Teaching them the correct ways and then letting them explore is.
Just accept and keep yourself bald. Grow out some facial hair and youll look like a fucking tank. Its not a bad life, brother. The young girls may not like you but just workout and focus on yourself. You will become unstoppable
Just shave your head sempai! Chicks love it!
I'm bisexual, I just can't
I don't want to settle with single mothers, usually the only women who like bald guys are the ones who are about to hit 30 with no steady partner.
Literally just lift and shave your head.
Because my girlfriend makes three times as much money as I do so knocking her up would be a bad idea.
you mean your gay
Just shave your head bald you dumbass. Nothing more pathetic than a dude vainly holding onto the shreds of hair remaining on his head. You're going bald, there's nothing you can do about it. Own that shit and shave your head then move on with your life.
I have avoidant personality disorder. I haven't had friends in over 10 years.
I'm gay as shit
fuck women
I m Poo so you know. Arranged marriage ftw
>Literally unfixable
>Literally unlovable
>Can't relate to other people
>Don't want to relate to other people
>Okay with dying alone
Need to get married before I have children. I need a gf to marry for that.
I have tried starting this thread like a billion times, but nobody on this fucking board understands that reproducing is the only way to save the white race. Personally, I am going to knock up as many different women as I can in this lifetime, hopefully at least 100 or even 1000, but I'd like to keep going for as long as my sperm will still be useful.
Contact first a lawyer and then child social services, it's really not up to her whether or not she's "ready to negotiate private access".
In any case try to gather documentation on her behaviour, e-mails, texts, print them out maybe, and don't give up regarding the social workers. Just put up a polite, patient yet insistent front towards them and keep asking them to help you see your son. Also every time you get some dirt on your gf, document the shit out of it
Sorry. I wish it wasn't so.
all bi's are just incidentally gay
stop ruining people's lives and get a woman
>reproducing is the best thing you can do to help spread your political beliefs
Not necessarily. Your offspring could abandon your ideals at the drop of a hat.
>shave it
I have been doing that since i noticed me going blad before i hit 18, i'm fucking sick of it. Everywhere i go the first comment i get "yo you're bald?" For the last 2 years of highschool i've been called "baldie" i was the only bald guy in my school (about 700 students) it was a nightmare. Everyone made comments, every time i was passing the hall girls would smirk, some random guys would shout "HEY BALDIE!" and expect me to turn around. Honestly it was the worst 2 years of my life, i didn't show any sings them getting to me but holy fuck there were days when i just wanted to kill myself. Unless any of you've been bald in highschool or the only bald guys in your unis you've got no idea what kind of hell is being bald at young age. I'm serious, i'd kill an innocent person if it meant me getting my hair back.
Just have lots of them. Even if a few go sour you probably got the majority of them to be ok.
We understand, but if white women would rather be strong, independent secretaries who fuck niggers every weekend rather than start a family, theres nothing we can do.
You can purchase a slav or an asian in a marriage agency.
I know... and it's bullshit. But you have carry on.
We can be friends
I can breed your daughter tho if she is good looking.
>Spend 18 plus years raising a kid who may or may not share your beliefs to potentially gain one vote in the future
Real effective.
No, the best way to plant your political beliefs into the hearts and minds of your detractors is through the barrel of a gun.
Whites have already dominated and lived through the best ages I'm fine with shitskins inheriting this failing world.
Over 90% of kids end up sharing the same political beliefs as their parents. It is in fact objective fact that kids almost always grow up to think and act like the people who raised them.
Nice to know the Jews have trained you like a dog to believe that the best way to defeat them is to die sterile and childless. It's actually unbelievable how stupid some supposedly redpilled people are.
O LOOK @ models who are paid to act . . .
I'm 18