Ywn live to see Hungary return to its former greatness

>ywn live to see Hungary return to its former greatness

Why was it even robbed of its land in the first place?

always become sad when think of trianon. It wasn't fair, so many people forced to live in a foreign nation.

The only "unfair" thing about Trianon was that they didn't completely partition Hungary among its neighbours.

>says the Austrian/Spanish Netherlands

It was done for a reason. The problem was exactly where the lines were drawn, as the minority % heavily favoured the other nations, i.e. Southern Slovakia and Vovojdina, etc. having a Hungarian majority yet still being severed.

The greatest amount of conflict results from the fact that Székelyföld, Háromszék, is located in the far corner of Transylvania, with a large Romanian population in between. This meant that no matter how you divide the area, there will always be an isolated minority. The only solution is an independent state, but nobody wanted to assume responsibility for the creation of the state.

In the end the Kingdom had to be partitioned, but the clout of the Allies caused the divisions to be out of place, which meant that a large number of ethnic Hungarians were now separated, which is why there's still a movement to rejoin to this day. In addition, the Soviet and communist relocation plans in all of the states caused population statistics to change, and counties that were formerly majorities became minorities, meaning a reconstruction of the original lines is essentially impossible

that tends to happen when the only accepted culture encompasses less than 40% of population. and there was no such thing as serbo-croatia, fucking western armchair historians, not even once

Hungary was great between 1945 and 1989. Now Hungary is satellite state of unitedstatians.


We survived the Mongols
We survived the Ottomans
Nothing last forever

> Slovakia
> Serbo-Croatia

The only sad thing about Trianon is that Transylvania didn't become independent afterwards

>It wasn't fair, so many people forced to live in a foreign nation.

>7.4 million people reunited with their country
>2.4 million Magyars BTFO.

Do the math if you feel sad!

3.3 millions Magyars, my bad.

Romania should've gotten more land if anything. Aren't there a ton of Magyars in central Romania anyways?

Well, in 1920 in Transylvania there were 5.208.345 people, 57,3% were Romanians, 25,5 were Hungarian and 10,6% were Germans.
As of the 2011 census, there are 6.789.250 people in Transylvania, 70,6% are Romanian, 17,9% are Hungarian (an all time low) and 0,4% Germans.

the borders with Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia should have followed ethnic lines. Szeklerland is fine in Romania since it's surrounded by romas, but should have self government.

the only sad thing is that austria didn't get partitioned as well

Maybe some borders such as N. Vojvodina and S. Slovakia were rushed but you shouldn't pity them.
Oh and by the way, the Romanians and the Hungarians in Szeklerland do not really spite each other, they get along pretty well actually.

I don't know if that was the case 100 years ago but one century changes lots of things.

they did. It the reason you have a german region in your country

>We survived the Mongols.
So you survived yourself? I really don't get it.

More proof of Romanian ethnic cleansing.

yes but slovenia didn't get a piece
germany didn't get a piece
heck I would've given the czechs a nice cut of northern austria, down to vienna

losers in WWII? (Oh right! US fags suck at history)


>banat, bačka, baranya and arguably srem
>"""state""" of shs
jesus christ why are western historians so fucking illiterate

Slovenia decided join its south Slav brothers in the great nation of Yugoslavia.
Czechs got way to much of German speaking Austria, almost half their population was German.
Germany and Austria were on the same side of the war.
Austria really wanted to become part of Germany after the war, but wasn't allowed by the allies.