What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Z nation? I like it because it doesn't take itself to seriously and just more entertaining then the walking dead.
What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Z nation...
It's TWD except embracing the camp. You quickly realize drama about zombie survivors wears off if that's all you do all the time.
I'll be honest I only watch because they film in Spokane and I'm a sucker for anything made in Easter WA, Western ID, or very southern parts of Canada (looking at you Smoke Signals).
Ash vs Evil Dead exists. Fuck your shitty show.
lack of budget really hurts it
It's much better than the TWD, since it has less talking and more action, besides the series locations span across the USA, not just two states like in the TWD.
There is a charm to some of these low budget tv shows.
It had nukes and the nuclear power plant though, in the walking kek, Rick is too busy being cucked by Shane and Negan to pay attention to what's going on around the group.
They have that hot Korean girl, wish they would put her in more skimpy clothes
Are you mentioning TWD so much because you know it's the only reason people will bump your thread for your widely hated SyFy show?
This is legitimately great show overall.
Every single episode (or at least 9 out of 10) have been a great treat to anyone that likes films in general. They play with themes, cliches of great films very well (Welcome to Hell for example) and they have their unique (often funny or tragic) spin to it all. None of the jokes they play feel tired or undeserved.
To top this, it all comes very, very naturally with good writing and surprisingly for television a very good mise-en-scene. It is a shoestring budget but everything screams heart and soul and a respect for the viewers intelligence (as gay as that might sound, it isn't spoonfeeding the viewer and it lets its plotlines develop and come around in a a very good pace, slow when needed, fast when needed)
Comparisons to TWD are terribly misguided. Outside of the generalization "both shows have zombies" they share absolutely NOTHING in common.
S1 is like 9/10.
S2 is like 7.5/10 due to certain mishaps.
S3 is so far 8/10
I hope this is bait, Because they are both similar shows faggot.
They're really not though.
Both zombie apocalypse shows
*Tips fedora
Fuck you that character has class and is a ladies man. He is allowed to wear a fedora with a feather on it.
has syfy been airing them out of order?
nah they are having a marathon right now with them in order.
Zombie kino. Twd needs to be cancelled and their budget given to z nation.
No? What the hell
New episode tonight.
>Twd needs to be cancelled and their budget given to z nation.
>implying they have one
actors on season one were paid with fucking sandwhiches, then they cut the budget for season 2 and fired the one person who made the show watchable
And that's where the similarities end