Are they Roman or are they really just Gypsies?
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Dunno but I have a romanian neighbour and she's very nice, if they're anything like her they're fine in my book.
Can confirm, everyone is a gypsy.
Went to a Romanian/Moldovan supermarket today and the woman behind the counter wouldn't sell me Moldovan wine without ID. I'm 25 years old.
Fuck those gyppos.
kek you must be a manlet
HIDF proxyshills and bozgor from szekerland detected , youll be destroyed soon. The descendants of daco romans know no mercy.
You're right. Romanogypsy sub-humans shall know no mercy from Hung Aryans.
i heard that vlachs (romanians) were just inbred bulgarians
is it true? give me proof
have some fine romanian architecture
But user, I'm from Romania. :(
i heard that vlachs (romanians) are the purest descendents of romans
is it true? give me proof
have some fine romanian architecture
>Hung Aryans
Historically hungarian women prefered to breed with only Romanian men this later led to Romanians making a majority in Transylvania.
Szekelys on the other hand aren't interested in breeding with other ethnics.
>the bozgor diaspora from South Slovakia
come on man
i’m just trying to get some answers
fuck off
No , You can't trick me HIDF you said everyone here is a gypsy but that's not true.
Good thing you are in the middle of the country and you can be genocided easily when the day of the rope comes
fuck off mongol scum we fought your kind for centuries, after we finished hungarians we will come for you.
>Romanian stallion
Apparently horses in Romania have 5 inchers , too.
you sure sounds like a gypsy
hopefully you aren’t one
romanian one measured flaccid ;)
you sure sound like a bozgor
you are one
i’m not a magyar
i’m a full blooded slovak
can you give me some answers plox:
Hungarians know they can't compete so they just self-report their dick size.
Genetically it's proven that they're close to Ukrainians and other slavs so 16 cms is unrealistic.
Those statistics are brought down by our gipsyes and szeklers (bozgors) living here.
The hungarian stats are high because of Romanian diaspora trying to infiltrate and destroy their government
oops wrong post
meant this one
Whatever you say, Gypponescu.
Maybe it's just the fact that Romanians are only a step below Canadians in how insufferable they truly are?
You people act like gypsies when they hear copper being dropped.
>That picture
Hungarians are a lot more lighter than gypsyniggers on average. Having some blue-eyed dude as a representative of Romanians is kind of stretching it.
are you mad?
>szekler flag was taken down 6 days ago , from Miercurea Ciuc
the guy from right is actually a gypsy half-breed and XRoz5D7V is a szekler roleplaying as romanian, to discredit us
i'm romania and ireland put together and i havent had sex in 10 years almost 11 now
Back to the fucking sewers, gyppos.
I'd be mad if I was a swarthy gypsynigger sub-human with a 5 incher for sure.
I have a hot Romanian neighbour (not gypsy scum) who trusts me cause im an Orthodox christian.
I mean theyr not 'romans' but theyr not gypsies either.
A slav/dacian mix.
Why do I always see romanian threads about their hatred of hungarians but never any hungarian threads about the romanians?
Do I sense inferiority complex?
>Romanian neighbour
>not gypsy scum
That's an oxymoron of the highest caliber, lad.
OP itself is a hungaian from Slovakia XRoz5D7V a hungarian from Romania
the finn too is hungarian
90% of threads about Romanians are made by hungarian cucks mad about Transylvania.
Romanians are the ones that should be gassed. They are sub-human filth intellectually on par with niggers.
Theres a big difference between romanians and gypsie scum.
can somebody answer my questions with proofs? :(((
have some fine romanian architecture
môj rumunský kamarát
nie som maďar
som slovák ako repa
snažím sa len získať odpovede na moje otázky
and cant you fucking google?
We are not romans, no one today is roman as:
1.we dont speak latin
2.we dont live in Rome
3.we dont have roman citicenship
>The descendants of daco romans
Dirty gypsies all of them.
then why do you call yourself romania?
is it because you are roma?
Why do I always see aussie threads about shitposting but never any shitposting about aussie cunts?
Haahahahahhaahahha trolled softly
If you can walk and speak theyll give you anything regardless of age
Roma term does not even exist in any language.
The name of Romania (România) comes from the Romanian Român, which is a derivative of the Latin adjective Romanus (Roman).[1
Neither of those people look like they lucked out in the gene pool. If the guy on the right is an example of your best, please nuke yourselves.
>hurrdurr Amerifat
We can lose weight. What are you going to do about catching up on 800,000 years of evolution?
HIDF you can't trick us, everyone knows that the descendant of daco romans are the master race and we will colonise the earth after we destroyed the hungarians
so you call yourself romans but you are not romans
Well do you have any proof they are?
You relaise you're being ignorant since the term Romania was made in the 19 century whereas gypsies took the name Roma's in the late 90's to get easier to western countries posing as romanians,..fucking HIDF always.
No, but we are descendent from them.
really? is there any proof???? :O
French cucked us into 19 century ..we had to choose the name of our country between Romania and Dacia..they made us choose the latter.
yes.Actually in the language we speak.
language doesnt mean poo poo
The greatest evidence is the romanian language itself ..ayayaya.. check our neighbours they are all Slavic speakers..we on the other hand can go in Spain /Italy and learn their language very easily because we have so many words in common.If language isn't enough there are historical objects and places..
except it does.We are the descendents of the romans settled in Dacia Trajana, who mixed with the local populations.
In my country's sophisticated culture it is believed that if you fuck a gypsy whore you are cursed forever.
same here.where did this came from?
We are roman descendants to a degree.
The roman emperor Trajan conquered the Dacia province back in 106 AD and romanized it. The natives (dacians) left very few cultural and linguistic traces, but there's no doubt that they're there. Answers?
Some Romanian sperg that goes to a Romanian competition annually to sperg out doesn't make Romanians any less sub-human.
Swarthy Romanogypsies are only fit for extermination, nothing more.
Romanian is literally a Slavic language that got significant substrata from Latin.
Slavic language when most of our language is Latin based.. damn Odegai lurk moar.
I don't know, bad news travel fast and wide I guess.
>Romanian is literally a Slavic language that got significant substrata from Latin.
the only slavic thing in our language are the slavic words from the lexic
14.17% slav:
-9.18% old slav
-2.6% bulgarian
-1.15% russian
-0.85% serbo-croat
-0.23% ucrainean
-0.19% polish
Mostly gipsy except for the Hungarian part they stole on ww1
another bozgor diaspora
Let's derail this thread a bit.
All you Romanian gypsies claiming to be something else than shit that speaks are delusional. You are just eastern hungary in denial. Hungarians raped your ass repeatedly throughout history. Maybe if you were a part of hungary you wouldn't be so fucked.
top bantz Raul...even for a favelado...
>calling for the extermination of anyone
top fucking kek lad
nice mongoloid lanaguage you have there, separate from the rest of europe
We did not stole it, The HunGAYrians did and we just took it back. It's righful Romanian clay as we are the superior people
>Hungarians raped your ass
Sven don't project your everyday routine on our history please ! Achmed is waiting and he's horny !
It's truly because Hungarians just stopped giving a fuck anymore. It seems like they grew up and are focused on building themselves up as opposed to shitting on Romanians.
Romanians are literal garbage tier, nobody needs to shit on them, they'll always be Romanians.
Why the fuck are you sorting by number of participants?
There is no such thing as hungarian ethnicity.They are language shifters(slavo-romanians-germans) magyarised by the turko-bashkir on-ogur magyar tribe.Read Hungarian Academy.And all eastern hungarians are identical genetically with romanians.
>our countries are getting raped by arabs and africans
>those darn romanians baka senpai
fun fact
George Soros had something to do with the new gypsie term - ROMA/ROMANI
To be honest, Soros was hungarian so he hate romanians the most.
He hates everyone.
I've slept with 2 Romanian women and both of them had a somewhat Roman look or classical Greek beauty to them.
It's worth realising that Rome spanned most of Europe and would certainly have left a sizeable genetic footprint.
I'm in UK but I've been told by foreigners that I have a more Italian look to me.
>Hungary has more awards with less participations
Of course he does, but the fact is the eternal anglo invented the term "Romany" for gipsies, until they invented it in the late 1800s nobody ever heard of this term.
Some shitfuck anthropologist literally took the name for husband in their language and called them that.
Pic related, it's me.
Uralic languages were born in Europe, unlike IE.
>implying they are not jews
IE languages were born in West of Black Sea,today ukraine,where blue eyes also appeared 8500 years ago.
nice autistic dumbfuck source historian you got there.
>one questionable source
lol, face it, you originate from siberian nomadic tribes, same goes for estonians and hungarians, meanwhile the rest of europe does not
are you suggesting that romanians arent nordic?
>everything positive about Hungary are Romanian
>except this one thing, this must be the Jew!
I love you faggots.
>where blue eyes also appeared 8500 years ago.
Got any conclusive evidence for that, Gypsynescu? Also even if that was the case it would make it my ancestral homeland that Romanogypsies have no right to.
>IE languages were born in West of Black Sea
If they were Siberians it would've been ok..but they're fucking mongolian chink eyes from Gobi Desert.
Can't believe this fuckers open European discussions.
Hungarians are indo-european people who were magyarised.
The Kurgan hypothesis (also known as the Kurgan theory or Kurgan model) is the most widely accepted proposal of several solutions to explain the origins and spread of the Indo-European languages.[note 1] It
>Expecting anything else from Sup Forums
Stop replying to chink chonk..he's surely busy drinking some Yak JIZZ.
In humans, the inheritance pattern followed by blue eyes is considered similar to that of a recessive trait (in general, eye color inheritance is considered a polygenic trait, meaning that it is controlled by the interactions of several genes, not just one).[14] In 2008, new research tracked down a single genetic mutation that leads to blue eyes. "Originally, we all had brown eyes," said Eiberg.[35] Eiberg and colleagues suggested in a study published in Human Genetics that a mutation in the 86th intron of the HERC2 gene, which is hypothesized to interact with the OCA2 gene promoter, reduced expression of OCA2 with subsequent reduction in melanin production.[36] The authors suggest that the mutation may have arisen in the northwestern part of the Black Sea region, but add that it is "difficult to calculate the age of the mutation."[35][36][37] Eiberg stated, "A genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a 'switch,' which literally 'turned off' the ability to produce brown eyes." He added:
Argentina is whiter than Spain?
I thought they're mainly Spaniards and Mestizos.