>AMC’s mega-hit fell sharply after its seventh season premiere last month, and has declined steadily each week since to mark the steepest ratings fall in the show’s history. In fact, Sunday’s fifth episode of the season delivered the show’s lowest viewership since season 3.
Christopher Wilson
Strong Bad: It's Oooover!
Jordan Davis
We realized westworld is tvkino
Jayden Young
That's what happens when your pacing is shit.
Isaiah Perry
Maybe because the 5th episode was about Maggie and the Hilltop people and nobody gives a fuck about them at all
After I skimmed through it and realized what it was about, I just closed it and nothing of value was lost
William Gray
My friend said Glenn's death was too much for him
Grayson Hall
there needs to be a rape scene with her while Carl is forced to watch. Only way to bring it back
Brody Edwards
Shame it's got 2 episodes left.
Dominic Stewart
Are you retarded? After Glenn's death and Maggie left by the group, I been wondering what's up with her all season. I was happy to finally see her again.
I still say Carol's episode in The Kingdom was the most boring yet.
Logan Barnes
i have seen some normies, especially females who have had enough with negan as a character.
that and yeah, people were legitimately upset over Glenn and quit the show
Juan Smith
which sucks because he's the best villain that has been on the show
Angel Ross
strong agree
And OP, it doesn't matter, Mad Men and Breaking Bad got 1/10th the ratings of the Walking dead and those got their runs.
Justin Lee
It doesn't help that they still haven't figured out that audiences expect episodes to cover multiple storylines. TWD is so annoying because they don't do that. Instead we get one ep at alexandria, one at hilltop, one at we wuz kangs, one at negans, etc. Now that they have several locations it's more annoying than in the past when it was usually two.
Camden Hughes
Fucking plebs don't appreciate negankino
Elijah Rogers
i hope they show maggie panty in a desperate bid for viewers!
Cameron Ortiz
They should fix this shit desu.
Ayden Howard
I honestly, unironically think that shot is fantastic. I do have an irrational love of quick zooms, though.
Cameron Thompson
>never, ever addresses the bigger picture and wider global implications to the zombie apocalypse except for one episode in S1 >premise is just a bunch of nog-tier gangs killing each other in the Georgia countryside for 6+ seasons
No wonder people are getting bored of this shitty soap
Nothing's at stake Nothing matters All the episodes are identical
Jeremiah Ramirez
How the hell they didnt killed that annoying kid yet?
Last season ive seen was the third one
Sebastian Hernandez
The shit ass comic of Walking Dead isn't even finished yet. This shit won't be done until 2050 at best.
Charles Miller
Why hasn't there been a winter that just froze all the zombies away?
Aaron Butler
>delivered the show’s lowest viewership since season 3
And yet season 3 was more entertaining than whats on now.
Nathan Campbell
haha shit i barely even remember they had that stuff
Bentley Baker
does anyone actually watch it week to week live with commercials?
why punish yourself like that?
William Peterson
westworld is on at the same time and is much better,
as someone who read the comics , the best parts of the talking dead are over , get used to the same repeated storyline over and over and over , now we got negan , then we got the hilltop bullshit , then the whispers show up , the same fucking shit over and over and over
eugune has the strongest plot armour of all time
Henry Martinez
Enig is so ugly. Carl looks prettier next to her.
Parker Hill
>talking dead Talking dead has a comic?
Anthony Richardson
hopefully carl gets his boypussy ravaged soon or I'm dropping this show for good
Christian King
Season 3 only had low ratings because of season 2 blowback.
Julian Lewis
>eugune has the strongest plot armour of all time Christ, I just realised that cucked fuck's been around for something like a hundred issues. Fucking hell.
Chase King
this season has been especially boring when the stuff with negan should've been more interesting
Jace Carter
The live threads are fun.
Alexander Phillips
Same here. 3 boring shit episodes in a row, I could not handle an even more boring one.
Dominic Powell
A show can't survive on shocking death and suffering alone.
Austin Baker
>Wasting time in American countryside killing and intimidating other humans. LOL SAVIORS ARE SO COOL AMIRITE?
Camden Thomas
I maintain that the cliffhanger of last season fucked them over, because the producers thought they could just abandon basic story structure. The premiere being an hour long piece of bullshit with 5 minutes that actually mattered highlights everything wrong with their production.
Cooper Foster
he's literally us
Hudson Phillips
Westworld is garbage you fucking pleb.
Luke Smith
Is the kid on the right a boy or a girl?
Brandon Harris
that cliffhanger is why I stopped watching. The moment that episode ended I knew I'd never watch it again. Then watching them come up with their bullshit saying "the death is actually a START of a story" was disgusting. They knew they fucked up and thats the best explanation they could give.
All I did was read spoilers from the spoiling dead so I knew a long time ago who died. Then after the season premiere I watched only the death scenes online. They were right about one thing, the deaths did mark the start of something. It was the start of me not watching their shitty show anymore. And fuck that faggot SJW showrunner too.
Michael Ward
>people mad cause glenn died >shitty passing >people triggered by neagan >neagan is literally rick.
>rick 1.0 >rick 2.0(neagan) >rick 3.0(after dealing with neagan he will evolve to the superior verision
Grayson Reyes
Ceeeelebrate good times come on!
Mason Smith
Everything so far in this season could be done in like 2 episodes. It's boring as hell.
Camden Jenkins
>eugune has the strongest plot armour of all time
Plus he gets to bang the hot mexican chick.
John Clark
Leo Turner
while Negan is an interesting character, having 3 entire episodes of nothing but him saying the same shit over and over and OVER again isn't exactly quality entertainment.
they're stretching content again and using filler shit. seriously, fuck the walking dead writers and their filler episodes.
Sebastian Wood
what is wrong with the countryside?
>more open land for crops,less people vs overpopulated metropolises
Logan Bennett
>image of IASIP with that post I see what you did there, good irony
Thomas Carter
holy shit the premiere was brutal to watch - not because of the deaths but because it was so horribly paced. Walking Dead can stretch out an episode with nothing like no other tv show
Benjamin Richardson
>it's an "americans can't pace a show properly and it ends up being shit" episode
James Fisher
>never, ever addresses the bigger picture and wider global implications to the zombie apocalypse except for one episode in S1 People who say shit like this don't understand how screenwriting works, or storytelling period.
Sebastian Evans
he has unironically lasted longer than Glen now
Connor Sanchez
Asher Wright
Never been a fan of the show. My wife and her boyfriends son like it so I have to sit through it, or else. Wasn't there a guy with a tiger?
Luke Long
le strong wimminz don't like the torture and meanies this season
Camden Martinez
More land for crops and less people is exactly why The Saviors aren't believable. They're ideology would work better in an overpopulated city but in countryside, there's literally no point in being an asshole tyrant.
Hunter Flores
>mfw always watched walking dead but thought it was 95% shit with the exception of the first episode, Shane, and a few handful of moments here and there >Now that the show is cherry picking the best moments from the comic for a fairly streamlined story this has been the most consistently great season so far >mfw everyone hates it, offended, bored, sick of the show
feels bad man, thought I could finally join all the faggots talking about how this is a great show, and now everyone hates it
David Diaz
all the supplies would be in countryside.
Only retards stay in the city,all the high building to get shoot from etc.
The saviors should have been more nomadic though, more akin to the huns,maybe that how they started then the start to be more sedimentary.
>he is an asshole No he is not.
Zachary Thomas
Tell that to Game of Thrones
Joshua Rogers
Being an asshole tyrant is it's own point.
Jaxon Torres
this season reminds me somewhat of that shit ass season back on hershel's farm
its when i stopped watching the show until around s4
this is very similar; no zombies, only politics, who fucked who, who made whos child etc
Bentley Martin
>writers shoehorn iterracial romance with main characters that never happened in the comics >ratings plummet
Color me shocked.
The show was always bad with 3 out of every 4 new characters being a nigger, but the Rick/Michonne shit is a bridge too far.
That bitch is the ugliest thing on television next ti that creature from SNL and Ghostbusters.
People can only take so much pandering to nighers and propaganda before they get fed up. Expecting the audience to suspend disbelief enough to ever believe Rick would fuck that hideous nigger and the fact that it never took place in the comics is the main reason people dropped this SJW piece of shit TV show.
Aaron Morgan
>when you just discovered Sup Forums
Alexander Davis
>there are people who argue that these barely-literate speds aren't responsible for the garbage state of this site
It took me so long to accept that Sup Forums wasn't satire. You have the most satirical-looking views since creationists.
Hudson Peterson
Pretty much this. Nobody cares about interracial compared to the bullshit that is the writing of this show. That's such a stupid thing to fucking cherry pick.
Carter Taylor
Kirkman probably doesn't know the end, he will keep it going while it sells well;
Connor Brooks
>watching this shit past season 1
Kevin Martin
>when you just discovered hes right
Isaiah Nelson
Dominic Hill
t. aspiring screenwriter
Oliver King
What a truly awful episode. As if hilltop shit wasn't boring enough, they had to add a meaningless Coral subplot on top of it. 40 minutes of poorly written and lazily directed "character development" just to hint at Maggie being a leader, which was already known and implied, and could have been reduced to a couple of scenes in other episodes dealing with the main group storylines.
Adrian Nguyen
Does your wife's son agree with your opinion?
Nobody wants to turn on the TV and be forced to sit through forced racemixing propaganda by cuck writers. If Michonne wasnt as repulsively ugly as she was, and didnt literally look like a fucking monkey, people might be able to put up with it. But its just too unrealistic.
Connor Russell
I thought theyve been pretty good but I figured glenn/abra butt hurt hurts the ratings.
Carson Martinez
>Same here. 3 boring shit episodes in a row, I could not handle an even more boring one. Next episode is about Tara and literally who.
Henry Brooks
Walk outside once in a while, develop a hobby other than repeating memes. Soon you'll realize how deranged your behavior is.
Brandon Flores
The pacing is terrible, they've turned into fear the walking dead. Something needs to happen. This entire season NOTHING has happened. They had a hook at the beginning of the season and now they're back to nothing happening.
Jose Ross
No one gives a shit about that. Kill yourself, retard.
Wyatt Rivera
Negan dances too much. He does that dip thing with his back after every sentence.
Noah Ortiz
They went to comic bookish route with the show. Robert Kirkman is a autist. Shit like power levels make sense in regards to Negan in comic book but in tv he's a retard with a bat. They could of thrown flash grenades and lit up his crew with bazooka and assault rifle the moment they let him in Alexandria.
Jacob Martin
It took the rest of the country a long time too, cuck. Right up to November 9th. Just accept that your cuck views are the minority and nobody wants to watch Whites screwing niggers on their TV shows.
Gabriel Young
gee the normies were anxious to see a snuff film all summer and now they wish they hadn't
Zachary Campbell
Thomas James
I love show negan but he's not as bulk as the comics
Nicholas James
I'd like the show better if every episode just followed Negan around desu
Brayden Garcia
My dear friend Richard, allow me to make an inquiry
Isaiah Nelson
The show is and always has been about characters. How many hundreds of times are you going to cry about nothing happening before you realize the show isn't made for ADD-riddled meme spamming alt right special ed students? I watched the show in some stream the other week and there were hundreds of you spamming a chat box with repeated memes while the episode was playing.
Andrew Ortiz
I don't watch TWD. But is that the cute girl from Too Many Cooks?
Jacob Morris
The Walking Dead plot has always been boring, i just watched it for the sake of watching it.
Glenn/Abraham dying was a good thing, but its hard to watch through all the hilltop scenes and scenes that people don't care about.
Anthony Jackson
GoT is intriguing though. It's not the same "fight some zombies for a bit, find a place, it's safe for a couple of episodes, no more zombie problems, some group of assholes come and fuck everything up, go find a new place". I know it's supposed to be edgy, but I just can't believe people wouldn't try to work together at and just be idiotic assholes.
Cooper Long
It's a shame most of the characters suck and they can only produce 3 good episodes a season.
Jackson Jenkins
fucking this
Grayson Turner
>but I just can't believe people wouldn't try to work together at and just be idiotic assholes. lol.
Isaiah Flores
>emotionally fragile Sup Forums babies get seriously flustered over who fucks who in a TV show >rabidly raging about someone's physical appearance
Alt right use of the word cuck is one of the most accurate examples of projection I've ever seen.
Ayden Parker
>agreeing with a retard who criticizes a small scale story about isolated people for not showing "the bigger picture and global implications"
Cameron Brooks
>he thinks Alt-Right is an actual thing
Nobody is raging about anything. Just pointing out the obvious that when writers shoehorn racemixing into a show, the ratings drop. Which is a fact.
Wyatt Brown
The season would be better if they mixed all the storylines together instead of doing individual episodes. They have a decent ensemble cast, which works great when they all interact with each other. The wolves and zombies breaking the walls attacks in Alexandria were great because everyone was involved at the same time and had their moment to shine.
Also they have like 20 seasons worth of comic book material to adapt, so why do they spend so much time with filler? They keep teasing about Carl becoming a psycho, Eugene actually becoming useful, etc. but nothing happens, there are no character arcs.
Hunter Morris
>Don't you dare explain your lack of interest in a story, DON'T YOU DARE YOU KNOW NOTHING
shit doesn't stop being shit because you have an excuse for it
Asher Anderson
>edge lover
Yes, a group like the the saviors is fucking retarded. They're out in the countryside with vast amounts of space to grow crops and work with other communities to clear out the walkers and set up defenses, but nope we've got to appeal to the edgelord demographic so lets just make them a group of unrealistic marauders. It's not the shows fault though, the comic has been shit for a long time now
Robert Walker
>two characters who have been through the meat grinder together finally end up banging >shoehorned
That's the opposite of shoehorned. You are raging like a shit-flinging chimpanzee. Take your 50 IQ back where it belongs.
Angel Lopez
Two of the most liked characters just died and one of them is now a prisoner doing nothing much. Now we've gotten a good spread of the most boring, tedious characters doing boring and tedious shit while nothing of note happens.
Nobody cares about Michonne. Nobody cares about Eugene. Nobody cares about Rick if he's not killing people. Nobody cares about maggie. Nobody cares about Rosita or her new red-shirt boyfriend. Nobody cares about Morgan. Nobody cares about Carol when she's back in her 'stand around pretending to like people' rut. Nobody cares about teen romance between bad actors.
They have maybe two or three interesting characters left alive, but they keep focusing on all of the boring, least liked characters while the plot spins its wheels. The writers seriously need to wake up and realize that 90% of their regular cast are cannon fodder that nobody would miss and nobody wants to watch.