wew led
>I smelled about 50$ of Marijuana in his car so I reappropriated 50$ from his bank account
There's no way this is going to end well.
Isn't Oklahoma supposed to be """"""""""""""""""based"""""""""""""""""""" or something? Wtf oklahomakeks? How did it come to this?
more like
>sir, you have $50000 in your account can you provide a reasonable explanation why you have this much money? If you don't produce a tax return within 5 minutes I'm going to have to seize your funds.
sounds very unconstitutional
An amount like that would trigger red flags with financial institutions. This is very dangerous technology and I hope some retard cop makes a mistake so this is debated by the Supreme Court.
Good thing I don't trust banks and have all of my funds in gold and cash.
That's even easier to seize.
>sounds very unconstitutional
No, the government said that it isn't
That sound like something a terrorist would do
Wait, how the fuck do they know how much is in my bank account to be suspicious of in the first place?
And soon there will be a lot of fucking dead cops if they try to use this shit.
Nothing more than highway robbery with a badge.
And we all know what happens to criminals who try to rob americans, they get fucking shot.
Joke's on them, my bank account only has $5 in it
Sayt you get pulled over, they found drugs, they use the reader and scan your debit cards found in your wallet while searching.
They then seize all the money in the account because it could be related to drugs
Let freedom Ring
: >)
>be American
>cop suspects you of crime
>swat team storms your house, kills your wife and dog
>muh 2nd amendment
kinda is, hasn't yet been seriously challenged in court tho, hopefully soon. They argue it isn't unconstitutional because your shit is technically being charged with the crime, not you.
No wonder they're so often shot in traffic stops, fuck me.
>"Hey that's a nice life you have, yeah we're taking all your money, forever, bye"
oklahoma is poor-shit state, this is a way to ""legally"" give police more funds.
see I think it could be challenged successfully.
>Sir can you explain why you have all of these Bitcoins? I'm going to need you to give me the private keys to these addresses unless you can explain all of these blockchain transactions.
>"Well you look like one of the fellas I don't agree with. Bet you make money from selling dank memes, right? All assets frozen, get fucked. Where's my tip?"
It's very unconstitutional
>taking memes seriously
>is Australian
surprising, really.
With civil forfeiture they can say they found drugs, take my money, and if they made it up I have to spend months trying to get that money back. There is no way this is constitutional.
>implying their quantum computer won't just pull your private keys out of a parallel universe
This is actually a bit chilling.
they don't have to even say the found drugs
they just have to say your money, at one point in time, was involved in a crime somewhere.
>a bit
Well its not a microchip but its not far off.
>Not only did ERAD receive $5,000 from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol for the software, the company will also get a kickback, 7.7 percent of any seized value, according to KWTV.
Oh get fuuuuucked.
Trips of truth I'm afraid
And there it is. Isn't this, what's the word, highly illegal?
Hey its the land of for profit prisons, what do you expect?
It is in the government's best interest to make us all "criminals" it allows them to exert more power on us.
They've been doing this shit for years. Any money they seize in a drug bust they keep. Luckily it generally only effects niggers, spics, and white trash.
Holy shit
That's crooked as shit.
>your shit is technically being charged with the crime, not you
That 100 dollar bill is resisting arrest! SEIZE IT
Wow, I can't see this being used as a tool of oppression...
This just makes it easy to lock people out of their earnings. How long do you think it'll be before we find out that some poor bastard got bullied by a cuck cop, had his entire balance seized, can't make his unfair alimony payment, then gets hauled before court for non payment and has the seized money confiscated permanently?
Speed camera vendors have been paid by commission for years.
>He doesn't use his card only to take money from his account
>He doesn't carry cash only
wew lad
Jokes on you, mine has -$500
It's more likely that upon realizing that's what will happen, he'd pull a gun from the glove box and we'd have a front row seat of the action via the dashcam.
debated by the obama tribunal? so they can support and defend it? you fucking libcuck.
the constitution is toilet paper now a days to these libs.
>keeps his money on banks
>keeps his prepaid cards with more than 100bucks in balance at any given time
its like you're asking to get fucked by the common jew
Sorry leaf, but the difference between them trying to seize virtual assets versus real ones, is that no one has to die in the process.
A patriot to some.
What is due process under the law?
I'll take American Myths for 400, Alex.
ohp is nice as fuck to white people. if you are a minority or a methhead white, then goodbye money
>"They'll just get criminals!"
People are lazy and they'll just seize what they can, especially if the money goes to buying a new pool table for the rec room.
Another important thing is to NEVER carry an id with you when you're walking about. Just keep your driver's license in your car at all times.
This way, if the police want to write you a ticket for a civil infraction (a violation where you're not arrested, just fined) you can give the police a fake name.
The only way they would know if you're lying is if you actually showed up to court and told them you gave a fake name.
yet another reason to get your money out of FRNs and into bitcoin. Can't be hacked & can't be stolen, unlike government money which can all be taken at the whim of any crooked official.