Do you have nice feet?
Do you have nice feet?
Me? No. They're ugly.
>he displayed the same arrogance to the police as he did with me
>do you have nice feet
>muh marriage contract
>i-it's legal in my mind
>of course I wouldn't want some strange older guy meeting up with my daughter if I had one
>except if the guy was me then it's cool
top kek it's a Sup Forums gets hansend episode
>muh marriage contract
Have a 13 year old sign your cocktail napkin and you can legally get down - He was the most clever of all predators
i bet she had awesome feet tho
Homeless feet are the worst
>looks in the camera
fucking ameteur
I didn't watch this episode, but she looks legitimately aroused by the perp here.
the investigator was a lowkey baitmaster as well
>the 12 year old
>but she was 12 years old
>12 year old girl
>pedo cannot resist to correct
>actually she was 13
she was aroused by the pizza. It's either that's the best pizza ever or Sup Forums-incarnate put something in the pizza.
Or she could just be nervous. I'd rather believe that's the best pizza ever tho.
it's been the only good episode
>I'd rather believe that's the best pizza ever tho.
You want a slice?
It was a pretty prime Go' Za'.
>tfw got offered pizza by a creep for the first time
>he offered everybody a slice
delet, please mr hansen
Looks more like 'W 'Rk 'Za to me, senpai
why do they always make the female baitfus wear hats??? I mean, indoors?? this is some 90s ass shit
>I've been here all night
>I haven't had a beer in hours
>This guy looks like a fat Negan
>my feet hurt
>I wish I had a go with the decoy
>can I actually accept this pizza?
to better obscure the bait without making them go full islam
i have oft been complimeted on my nicely proportioned, furry man feet