How does Sup Forums feel about Nazis?
How does Sup Forums feel about Nazis?
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They were alright in my books. Half the faggots in here belong to a nation that declared war on them. They should fuck off.
Bait or newfag?
They're an ancient irrelevant relic that gets brought up only to shut down nationalists.
Nazism needs to fuck of already. We have zero accurate information on nazis. It's just an anti-nationalist propaganda tool at this point.
70 or how many years later, and we can't even tell for sure whether or not holocaust happened. Just let it die.
They were losers
How does fish feel about water?
Its exactly how not to act when you are on the cusp of a white ethnostate.
they had some pretty slick outfits
They were probably edgy, faggy teenagers like Sup Forums is, for example
They were weebs and browsed black and white Sup Forums
Jew fears the samurai
less faggy than the average male kingdom hearts fan, that's for sure
They are not Nazis, nazi was a term made by the allies to distance the NSDAP from the USSR. They are national socialists.
>unironically replying to such a question coming from an aussie
Fucking neo/pol/ leave.
They had no choice. Jews had already declared war on Germany and they were facing multiple boycotts. Soviet Union. Was planning invasion since early 30s.
>Bait or newfag?
Third option:
>fighting a two front war was inevitable
>expansionism was inevitable
>socialism was inevitable
Old meme wizards who tried but failed
Losers, cucks for arabs.
Fantastic clothing but did some naughty shit.
very antisemitic
we here at Sup Forums support tolerance and diversity
>How does Sup Forums feel about Nazis?
Pretty damn good about them considering that I consider myself a National Socialist.
P.S. The Holocaust literally did not happen.
>considers himself a nazi
>denies their "achievements"
there's a special place in the asylum for people like you
Shit tier ideology
Only faggots here who say they are nazis are roleplaying or just autistic
jewed fat knight
>>denies their "achievements"
The NSDAP were the good guys in WW2. They didn't need exterminate you. They just wanted to kick you out of White countries for all time.
>there's a special place in the asylum for people like you
Said the kike.
Burned any Palestinian children to death or given any circumcised babies herpes today, Rabbi?
>if you don't like authoritarianism you are a dirty goyim slave
Fuck off
jewed fat burger
Losers and Soviets did their job better
Cucks. Daily reminder that pol is a paleocon board.
God bless Edmund Burke and Buchaman
Yeah some of my best friends are mental defectives mate, you can't hold it against them, retards are people too.
>Daily reminder that pol is a paleocon board.'re jewed.
Why don't you tell us about how non-white immigration, multiculturalism, diversity and the melting pot are such great things, you cuck.
Hello shekelstein
Well I would probably have a different opinion on them if their rise to power came under different circumstances. Should have stopped at Chezchslovakia and Austria t b h.
Paleocons value tradition and kin over anything. And support an inmigration act like 1924. Stay cucked
Big fan, sadly can't be one due to our laws so I settled for Austrofascism.
paleocons are not white nationalist and constantly suck the dick of any non-white who expresses conservative values
this, they were so close and fucked it all up.
nowadays neo-nazis just make everyone look bad
yeah thats all true
>Paleocons value tradition and kin over anything. And support an inmigration act like 1924. Stay cucked
Let me know when you and the GOP start advocating a White only country, you anti-White faggot.
dont deserve what? hitler was the only country to break the grasp of the jews. the soviet union, USA and Britain were planning war with him from the moment he did that. or you really think Britain gave that much of a shit about Poland that they would fight endless war for it? Why did they let the soviets have it?
hitlers germany* typo in the beginning
>politically incorrect
Source:my ass.
Paleocons are antiinmigration and openly prowhite.
>Paleoconservatives in the 21st century often highlight their points of disagreement with neoconservatives, especially regarding issues such as military interventionism, illegal immigration and high rates of legal immigration, as well as multiculturalism, affirmative action, trade blocs, trade unions, and foreign aid.They also criticize social welfare and social democracy, which some refer to as the "therapeutic managerial state", the "welfare-warfare state" or "polite totalitarianism".They identify themselves as the legitimate heirs to the American conservative tradition.
He is right, though. Germany has a history of working with mudslimes.
>How does Sup Forums feel about Nazis?
Sup Forums hates socialism, including national socialism.
Natsocs are disgusting anyway, so even if Sup Forums wouldn't hate socialism, Sup Forums would hate natsocs.
wrong thread, wrong post :^)
I'm drunk :^)
Not even Trump is as open as paleocons
Spent a lot of time as a Neo-nazi before a friend slid me some Evola books. In general I don't like Nazis though, lots of classless white trash and genocidal dweebs who are mad that they got picked last in gym class. For every 1 good natsoc there are 5 of those fucking guys.
yeah, they will criticize it to some extent, but will never advocate that non-white immigration should be banned. i know what paleocons are dude but they just don't go far enough.
they are also obsessed with Christianity
>Paleocons are antiinmigration and openly prowhite.
Let me know when paleoncons stop siding with non-whites.
He's one of the few, based paleocons. DESU I think he's secretly a White Nationalist.
>National Socialism is the same as actual Socialism.
There's so much wrong with that I don't know where to begin.
>yeah, they will criticize it to some extent, but will never advocate that non-white immigration should be banned. i know what paleocons are dude but they just don't go far enough.
>they are also obsessed with Christianity
Nothing wrong with this.
go ahead and look up bunchanas running mate for his last presidential run
pic fucking related
>stop siding with non-whites.
They want to deport inmigrants. Both legal and iligal and want to preserve white Alerica above everything else. Paleocon=based
>Half the faggots in here belong to a nation that declared war on them. They should fuck off.
And you tucked your tail between your legs and ran like the cowards you are.
>They want to deport inmigrants.
No they absolutely do not.
There are black people and niggers. Know the difference
Yes they do. They are antiamnistie,unlike neocons and want to deport inmigrants and reenact the 1924 inmigration law,which was based as fuck.
>Sub reddit regarding cucking
>reddit female robot next to black robot.
This honestly doesn't surprise me. This kind of sums up the reddit user base quite well by itself.
>le good black meme
fucking ben carson tried killing his mother and one of his friends. for YEARS the jews marketed bill cosby to us as the lovable sweater wearing black man, but surprise surprise, he's raped 30 women. he even knows what people like thomas sowell are like in person?
a black should never be in any sort of control of a white country, you are just trolling at this point friendo
>Yes they do. They are antiamnistie,unlike neocons and want to deport inmigrants and reenact the 1924 inmigration law,which was based as fuck.
Its interesting because you're saying all this but offering no evidence to back it up.
You're going to have to do better than that.
Because you're the only person I've ever seen advocating paleoconservativsm as a pro-White/White-only movement.
There are references there you also have.
They're all retarded.
So are the "oh we're national socialists not skinheads we're speical lol xd"