How old are you, Sup Forumsacks? It feels like there's a lot of people in their 30s or older here.
How old are you, Sup Forumsacks? It feels like there's a lot of people in their 30s or older here
12 years old and what is this?
>2012 was 5 years ago
Feels bad man
I just got here a few weeks ago because I like dank memez
But I've been a reddit user for 5 years
Are you retarded?
sent :^)
76 white based granny here
Fbi post nudes
I turn 20 in a few weeks
44 Year old honky.
26 as well.
28 and most people on this board are too young to remember 9/11. let that sink in
kill me
Nice survey, OP.
22 in a week
We may need a pic?and an address to send your award.
97, you fucking whippersnapper faggots
23 senpai
25, been on Sup Forums since i was 18 whenever my life is shit.
currently unemployed and 10k in debt
I'm 45 and been on Sup Forums since 9/11/01
not even surveying
just geniunely curious since i've noticed that /fit/ is almost always 18-23
26... Still at uni, I made a failure of my early 20s.
I'm a 21 year old anime girl
Hey I did extremely well at "uni" and I'm 30 and here I am, unemployed.
Hitting the big 3O in a couple of months.
I feel you senpai, just starting CC :(
Why do people legit participate in threads like these.
People are just gauging the demographics of Sup Forums so they can shill better.
24, same shit bro, hopefully finish by the time im 25 but I'm such a lazy fuck i'll probably drop some classes.
29... still at uni..... phd in physics done next year
>17 inch cock
>186k Wendy's chef
I am 54
wtf, art degress aint worth a fuck user
Been here since 2009
I was pretty much raised here
Started browsing Sup Forums around 12 years old though
what went wrong?
27 next month
I get the feeling that most of this board's core user base is a bunch of old fags that outgrew their parent boards
that was a good one
39, been here since 2006
27 next month
Gainfully employed btw
When we're in our late 20's it's gonn abe great working with a bunch of 20 year old normies
>tfw 2010 was 20 years ago
jsut turned 29, feels bad man.
desu man all my friends that are my age did useless degrees or are stuck working retail full time, so it's not all bad. We got like 40 years to work, don't worry lad.
hit 30 last month
I came here a few years ago as a joke. Had a few laughs about da-joos, race mixing propaganda, cuckolds, and such.
... Then, on a whim, I double checked the facts (oy vey. Do anything but that goyim).
The red pill reference is so accurate that it hurts.
I love this meme
>tfw 38
21, Sup Forums since 2007
Browsing Sup Forums since 2005
Where my grandfather fags at?
sad what happened to that show, i feel bad for you mudshitbrits over that.
Hello I am miserable
We old here senpai.
30 is tricky,because you can remember being 18 like it was yesterday, it is spooky.
Been here a year and I wish I'd joined sooner.
21, about to enter my senior year at college
Same fampai
23. First came to Sup Forums when I was twelve. At fifteen I moved o /x/. Since I was eighteen I've bounced between here and /x/.
29. I'll be a wizard in a month.
been here 10 years :^)
rip foxxer
26 this fall
also working on wizard status
You are here forever
See, most of my mates work a trade and have 2-3 kids, I still feel like I'm 18.
Gas le weed man, race war now.
I've been a 4channer since ~2006. I ain't about to stop.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being in your late 20s and still in college. Some people just dont mature fast enough. It's better to do a good job in college when youre 30, than waste that chance on drugs and parties when you're 18
20 now and I was 5 and I remember.
your mates have kids at 24? That's kind of fucked up man. I'd be glad to not have kids at that age + a trade is basically the equivalent of primary school work + labour so that's not really an achievement.
Here since '06, on and off. Smartphones made it easier, not gonna lie.
>No strawpoll
OP confirmed gay
25, soon 26
Feels bad, I wish I was 21 again or 23 forever.
They're going to ban you even if you're joking enjoy proving your age to mods
How is that possible when women have never been more whorish