>Missoula leading the charge to accept more refugees
>Demonstrators took to the streets: "No Jobs, No Housing, No Free Anything,"
>The refugees' supporters did not back off. "Rise Above Fear, Refugees Welcome" they declared.
>Refugees in Montana making bullshit excuses that they're afraid and look behind their backs
>UM and religious leaders gather to celebrate Islam week
>Montana isn't diverse enough
>Those most likely to be relocated include Congolese, Afghans and Syrians who will have no family ties
Just fuck my shit up, any other Montana fags here? The Midwest is about to get Hundreds of refugees soon. Last time a liberal from California in Helena tried to petition to get a refugee center going. She was stopped but she's still trying and now we got Liberals from Colorado and California in Missoula trying the same shit. This is a fight lads, and we will lose. Missoula is already opening a Refugee resettlement program. BUILD WALL AROUND CALIFORNIA AND COLORADO. Fuck there is no more places to run to.
Montana Accepting More Refugees!! REEEEE
Shameful bump.
No one cares about the last white paradise?
>now we got Liberals from Colorado and California in Missoula trying the same shit
The liberals from Colorado are Californian invaders as well.
Boulder was always a liberal shithole because of college kids, but they came from everywhere.
We had a mass invasion of Califags from the mid 80s to the mid 90s that spread from Boulder to Denver and the ski towns, and started turning that part of the state into the same steaming pile of shit they'd ran away from.
Now since weed was legalized, we have a second major invasion happening.
Those fucks are cancerous. Do whatever you have to to get rid of them now, before they become entrenched and spread.
hey, can i come too? im white and awesome.
>irrelevant shithole
Nobody wants to live there.
It's fucking ridiculous, I thought Bozeman was bad. Missoula is going fullblown progressive. I went to a private college a couple years ago and most students were from California, Washington State, and Colorado. Montana is being invaded. Only thing stopping them from spreading their shit is the fact most people are still either moderates and Republican, but it's changing fast. We get more Californians every year. Montana is about to be lost in a decade or so.
Dude, a multicultural America is inevitable. Just accept it. White people are having so few kids and most don't even care about becoming a minority.
If whites 50 years ago couldn't keep the niggers at bay, the cucked whites of today don't stand a chance against diversity.
We just have to group together and promote each other as the left attempts to destroy us with affirmative action.
what the fug
i wanted to leave minnesota to escape the cuckening but theyre hitting montana too thats fugging horseshit mang
There is a town called Belgrade in Montana so I like it by default, must be some Serbs there.
Remember Ameribros:
Once you let them in, they won't leave
My friends live there, they've been trying to get me to move there. Glad i didn't after reading this.
With enough bullets all things leave this plane of existence.
I live in Washington and keep your dirty fingers on the other side of Idaho, rapefugees.
There are some serbs, but Belgrade has a lot of Slavs (Ukrainians and Belorussians).
This isnt Europe, white Americans are at replacement level. The demographic change is pure immigration. We cant keep up with 1.5 million new people a year.
Montana is a great place, it's Missoula and Bozeman have turned into California and shit. California needs to be walled.
ooh. more targets, wonderfull
>implying they won't be frozen solid by January because they were out fucking goats in -20 degree weather.
Those spring thaw neighborhood cleanups will ba a bitch though,but FEMA will send all the body bags for free.
I have lived in Montana my whole life and I have seen this place crumble in the past 6 years
diversity is a codeword for White GeNOcide
anti-racist means anti-White
Not really
There's a company here in Montana I believe it was indeed actually Swedish, and instead of using the Montana natives, they imported workers and now they're here to stay. Gotta find the article again.
>Montana's biggest immigrant group is Canadians.
That explains a lot, including the fact that they're the only state in the union with hate speech laws
>Washington State
Another place that has been infested with Califags. They run from their progressive shithole, yet immediately try to make their new home as miserable as the last.
California needs a wall, and every ex-Califorian should be returned there with a trebuchet.
Sorry to hear that, OP. I can't imagine the frustration of having a handful of assholes determined to turn your home into a rape infested shithole.
I've only lived here for 8 years. Escaped the shitshow that was Virginia, and now Montana is starting to become a shitshow. At this point might as well move to another country.
I know. I stopped caring though. Artificial intelligence will enslave us all in 50 years.
What the fuck I live in MT missoula is like an hour away. We are the whitest state and living in the whitest county in that state we have almost no crime please fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off
You bastards don't deserve to live in such a beautiful place
If you don't kill your demoshit politicians during the Habbening™ we will put every person in Montana to the rope
>I live in Washington and keep your dirty fingers on the other side of Idaho, rapefugees.
We are getting our own here in WA, thanks to the communist Jay Innscuck
>California needs to be walled.
No shit. I had to leave north Idaho because Californians took over and fucked everything up.
I've stopped in Butte a couple of times on cross country drives, and kind of liked it there. Is it going this way as well, or do the copper mines scare them away?
>tfw Californian
>was going to move to a white conservative state because I'm sick of this shithole
It would seem that there really won't be anywhere to run. Maybe we should just kill democrats.
Yeah it sucks, like 700-800 signed the volunteer thing and then all of the sudden it's enough people to open refugee resettlement programs while ignoring the rest of the 69,000 people. I literally don't know why liberals are so fucking obsessed with refugees. It's like they've never studied history before.
Liberals shit there joint up and move to greener pastures and then try to tell us how to do business.
Where the fuck am I supposed to move now? I just want to live in a place where they arent pushing to import fucking terrorists
Well they voted in a democrat governor, so they brought this on themselves
post more sad joost
Butte isn't terrible. Well I don't think it is, my dad is a Montana native and nicknames it Butt of Montana. A friend of mine moved in, said it's better than what it used to be. Only foreigners I see are a few blacks, chinese, but quite a few spics. Think we get so many spics is because of Idaho and Washington State.
Because they've been taught that if we keep trying i'll be different this time.
>it'll work this time, I promise!
>they just didn't know how to do it all those times before!
>we are more able to help them now than back then!
Be ready, brother. These shit have ruin empires before with this shit and they're about to do it again.
I've been planning an escape to Montana for 3 years now.
Do slavs integrate in montana? I am a slav
you stopped caring about genocide?
why do you hate Whites?
Aye, spics come for work it'd guess.
I love the relief of the town, huddled below the divide, the times I've been have been nice, but always during the winter.
time to change dream home to north dakota
No where is safe now, maybe Utah and Wyoming, but they won't last long either. Central America is getting buttfucked by the coasties.
North dakota will be worse.. when I loved there they had a huge sudan program going where they brought them here and everyone hated them
Yeah they do. A few of them will try to point out they're Slav though which is topkek
Swedes aren't welcome.
Minnesota has a large population of Swedes and those fucks have been importing Somalis by the thousands for decades now.
Sweden is the California of Europe.
Agreed. Visited Glacier National park for a few weeks last year and loved it. Montana is awesome and it makes me sick to think of the degenerate refugees tainting the beauty of a great state.
Hows Alaska?
I don't mind turning into a secreted serial killer, as long as the natives are not niggers.
This. Sudanese fucks are the worst, and North Dakota was fucking dumb enough to accept them
Natives are niggers, but there is plenty of land to get away from their drunk asses
My based state of North Carolina has banned refugee resettlement haha
God bless governor Pat McCrory
Same here. I hate all the liberal bullshit here and want to leave. Now it looks like every place is fucked. I don't want to see my country become like Europe or Canada.
>fucktard summerfag. go read a history book.
Why do you people vote for Lambright?
Agreed. Minnesota (twin cities) here is a progressive hell hole. Sanity is evident once you drive about two hours out though.
Minnesota has so many fucking Somalis I can't even mang...Minneapolis has so fucking many I thought I was in Somalia.
Why is the Swede so eternally cucked no matter where they go to?
At this point, even the Japanese give more of a damn about old Swedish culture than the current Swedes themselves do
>there is no more places to run to.
The Gunshine State has you senpai if you want it
We accept any and all gunslingers regardless of state origin
It's not just the swedes man, the germanics here are cucking themselves too.
Shit, really? How the hell can they manage in America? I suppose you do not have gibsmedats?
What? Are Natives in Alaska somehow different from the ones in Washington?
Mostly they just sit around drinking and generally being poor, reservations have high crime rates, high levels of drug use. Areas next to reservations are rundown, and suffer the same effects as being near poor black neighborhoods.
Generally, they act like nigs.
I thought Dearborn, MI was Sharia Central?
Why is Montana trying to take our Muslims?
Just pretend to be brown and you'll have a 1-way ticket.
> Refugees being imported into the state I love and plan to move to
You have to understand people, they will never, ever leave us alone. They will never stop. They will never stop.
>more forced rapist immigration
Stop calling them "refugees"
Any chance of claiming asylum myself? I fucking love it in MT
Gee, I wonder why this state that is 98% white is getting more niggers?
Who could be behind this I wonder?
Why couldn't the warlords do their jobs and exterminate all that human scum to save the world from refugees?
It hurt to watch what has happened to Bozeman. College towns are always more liberal, but it's just fucking absurd. Entitled snobs acting like Bozeman's the one bastion of civilization in the state because they walked down fucking main street and got some overpriced sushi, and got a Pita Pocket at 2 am.
... I do miss Movie Dungeon though, the guy who ran it was based as fuck when it came to old games. Spent like an hour talking about Saturns one time.
I really wonder why everyone around us decided to go full cuck all of a sudden. Except Denmark and Norway, that is.
Well you can't have enough refugees. Most of them are pretty decent folks, really!
Why do liberals want to import rape migrants
Do they hate America and Americans that much?
Not until everything white is put down and a minority in everything.
this, no need to worry. Zyklon Ben will not relinquish his home to these invaders
>white people enjoying cool weather and beautiful landscape as far as the eye can see? Can't have that!
Spoken like a true yankeecuck
If you stayed here you would like it just like all your geriatric grandparents and anyone with money does
at least america takes in the smart civilized productive muslims
europe takes the trash
>Rise above fear
What the fuck does it have to do with fear? shouldn't it be rise above facts? the fact that working people are sick of being taxed to death to shower immigrants with free shit
I was actually surprised that it was Missoula leading the charge for more refugees and not Bozeman. But it doesn't matter Montana is about to be cucked. You see what the Montana Supreme court ruled like a month ago?
Take in Syrian christians/yazidis
Refuse Afghans (100% Muslim)
Refuge the Congolese (Rapists)
>not wanting to accept people in need
not a very christian thing to do.
Florida is shit.
Oh you!
> at least america takes in the smart civilized productive muslims
I live in bozeman you guys cut it out. I still only have aeen maybe like 15 different black people total..
>white Americans are at replacement level
no they're not
in fact there isn't a single white country at a replacement level
even iceland which is a huge country with only 300k people, is still dying
This guy gets it.
War is the answer.
Yes they do
Holy shit theyre fucked. I spent 2 years in montana. At least 18 of those months were below 0
Not saying that Bozeman is bad in terms of minorities, but in their politics and how Californians have taken over. Last time I went to Bozeman all housing is like upscaled housing and even the style of the housing looks Californian.
>this shit is happening in my based state
WHAT THE FUCK? Why is this the first I'm hearing of it? Keep mudslime scum out. Fuck you
Thats why we are ranked in top 5 on almost everything right?
Our state blows yours to shit, and unlike you cucks we actually fight the liberals here and do a damn good job of it while you guys are getting fucked up the ass and doing nothing about it
yeah actually i rethought and they had that terrorist attack a while back