small dick /cum/posters edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Denmark is a proxy
Denmark is a non country, we are swedes and germans
First for Asians have the biggest cocks
>Niggers have big dicks meme
Trust me bud I've seen nigger dicks, it's just a meme. Now Asians truly have large cocks
wanna beat up that akarin
God. unironically sluts
Go away proxynigger
need a female companion
What do you mean?
good pic good post
Ignore this autistic Dane's shitty early thread, real thread here
In 42 days I will starting a whole new chapter of my life in Columbus.
Wish me luck, /cum/!
Wow, no need to be racist mr. jealous pants
I've never seen a cock before, but I know that bigger isn't better. A flower might be small but it could be toxic.
>making another thread
yeah? fucc u
It's not racist to say to the n word! I'm not white btw
good luck, Ohio's pretty boring
it's not about the size! it's how you use it!!
ur racist, i dont care what color u r it doesnt matter.
I've head they have a decent zoo.
I love zoos. Hopefully I can watch some aye-ayes while super high.
nothing wrong with being racist
wow... suddenly dead, haha
Y-you're wrong I am not a racist!!!
Germany blitzkrieging mexico ATM
>the US has so little history it wants gay faggots prancing in the streets to become part of their curriculum
Holy shit. What a fucking même country.
why is France being so mean lately
Must've been the others. I genuinely haven't strayed into one of our generals since a month or so...
Anyways Trump is attending Fête de la fédération day military parade! Yay!
i miss the days of 2003 blizzard writing
I dont know french holidays that well
google says its the first celebration of bastille day?
How do I speak Canadian?
>In the new jumangi movie the game is a videogame
driving through the great state of iowa atm buds
down 3 gallons of maple syrup and speak in mandarin chinese
What Americans know as "Bastille day" is our celebration for the Fête de la fédération really. That's what the 14th of July is meant to encompass: not some shitty revolt about Parisians storming the Bastilles in 1789, but the union between the leaders and the people forged in 1790 in remembrance of the Bastille.
So Fête de la fédération celebrates the Bastille storming, but the French national holiday celebrates Fête de la fédération tada.
But in essence, to Americans, Trump is journeying to France for """"""""""""""Bastille day""""""""""""" since that's what it is in your vernacular.
Watch and learn kid.
add a u to every o
really not a fan of Cicadas
so Ive seen french anons criticize the revolution
Do most french resent the french revolution for what it did to the country, or do they still like it for the unity of the common class against the elites?
Fuck ouff
owait this came out more british
FANTASTIC POST, you're a credit to your flag son
slut posters and fag posters need to stop being like that
everything important that happened in the last 60 years is classified and we can't learn about it in books
save of course for civil rights, which was just a mistake
Humble brag coming through (really I shouldn't derive any pride from it since I write like an awful spastic) but this is something I sketched up on /his/ about it.
I would say my main view is that I'm neutral, or at least don't choose to judge an event I believe was inevitable by almost all means. Also, the French revolution did bequeath equal rights for all, a fairer and more streamlined business system (corporations ended, bourgeois classes had more ample control, unlike like all those socialists that try to lie that the Revolution was a precusor to them), and it did state the principles for the "nation state".
Should we have executed the king or not? It has so little weight on the situation that I don't think anyone should obsess over that ambiguity, and regardless, the king did force the hand of others by betraying France to some extent.
All in all, the massacres dating from it have stained its name, but it wasn't as bad as people would want us to believe. And the modern-day President of France has monarchic-like sovereinty anyways, so I don't know why we pretend we even ended the monarchy. Still almost strong as ever baby.
What are we doing for Canada day bros? Should we do some drunkin vidya together?
I thought the bourgeoisie were also victims of the peasant uprising of the French revolution
or did you mean proletariat
I'm gonna watch fireworks at the lake by myself like a loser. I don't think I'll be able to take the bullying on here on Canada day
/cum/ doesnt do many co-op games
I played tabletop sim with one of the alabama guys
I'll probably see the fireworks from my apartment balcony. I'm also going to cook some shitty hotdogs on my camping bbq
how long does it take you pals for your money to deposit into your paypal? Been waiting since friday
glad i quit playing melee.
it was hard to quit. but it really was sucking time away from the other things in my life.
I have tabletop sim, but to be honest I don't really get the mechanics and I'm usually too drunk to do well. I'm usually pretty good at other games though. Mostly Squad, but I have a bunch of coop games and shit
its just playing card/board games like hold em or Life
>I thought the bourgeoisie were also victims of the peasant uprising of the French revolution
You what? There almost weren't any peasants to be found in or around Paris from that era. Everyone living in Paris would've been decently "rich" when you'd set their wages against what the average man earned in median.
Nah, it was actuallt the bourgeoisie that was spearing the French revolution (aside from small tid-bits like the 'Great fear' in the country-side where peasants ransacked castles). Hence me saying that believing the French revolution was a precursor to socialism is silly since it was the rich fighting the rich.
>one of the alabama guys
did one show up while i've been on vacation?
not a big fan 2bh. i like some of the sounds, but not all of them and not all together.
thanks for sharing anyways
my excuse for not getting into it. i don't feel like i'd like to put in the necessary amount of time required to get to the level i'd want to be
i'd play RoR, but the latest update of windows broke it for me a while ago, and i can't be arsed to fix it on linux
it was a while ago. It was the other alabama guy you argued with
huh, guess i'm just woefully uninformed
huh, don't remember that
I will buy this house one of these days
that looks really nice. i believe in you
I blame us for ranting about how "la révolution was the stepping stone into progressism heheh" and everyone from everywhere tries to latch their retarded movements to it (feminism, (though the Revolution did grant them the right to divorce), gays, socialism, etc...).
So what do you think of the Revolution now that you know?
Also why did you betray us?
the future /cum/ mansion
what's concidered small?(answer in metric pls)
Get out
pls respond
[zes inchjes in metric]
7,1 billion people use metric fuck off
and like half of those are poo in loos and chinks
I dont' think i'm informed enough to have an opinion on it anymore. i'd need to spend a lot more time reeducating myself.
We were probably butthurt with the XYZ Affair in the very late 18th century
i'm scared
>2,6 billion is the half of 7,1
this is why Americans are retarded
you come to /cum/ you use our measurements
Get out yuro cuck
3.7 billion """people""" live in china africa and india combined
In /cum/ we use metric. Using , instead of . is fucking stupid though
>We were probably butthurt with the XYZ Affair in the very late 18th century
Hmm, don't pull that shit again then.
>i'd need to spend a lot more time reeducating myself.
Don't worry, you're good. I've been binging a lot of books on this recently so that's why I'm "in the know"
units of measurement are arbitrary and unscientific. who fucking cares what people measure things with? we all have computers here, we can all do the conversions with minimal effort
*doesn't respond*
>implying that Africans go to school
>implying that the life of Africans are worth anything
>geimplying that was what i was implying
No more than 48 hrs
Birthday gift from user to user :3
so can i not buy 40 oz beers in canada?
i haven't looked at the beer store, they don't have em at the LCBO.
thanks. think its taking longer since i dont really use paypal
try the beer store. too bad everything is like double price compared to usa. on a somewhat related note, what do you boys think of henny black/vsop?
You want to take this outside?
>american bars
You can normalize
Don't it make you feel alive?
you're so cute denmark-sama :3 you are my favorite north american
>your package is out for delivery