Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

Why would you write that on a physical check instead of having the money wired electronically?

You can't whore on social media with electronic transfers.

already backpedaling

>s-s-sure i lost, but i am still rich!

you're still a faggot, floyd

He wants to show off his ability to write.

it's from 2016 retard


>losing against an mma monkey

>all the money in the world
>still being nigger

>but still picking fights for money
Who's gonna be the broke nigga at 50?

>Who's gonna be the broke nigga at 50?

loved those posts where salty anons claimed he'll go bankrupt because he bought some pricey car or w/e

never underestimate neet people

I'm pretty sure that he didn't write that check.

It looks like some young girls handwriting

c-can i have some?

Why would he write himself a check?

>American nigger culture

Oh wait, I thought he was writing a check to someone for 100 million and he was bragging he still had money to spare.

>city of my reading ability

>having hundreds of millions in the bank and still being so insecure as to defend yourself against 13 year old trolls on social media

It's happened to a lot of rich celebrities, and considering Floyd's penchant for the finer things in life it was not an unreasonable assumption. Either he's not as dumb as he appears, or he is dumb but has some really smart money managers that he actually listens to.

such an insecure manlet. could heem him with one punch

or maybe throwing 200k on some overpriced fire hazard isn't as damaging to his millions as people desperately hope it is

You could not blow $100,000,000 living like Floyd does; the people who lose that kind of money do so by investing in seemingly-sensible but ultimately flawed business opportunities, like the current heir to the Rothschild fortune

"Heh you think you're rich you nigger?"

>implying Floyd is buying a single car worth only 200k

He will be set for life, but don't be dumb

he finally hired someone to write posts on social media for him?

so you buy 50 supercars each worth on average 500k, that's still only 25 million dollars

Floyd is based

Or buying one of those super luxury yachts.

This confuses the Sup Forumstard.

>ducking GGG
enjoy your 50*-0

Mayweather has always been based

Surprised the nignog and his crew of Yes men were smart enough to hide the account and routing number desu