How can you say black girls are ugly?
How can you say black girls are ugly?
Thats not a black girl. One of her slave ancestors was fucked by a white man.
Go spurz go
Like this:
Sheboons are ugly.
I'm just not down with the brown. Faggot.
most of them are.
why bleach your anus?
>ignoring the goddess in the OP
Most girls are ugly regardless of their skin tone.
This is the worst kind of white supremacy, literally the same kind of WE WUZ that black people perpetrate. No, not everything that is "good-looking" has the influence of white people. It's just fucking retarded logic, it's like when niggers look at statues of a guy with fat lips and are like "HOLY SHIT WE WUZ THESE PEOPLE N SHIET NIGGA DAYM"
Muhammad please, darkies are gross.
I'm Scottish and very very pale. Even white people discriminate against me. Honestly if I bred with a brown Nubian goddess my children would probably look more white.
This, she's a quadroon
All nigresses are butt ugly. They only become fuckable when a sizable portion of their DNA is European. Any "hot" black girls you see have at least 50℅ non-groid DNA.
Her face looks like shit (and I don´t mean the color).
Whatever do you mean?
a lot more than that, or her half-breed ancestors had kids with other half-breeds.
black women can be hot as fuck under the right conditions
i'd never marry one though
Fuck you talking about, that face is qt
The same way that white women know black men aren't sexually attractive to them. It's just the natural way of things.
The face in OP´s pic? That´s fucking disgusting.
Fuck off with your self hatred. There's literally nothing wrong with being white as snow. It just shows your genetic purity
literally every light skinned black person has "white" genetics
Some of us like black girls. Most of us have no strong racial opinions. Only communist agitators constantly shit-post trying to cause racial disharmony and destroy this board they way they destroy society.
You calling THIS face disgusting?
OP, there are good looking women in every race and in every colour. There are also some really fucking ugly women too, in all colours.
Well, I have not seen a picture of a hot abo woman though.
Yes, she isn´t attractive. Would give her a 4/10. Too much negroid features, especially that nose. Only good thing are the eyes, but brown eye color is boring mostly.
She's pretty good at that, eh-heh
You tards can't handle that women of colour are the sexiest. This is literally the hottest face I've seen
Would bang
Meh, I hate "of color", it's a PC term.
I'm darker than her and I give her 5/10 tops.
Listen, sorry you're mad that white ppl don't find black ppl attractive. What's the problem? Don't you have any pride? Fuck your own ppl and quit bitching about other races, unless you think black ppl are too ugly to fuck also
shes half black
No, it isn't disgusting. Just unappealing to a lot of white ppl, sexually, I mean
Even when I was young I found older women more attractive than young girls like this who still have baby fat.
>dear diary
what's tje condition? lights off and mouth shut?
Disgusting, you could have at least tried to find a niggress who's not this ugly and who deosn't look like a kike.
Im more of a features guy, i can tolerate dark skin, all she needs to have is caucasion like facial features. Those goriilla nostrels are never attractive on anyone, let alone a woman.
After you finally get laid you'll be surprised where your dick leads you.
>How can you say black girls are ugly?
1. Beauty is subjective
2. That nigress is an ugly animal.
Ugly animal
Ugly animal.
And you're a race traitor.
I'm calling that animal like face disgusting.
That's not really black. Go get a real one from Africa, not some caramel coloured one with normal hair.
bitch looks like she about to morph into a duck
Fucking eww
She's just not that attractive
Idk, negresses should be more authentically nigger rather than trying to be a 3rd rate copy of a white girl. At least it gives them the "exotic" factor
Two of those women (left - middle row, left - last row) are cute. Almost all of the white "men" are faggots, which makes you wonder.
The only man (right - top row) is with the only full-blooded jigaboo in that series of pictures.
>It's a beastiality thread
The only attractive part of her comes from white DNA.
>watching African Sky Hockey
Concussion Collide is literally the best sport.
whole lot of makeup, faked-out eyebrows, faked-out straightened hair
There are hot black chicks but this isn't one of them
bottom left. Rest looks like shit.
OM-HARE-HARE/10 better than every girl in this thread
Nostrils, yeah. I find Filipinos offputting.
This type is better.
It's a well-established fact that the vast majority of African Americans have at least 25% European admixture. The best-looking blacks have more than that.
She, like every other black girl you find 'attractive', only looks that way because she
s using makeup to appear more white. Lighter skin, european cheekbones, rounded eyes, trying to make her huge ape nose look smaller. She's emulating what a white girl looks like, poorly. Without that, she'd be disgusting.
Haha symmetry, but where's her chin?
asian girls > white girls
I'm not into scat.
How can you say my shirt is dirty? Most of it is clean.
Her ancestors were most likely BLEACHED by the imperialist cocks of American GI's.
>Sup Forums unironically don't want to bleach all hot dark skinned girls with their Caucasian Conqueror Cock
This board is full of fucking closet-fags, I swear
notice how most black women bleach their skin and wear weaves because they are ashamed of their natural hair and want to look white
also their their lips and skull shape. It just throws me off.
Not even begin to mention their attitude and mentalities.
how's paradise?
that aint asian shes mostly spanish/hispnic
That girl is still ugly.
Filipino(and other SEAsian) halfies are fucking God-tier women
Because she is so fucking ugly.
When factoring in personality, probably so.
Lots of women look fine until they open their mouth. Western women were ruined by feminism.
Face it, natural pure black women look like shit
Race-traitor spotted.
>And you're a race traitor.
I don't think he cares, dipshit.
Only black girls with white features (white ancestry) are attractive. Broad flat noses, protruding brows and jaws are absolutely disgusting. Also, their hair is unattractive. Why do you think so many black girls straighten their hair or wear wigs?
Because some people have preferences towards certain races, just like some people have preferences towards certain sexes, age groups, etc., though these tastes can evolve and change as you live your life.
It's pretty simple...
She looks more Dominican tbqh senpai.
It has nothing to do with them being ugly. Personally, I find many black women to be quite attractive. Its about honoring your ancestors and continuing your genetic line. The way whites breed if everybody mixed with blacks we would have no white culture which means no white civilization.
>20 years old
>1lb of hair product + face paint every day
>$1000 dollars in, "beauty" supplies per month
>$300 haircut at least once a month
>no amount of this will hide how hideous this woman will be by age 35
Have fun with that.
She wouldn't be that ugly if she would have proper hair.
Lets be honest cumskin.
I want you to stop calling me. I am NOT being sued by IRS. Just stop, Poo In Loo