Sup Forums completely, irreversibly BTFO by wise mexican women

>migrnts didn't cross the border
>the border crossed THEM
feel that burn, conservashits?

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Won it all in war.

The border still crossed them up or down. Amerishits btfo

That's it, I'm a #cruzmissile now

You're right, we should've kicked them all out when we had the chance.

Why would any mexican, legal or illegal, want the southwest to be part of Mexico again?

people arent this retarded are they?
to the victor goes the splendor.
this is why women shouldn't hold office.

In that case, after we give it to Mexico, shouldn't they give it the the Indians?

Should've, would've, could've.

>Liberals have never opened a history book
>Think the borders of others nations have never changed throughout all of history

Come and take it.

Then they became the US citizens

It's never too late :^)

B-but we bought that fair and square in a deal that has no paperwork or credibility!

>potato nigger mad because catholics got wrecked and stranded fellow potato niggers in Mexico

But that's wrong, mexipoors are crossing the modern borders

Call us when you're relevant, Italy.

>mexican """intellectuals"""

This argument is monumentally retarded, by that idea of "the old days were better" Mexico should be 5 Countries because several states declared independence, like the Yucatan Peninsula.

If you go further back, to the indians, Mexico would be like 8 because each native civilizacion had it's own border.

Borders change, but they exist for a reason, you can't just go back in time and say "I like it better this way".

>my intellectuals

Any Mexican who can trace their heritage in what is now the United States to pre-1850 is more than justified. Anyone else can fuck off.

You still have a chance.

No. The only reason the yanks won is because they had us, the fighting Irish.

>Ireland winning fights that don't involve a busted pint glass

>Liberal white cuckolds are active advocating for this country to give up our rightful land.

Should've taken the whole miserable country

You're trying anything to feel relevant, aren't you?

You have to go back

I don't think you'd want the people.

Be glad we didn't decide to take the whole fucking place and contain you in "reservations" like we did to the other folk that lived here.

Actually, Mexicans, we kicked your ass and you're still crying about it.

But imagine if all of that land still belonged to Mexico. Instead of the glorious west coast of the US, we'd have another thousand miles of sprawling, undeveloped, third-world shithole desert run by criminal cartels, psychotic thugs, human traffickers, and corrupt politicians.

Fucking beaners would still be climbing the border fences into Colorado by the thousands to take jobs, lower wages, send money back to Mexico, and wave Mexican flags because their country is so great they had to leave it just to survive.

I want you

No, its the truth. When the Irish landed the yanks put them straight into the army. That's the only reason they won.

Ok, let them take it. They'll just turn it into a low IQ third world country rife with poverty, rape, and dysfunction. Then they'll illegally come across the border into Washington or Oregon or Colorado to clean people's yards or pools, and we'll start the whole process again.

>2nd Mexican-American War when?

How many Mexicans (mestizos, not Pueblos) actually lived north of the Rio Grande before the war? Mexico only wanted those territories because so they could keep expanding northward into the Dakotas and Montana. Mexico sucked at building an empire in the 19th century and now they just suck at everything and anything.

These beaners are lucky we don't airdrop them into the gulf and take the Yucatan for ourselves.


So based on this point, 50% of the USA come back to France because it's the case before Napoleon ?

>Irish in the Mexican American War

Didn't hundreds of micks defect into the Mexican army so they could fight alongside fellow catholics?

We shouldn't have stopped after one war. We should have annexed all of mexico and kicked out all the shitskins.

Also Mexico goes back to Spain.

Why are you of all people acting smug about someone reclaiming clay?


Yes, St. Patrick's Battalion, thirty were hanged the moment the Marines raised the flag over Chapultepec.

Not as many as you'd think, before the war those places were extremely desertic for the mexicans, who didn't want to build any infrastructure to get water, it was mostly empty but Santa Anna wanted them because he just wanted terrain.


Hey wey, dale grasias a dios que no te samparon toda la pata en el culo y no te reconquistaron.

doesn't seem strategical to control that large of a territory without infrastructure

>Borders change, but they exist for a reason, you can't just go back in time and say "I like it better this way".

not many. most were in northern new mexico and southern california. 90% took american citizenship, renounced mexico and have been living there every since. i grew up in albuquerque with lots of their descendants and they view themselves differently than the more recent mexicans who have come to the US. most identify as generic "hispanic" or "spanish" and dont like being lumped in as "mexicans"

The Irish put their time into this country

Based Mex bro

It's not strategical at all, Santa Anna was beyond retarded and had no fucking clue how to make war or run a state, he was a tremendous failure as both a military and political leader.

How come he seems so idolized? Or is that just a misconception?

Exactly. If America didn't take over, someone else would have. Probably Japan or China. And those fucks were brutal back in those days.


Honest to fucking God, most Americans are Irish so lo and fucking behold lots of Irish (meaning Americans) fought in lots of wars. Everyone here knows that.

new mexico was connected to mexico by a pretty long and rugged wagon trail but otherwise evolved as a seperate part of the spanish empire. the local settlers were pretty independent by 1848 and the wealthy families were sending their sons to college in St. Louis instead of Mexico City by that point.

Because these fucking people are passionately paternalist to the point of fanatism and are expansionist to the point of wannabe conquerors, the mexican people just want more land to brag about even if it's empty so any military leader, however much of a failure he's been, is regarded as a hero because he wanted to expand.

Santa Anna was a complete failure to the point that he was exiled TWICE of his own country for causing draughts, poor improvement and abuse of power in the states he looked over.

>Still buttmad at America for winning a war 100 years ago

>Still wants to immigrate to America

The Mexican Cession gave the United States that land. We won fair and square.

Agree. When it takes a thousand troops to kill Davey Crockett, you're doing something wrong.

But, this is the story of Mexico in a nutshell. The entire country is one giant fuck up machine, leeching off it's northern neighbor like that fucking asshole who you allow to stay at your apt for a few days, then won't get a job and leave.



It's simple.

Wherever white people are, it's nice. Wherever East Asians are, it's nice. Wherever black people are, it's terrible. Hispanics aren't really race so that's a more difficult question.

No it didn't. Mexican people had the of going to Mexico or getting American citizenship. 90% took citizenship. So if you crossed the border, you were either never north of it, or you chose to go back.

Now fuck off.

The tyrannical Mexican government got its ass kicked by brave Texan patriots, deal with it. Mexico should give it back to the Spanish by this logic. Then Spain should give it back to France. Then France should give it back to Spain. Then Spain should it give it back to the tribes. This line of logic is retarded, as you can see.

>be Sam Houston
>work your ass off to get Texas recognized as a nation
>jew the US to enter the Union on more favorable terms
>oppose secession in 1860 and get removed from office
>die angry
Poor Sam

Well I think that t he problem is that the people rely on someone else, always, if you look at the mexican history it always happens that the people support someone other than the current government, because they are promised things for themselves.

Like Cortez when the conquest happened, people rallied behind him and turned on Moctezuma, besides Moctezuma was a fucking idiot too.
Like the creoles, the people rallied behind them because thei promised, creoles and natives, more freedom; and it never happened.
Like people rallying behind Santa Anna because all he promised was more land, he wanted to conquer ALL of the united states and failed miserably and spectacularly.
Like the revolutionaries who promised people control of their own land and took down Mexico's best president DON Porfirio Diaz, a president so good that he even named himself emperor.

Mexicans are always looking for convenience, but coming from someone else.

>East Asia


This is a map of progressive battles between the US and Mexico, as you can see you got your ass's conquered. Get over it pussy

>no paperwork or credibility
Public school has failed you massively. Sad!

Where is your seal, Pablo? Did you sell it to pay for the wall?

First post left out pic related....

>white people
>automatically nice

Not many, and funnily enough, all the Mexicans living in the newly American territories were offered citizenship or deportation. ALL of them took citizenship.

Also Texas decided by itself to leave Mexico. Fuck Mexico.


Dude, fuck Mexico and fuck Mexicans even more so. All they do is leech. They take jobs from us, send all the money back to Mexico and they're still fucking dirt poor.

And before you cry racism, it has nothing to do with it, no matter how much they scream about it. Mexico is the worst possible neighbor a decent country could have, other than maybe Syria. And notice how all the dumbass Syrians run to europe, looking for a free lunch.

Fix your own fucking country instead of begging for handouts from successful ones. Have some fucking pride.

>that feel when I'll never be a Texan by birth

>Paddy runs away from Ireland so the Britbongs don't draft him into some war they don't care about
>get to America
>get drafted to go fight to free the slaves
>get drafted to go kill mexicans on the literal other side of the world

Mexico literally had that land for less than 30 years between Spain and the US having it. They have no claims to it.

kek, would have been great craic.

>land cannot be sold or traded

yeah ok bud

I AM a Texan by birth and it feels fucking fantastic.

Even Whites do poorly under Communism, too. I'm sure 70 years of Communism had a negative effect on the overall IQ of the population, too. Dissenters who were executed tended to be the smarter people.

They're Bringing drugs.

Sup Forums is never btfo

>over a hundred years later and they're still mad at how badly they got BTFO

Our ancestors took this land. They sailed across the sea and they took it, and made it, and held it. They fought and died here, and they're buried here. Their blood is in the soil. We do not give up what our ancestors have given to us. This is our land, strengthened with or bones. Ours.

You can come to America and live in Texas after Trump is elected. Once you swear the oath and denounce your former nationality you are as American as anyone else.

I'm not even from Texas and the replacement of Texans with spics makes me sadder than the complete depopulation of whites in my own state.


At that time, there was little to no one living in the vast majority of that land. There were some indigenous peoples obviously, but they wouldn't have considered themselves "Mexicans."

The Mestizo spanish-Mexicans that were living in the territories now part of the US were living in very small towns in remote and sparely populated regions. There wasn't any major cities, or anything of significant cultural value that was Mexican in these regions at the time.

Get the fuck over it Paco, it's our land now.

This argument is like the French complaining about the Louisiana Purchase. It's so fucking pathetic.


Just shows that they are history's most cowardly invaders. At least whites had the balls to say fuck off, this is our land now and kill anyone who resisted.

The Mexicans attacked us and so we fought back. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

We actually took a lot more, but we didn't annex everything.

>Mexicunts mad over territory that they literally held for less than 50 years before losing it in war.

Typical socialists desu.

Sigh.. all one has to do is look the demographic numbers of the years to know that is total bullshit.

A lot of mestizos (literal rape babies) try to claim the southwestern US as Mexico on behalf of the natives, as if the natives don't hate their diarrhea colored asses just as much.

that statement would only be true if the mexicans stayed and had been here the entire time but they didnt stay. they got defeated in a war and left because it wasnt there any more.

so they did cross the boarder. california isnt mexico no matter how many times you say it is pedro

>tfw just Tejas could btfo of Mexico in 36 hrs

get gud beaners

First of all....Slav.

Second of all, Marxism slays races and cultures and logic itself and enslaves a people in the name of "the state" which just means that smart people have to reduce the quality of their life In order to placate dumb people.

>wise mexican women