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this is probably the funniest american anime
10/10 kid kino
It used to be available on YouTube but they jewed out and now you have to pay to watch.
>tfw you find out the series is based on an actual Jackie Chan film
>tfw you find out the film wasn't a comedy
>tfw the film is rated 18
>tfw you'll never be 11 and come home from school and watch this again
damn you young son of a bitch
I think I know who's responsible for my tomboy fetish
>this is probably the funniest american anime
>implying they didnt butcher the final season of boondocks
I didn't say they did, but first 2 seasons are peak American Anime. Plus you said "funniest"
Cableless kids know how important this shit was
KissCartoon lad
what film?
Did jackie chan do the voice acting for literally himself?
Anyone remember those Fox Kids ad bumpers that were like a little first person video game?
Anyone else have a thing for her as a kid?
Oh shit
I've just looked it up and can't find it
I feel like I've slipped into an alternate reality
It was like his most famous film of the 90s and not humourous at all, but apparently it doesn't exist...
No his engrish is really terrible, go find a interview of him. Not to mention at the end of each episode they do some sort of kid fan-mail with the real jackie chan in his training studio and it's definitely not the same voice.
No he doesn't voice any character, he just does a live action 20 second Q&A at the end of each episode.
Kids wb outlived all these though and it was the only one left
in the early/mid-00's when I grew up
it's all good man
looks like a fun game to be quite honest
Anyone remember that digimon game where you had to digivolve agumon?
This is a crazy amount of effort to go to for ad bumpers
I loved the beginning when Jackie was just fighting the bad guys and using shit like the child's playground to his advantage.
Once it got all those talismans and magic and dragons and shit I lost interest.
I enjoyed it when it was more down to earth.
>Once it got all those talismans and magic and dragons and shit I lost interest.
that happened like halfway through the first episode
And that's when I stopped watching.
That's great user.
I waited til her teens.
No. She was an annoying cunt
Is this kino?
Fuck you don't laugh.
Cringe. And nice channel, niggers. Seriously, pretty much everything apart from TMNT is gook shit.
I got a small metal talisman from a magazine when I was younger. I think it's still lying around somewhere. Think it was the snake.
You seem like an annoying person that no one likes.
You seem like an annoying country that the world doesn't like.
Choose one
bull, always
>That crude and simple, yet bright and vibrant CGI
Nostalgia trip
You just fired off neurons with this image OP that haven't been used in over a decade.
Fuck it, gimme the Sheep. Being a ghost would be pretty fun. Since I am going to sleep atleast 8 hours a night, I could just use the talisman and explore the world.
i should've kept the talismans and magazines
i still have some of the cards somewhere
>all these bedrooms to visit
Horse, of course. Basically immortality AND never aging.
I don't remember what they do.
Can ghosts fap?
From memory it's
Rooster: Flying
Bull: Super strength
Snake: No idea
Sheep: Astral projection
Rabbit: Super speed
Dragon: Fire powers
Rat: No idea
Horse: Healing factor
Monkey: No idea
Dog: Immortality
Pig: Laser eyes (???)
Tiger: Yin Yang split
>not choosing Monkey and turning into an immortal jellyfish every few years to make yourself young again
Turritopsis dohrnii, or Turritopsis nutricula, is a small (5 millimeters (0.20 in)) species of jellyfish that uses transdifferentiation to replenish cells after sexual reproduction. This cycle can repeat indefinitely, potentially rendering it biologically immortal
>Pig: Laser eyes (???)
I never did understand the correlation for that one
>tfw lived in the border where the mexican channel streamed CN cartoons in Spanish
>find you can change the language to English by changing the audio
mom never bothered getting cable until I was in highshcool
didnt even last since she saw some raunchy hbo show and cancelled it straight away
she rarely watches tv anyways and by that time I was already downloading and streaming the shows I wanted
Monkey brought inanimate objects to life.
Rat changed you into animals.
Snake was invisibility.
>rooster: Levitation (you and other shit I think)
>bull: strenght
>snake: invisibility
>sheep:astral projection
>bunny: speed
>dragon: dont 'member
>rat: animating lifeless objects (like waifus)
>horse: healing
>monkey: shapeshifting (dont'member if only yourself or other shit)
>dog: invulnerability
>pig: cyclops eyes
>tiger: don't 'member
Dragon lets you breathe fire and Tiger splits your yin and yang personalities.
>Monkey brought inanimate objects to life.
>Rat changed you into animals.
other way around
DIdn't this guy always scream "JACKIEEEEEEEE!"?
That's all I remember
>snake is invisibility
>not the cougar, the ultimate stealth cat
shit mythology senpai
I still do
Which was the best story arc?
Chinks are stupid, don't bother
I liked the one about catching demons into a box best
Talismans is good
Ninja masks arc was pretty gay desu
Yeah the Oni masks were pretty shitty.
>that episode where the mask splits, and the Shadowkhan appear split in two
The only awful one was the oni masks.
Talismans, the dragon siblings, dragon jr and the evil chi wizard guy were all top notch.
>never heard of a snake in the grass
pverall the masks were shitty, but i did like the different shadowkhans. they were kind of cool
I found out what rule 34 was when this show was airing.
I've seen Jade do some nasty things I'm not proud of
Pig and Dragon are close seconds though.
Everyone had a thing for her in that one episode where she was cursed and went evil
>Superior asian tomboy waifu
Yeah, that was a good part of the ark. Also guessing how the Shadowkhan would look for each mask was fun.
She is definitely a hooker now.
just one more thing
It was so fucking hot when they used the monkey talisman to turn Jackie into a female kangaroo
Damn, haha. Look at her jaw? It looks like someone slapped her right before stopping time? Haha.
Holy shit yes user