Bernie says he'll keep fighting on even after his meeting with Obama
Is his plan to give Bernouts so much false hope that they eventually turn on Shillary?
Bernie says he'll keep fighting on even after his meeting with Obama
Is his plan to give Bernouts so much false hope that they eventually turn on Shillary?
Yes he Will endorse her
it's pretty ironic that Bernie sanders will be the reason trump wins by splitting the democrats
He told Charlie Rose months ago that he would endorse her if she got the nom.
He should have conceded on Tuesday. He's really making himself look like a sore loser, especially after going on for weeks that he wants to let California vote. Couple that with how he rails on the "establishment" but wants them to bail him out by having the superdelegates switch and his insufferable supporters on top of that, he's just really making himself look bad at this point.
Very true.
Not gonna happen.
This old kike is gonna endorse Hillary. Whether or not Bernouts are "betrayed" or mindless zombies (as expected), they'll all just vote for Hillary because le evil meme racist man for sure can't be president.
His speech after his meeting with King Nig was basically him saying "WE CANNOT LET TRUMP WIN CUZ HE'S RAYCISSSS AND MUHSOGGYKNEES".
In the event that Bernouts do vote for Hillary, Trump really has no chance and the end of America is nigh.
I really, really hate this old fucking commie kike.
i volunteered for Bernie some. I run a solar canvas for my yob so it was easy to do a little more in my spare time for dude. this was at the beginning of the year.
i expected him to attack Hillary, because it would be easy. but he didn't. and when i went to bernie events, i got along with some people, usually other people working for environmental groups, but for the most part i was pretty disturbed by whatever passed for "consciousness" among Bernie supporters.
but he shat the bed with the light on, is what i'm getting at. and now he's just belligerent and confused. i think at best he may have affected the political climate in america positively, vis a vis getting more young people to run for future local elections, but he's just not as assertive as he made it seem he would be.
i'm voting for Jill Stein. Trump is cool but i can't vote for him in good conscience knowing he doesn't care about climate change. although i do understand his sentiment regarding the people working in dirty energy businesses being out of work. it's sensitive
Most of my Bernout friends including myself are siding with Trump because I'd rather have an unbuyable mad man than a fucking shill.
Might change your mind a bit. Wait for the debates between Hillary and Trump before making up your mind.
>getting more young people to run for future local elections
Despite the young people that endorsed Bernie being absolute fuck-ups, and the last people we want leading anything in this country?
Naw...he's out
They are making him bend the knee for Hillary.
Gotta get those final shekels from the bernouts.
>dems are as petty and scatter-brained as repubs
Nah. They'll rally around a fucking squirrel to keep trump out. Bernie supporters going to Trump is a simple-minded meme. Clinton is going to landslide this fool.
Do you think Bernies only purpose was to try and turn independents towards Hillary?
totally. there are mad young people getting involved on Trump's side too though, aren't there? I would just really like to see more people younger than 30 in politics. not that there aren't any now, but more voices is the idea right?
I'm just enjoying watching all the "h-h-hey guys, im totally a bernie alternative! im like bernie but not!" vultures come flooding out of the woodwork to scavenge any votes they can now that Bernouts are finally starting to realize they backed an unelectable candidate
>wants to fight the establishment
>talks to Obama
Bernie voters lol.
Hes spreading the message.
How is plebbit dealing with the fact that he lost?
Lange already turned the Sanders folks against Clinton.
Why do people go to a board about politics if they do not know anything about politics.
Let me explain things to you.
1) It is known by both the Republican party and the Democratic party that Trump does not stand a chance at the general election.
2) The Republican party is trying to figure out how to avoid a slaughter in the house and the senate.
3) Big Business Donors cannot afford to endorse Trump and be associated with his rhetoric.
4) These Big Business Donors are turning to Hilary Clinton instead, in the hopes that their contributions earn them political currency.
5) Hillary is under minimal pressure to uphold actual liberal positions. She is basically a moderate.
6) Bernie Sanders goal is to get her to commit to more liberal positions at the Democratic National Convention.
7) Thus, he is staying in the race.
His conversation with Obama was very likely about "what it would take for him to just endorse Hillary". Sanders probably asked for certain political promises to be made by Hillary. Obama likely said "Those are a bit out there, I will talk to Hillary and see what we can do." He then talked to Hillary and relayed Sanders requests.
Obama also likely probed Sanders to tell which issues were critical or what compromises he would accept.
Meanwhile, Clinton knows she will win. However, she also wants the Repub Senate/House to get ousted so that when she is in office, she can advance her agenda. To do that, she will need Bernie Sanders support.